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The Zhaotong-Ludian Fault zone,composed mainly of three right-step en echelon faults,namely,the Zhaotong-Ludian Fault,the Sayuhe Fault and the Longshu Fault,strikes 40° ~ 60° on the whole,with the Sayuhe Fault and the Longshu Fault dipping SE and the Zhaotong-Ludian Fault dipping NW,and they all together constitute a complicated thrust fault system. Based on years of field investigation results of geology and geomorphography, we elaborate the late Quaternary active features, the geological and geomorphic evidences of the latest activity of the Zhaotong-Ludian Faults. Our observation shows that: the late Cenozoic basins along the Zhaotong-Luian Fault zone are obviously dominated by the fault; there are many neo-active fault landforms,such as,flat and straight fault troughs,directional aligned fault facets and fault scarps,and the upper Pleistocene to Holocene strata are offset by the fault. The fault zone has been active since the late Quaternary. For example,the fault at Daqiaobian dislocated a set of strata of the Pliocene,and middle to upper Pleistocene,with an apparently reverse character. The fault trending NE is developed in the Holocene diluvium with oblique striation on the fault plane at Guangming Village. Deposits with an OSL age of( 23. 4 ± 1. 8)ka BP on T2 terrace of a small river near Beizha town was offset by the fault. There is a fault scarp trending NE 40°,0. 5 ~ 2. 0m in height,on the first terrace of the Longshu River near the Longshu Village. Several Quaternary faults are revealed by the trench which offset the late Pleistocene to Holocene strata and there are three poleo-earthquake events discovered in the trench. At Yanjiao Village the gravel layer has risen steeply and is aligned in a line because of squeezing effect of the fault; the rivers and ridges nearby are synchronously offset dextrally up to 30 ~ 40 m. The fault zone is dominated by reverse faulting with a small amount of right-lateral motion. Besides,there are some NW-trending faults interweaving with the NE-trending fault zone,some of which are active since late Quaternary as well,and they are the conjugate structures with the NE-trending faults. Surface deformation,such as NE- and NW-trending ground fissures and reverse scarp landforms,has been generated in the epicenter area of the 2014 Ludian M6. 5 earthquake,the distribution of which is in consistence with the NE- and NW-trending faults. Because of far-field deformation response and energy exchange and transfer between blocks,the Liangshan active sub-block formed on the east of the Sichuan-Yunnan block,and the Zhaotong-Ludian Fault zone lies in the forefront of the SE movement of this sub-block. On account of its distinct location and its complicated geometric structure,the Zhaotong-Ludian Fault zone is one of main carriers of the tectonic deformation of the Liangshan active sub-block to absorb and accommodate the strains produced by the block's SE movement,and is the southern boundary of the Liangshan sub-block. From the point of view of the regional tectonic positions and the kinematic characteristics,the relation of Zhaotong-Ludian Fault zone to the Liangshan active sub-block is exactly as the relation of the Longmanshan Faults to Bayan Har block. Consequently,the Zhaotong-Ludian Fault zone has an important significance in the division of active block boundaries and the regional tectonic framework,and meanwhile,it is also an important seismogenic structure in the northeastern Yunnan.
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