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Shajingzi structural belt is a boundary structural belt between Awati sag and Wensu uplift at NW margin of Tarim Basin.It is one of the poorest studied large fault structural belts in Tarim Basin.On the basis of fine interpretation of seismic data,Shajingzi structural belt is consisted of 3 sets of fault systems:the deep-buried wedge-shipped thrust system,the narrowsense Shajingzi fault system and the extensional tectonics near the Earth surface.The deepburied wedge-shipped thrust structure was formed by the NW dipped fore-thrust fault and its SE dipped back thrust fault in Silurian-Devonian.The wedge is composed of Precambrian metamorphic rocks.The front of the wedge penetrated into the Cambrian caused the upper rocks lifting toward the northwest and forming a slope.The narrow sense Sahjingzi fault,i.e.,the traditionally named Shajingzi fault is a basement-involved compressive strike-slip fault with high dip angle formed from latest Permian to beginning Triassic.It cut off the ancient thrust wedge. The extensional tectonics near the Earth surface was formed in Earl-Middle Quaternary.A series of normal faults arrange in right lateral en echelon along narrow sense Shajingzi fault,and constitute 2 sinistral tenso-shear normal fault zones.The deep buried thrust wedge and the Quaternary extensional tectonics are new discoveries of this paper.
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