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The thermal evolution is one of the most important parameters for source rock evaluation and hydrocarbon dynamic accumulation research in oil-gas-bearing basins.Using the Easy%Ro chemical kinetic model,we simulated the maturity evolution history of the Sinian-Lower Paleozoic source rocks in 86 representative boreholes and more than 200 pseudo-wells located in different tectonic units based on the sedimentation process and thermal history reconstruction of Sichuan Basin.The results showed that the maturity evolution characteristics of the Lower Cambrian and Lower Silurian source rocks were different from each other in various tectonic locations.Then,four thermal evolution patterns were established.(1) The Lower Cambrian source rocks in Southern Sichuan Basin entered the oil-window and began primary hydrocarbon generation during Caledonian period,then stopped after rapid secondary maturity evolution during the end of Early Permian-the beginning of Late Permian.(2) The Lower Cambrian source rocks in Southwestern Sichuan Basin and the Lower Silurian source rocks in Southern Sichuan Basin were representative of one rapid evolution stage during the end of Early Permian-the beginning of Late Permian.(3) The Lower Cambrian source rocks in Eastern and Northern Sichuan Basin were characterized by typical two-stage evolution.(4) Continuous evolution lasted after Late Permian to Yanshanian in the Lower Cambrian source rocks in Central Sichuan Basin and the Lower Silurian source rocks in Eastern and Northern Sichuan Basin.The main maturity evolution controlling factors of the Sinian-Lower Paleozoic source rocks in Sichuan Basin were studied on the basis of coupling relationship among sedimentation rate,heat flow and temperature rate.Generally speaking,it was controlled mainly by abnormal thermal effects of the Emeishan mantle plume and basalts in Southwestern and Southern(local area) Sichuan Basin.Whereas it was influenced by both deep burial and heat flow evolution in other areas of the basin,and the former dominated in temperature increase.
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