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The knowledge on electrical conductivity in the mantle are very significant parameters for understanding the geodynamics and the evolution of the earth,as it is strongly sensitive to temperature,the presence of melt,water content,etc.This paper first introduces the general principle of the submarine cable method for exploring the Pacific Ocean mantle structure in Japan and its development.And then,it describes the recent progress in the studies,such as observation system of this novel method and mantle conductivity structure referred from the data of submarine cables in the Pacific Ocean.Including the results of the submarine cable study,the research progresses in the mantle transition zone below the Pacific Ocean are reviewed at the same time.Also the 1-D conductivity structure,which is inverted from the data recorded by the submarine cable,reveals that there are two discontinuity surfaces in the depth of 410 km and 660 km of the earth,which are even in accordance with the discontinuity surfaces inferred from the ocean bottom seismic data.All these two evidences describe the mantle structures in details.Moreover,through combining with the results of the seismic velocity studies in the depths of the earth,the rock experiments in high-temperature and high-pressure laboratory and the conductivity distribution in the Pacific Ocean mantle,it reveals that the mantle 3-D conductivity distribution,inverted from the submarine cable data,can be transformed into temperature distribution and even the percentage of the water content in the mantle transition zone.These results of the relevant studies and the related research progresses show that the anomaly conductivity distribution in the mantle transition zone of Hawaii and north Japan Sea is mainly influenced by temperature;however,that of the Philippine Sea is also influenced by the water content in the mantle transition zone,besides the factor of temperature anomaly in the mantle transition zone.In addition,the results of the related studies also reveal the percentage of the water content in the mantle transition zone of the Philippine Sea is about 1%.All these progresses in the electrical conductivity of the Pacific Ocean mantle transition zone evidently reveal that the submarine cable method is of vital usefulness to explore the characteristics of the mantle physical parameters,especially in the areas such as the temperature distribution,the water content etc.in the mantle transition zone and even in the deeper earth.The relevant improvement and further development are finally discussed,which may enlighten the relevant research and study in China Sea.
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