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喷珠池位于康滇构造带西南侧的石屏 异龙湖坝区 ,它所排放的大量气体以无机成因CO2 为主 (达91 5 9% )。3 He/ 4He值R =7 78× 10 8,R/Ra =0 0 6 ,4 He/ 2 0 Ne =417,表明其中大气成分少 ,属壳源CO2 泉气。喷珠池气体地球化学特征的研究对于该地区地热资源的开发利用和地震活动监测具有十分重要的意义。
Emission gases from Penzhu Pond located at Shiping Yilong lake area in southwestern Kangdian tectonic belt mainly consist of CO2 of inorganic origin (CO2 concentration up to 91.59%). The ratios of 3He/4He, R/Ra, 4He/20Ne are 7.78?0-8, 0.06, and 417 respectively, which indicated that the emission gases are from CO2 reservior in crust with less mixtures from the atmosphere. The geochemical characteristic studies of emission gases from Penzhu Pond are of significance for the future utilization of the heat resource, and for monitoring of earthquake from this area.
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