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After the end of the spreading of the South China Sea(SCS),an important structural movement-the Dongsha Movement took place at the Northern Margin of the SCS.However,timing,range and dynamic mechanism of the Dongsha Movement is still unclear.Based on the 2D/3D seismic data in the Dongsha area and its neighboring,the Dongsha Movement mainly occurred in the late period of the Late Miocene and ended at the Mio/ Pliocene boundary(5.5Ma) in this paper.The Dongsha Movement mainly affects the Dongsha Rise and the Chaoshan Depression.Besides,the eastern part of the Panyu Low-High and the southern and northeastern part of the Zhu Ⅰ Depression are also deformed.Its main deformation is characterized by faulting with the coeval sedimentation in the area of uplift eroded which causes the hiatus of part of Miocene and Pliocene stratums.It also caused clear angular unconformity which marked the time of the Dongsha Movement.Little igneous activity could be found in the Neogene stratum in the study area.However,magma intruded or erupted around the ocean and continent boundary,southeast of Dongsha Rise,probably due to the weakness of the crust.The movement causes abundant secondary NW-NWW tensional and transtensional faults,the length of which is mainly 1-10 km.The deformation is more intensive in the eastern area than in the western area.The Dongsha Movement might be related to a collision between 9-6 Ma of the Luzon Arc to the Eurasian Plate which was caused by the NWW movement of the Philippine Sea Plate in Neogene.At the mean time,the northern margin of SCS is in a setting of extension for a subduction of SCS towards the Manila Trench and a cooling of oceanic crust,which caused magma underplating at the bottom of lower crust in the study area.This mechanism resulted in the unbalanced isostasy of the area and the uplift of the upper crust.
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