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Based on the analysis of 3D seismic date and regional geology data,lots of NW and NWW trending compression faults and NE trending strike-slip faults,but with less extensional faults,are identified in the Central uplift of the Tarim craton,which has the main characters of diversity of styles,multiple epochs and inheritance of evolution,and segmentation along strike.Most of the compression faults are detachment thrusts slipped in Middle Cambrian salt layer but not basement involved as previous cognition,which formed in the end of Early Ordovician with 4 kinds of fault styles,and had transpression effects and segmentation along the fault belt.Many strike-slip faults are discovered in the northern slope of the Central uplift by the 3D seismic data in recent years.There were tulip flower structure,upstanding structure and positive flower structure in profiles,and en echelon structure,feathered structure,brush structure,and so on,converged to southwest in plane.NE-trending sinistral strike-slip faults were developed by the intensive three stages of oblique collision from the south Tarim plate boundary in Silurian,Middle Devonian and Late Permian.The fault system,mostly distributed in Palaeozoic,can be divided into 3 types and 3 levels and 4 groups of orientation,which controlled the structure framework and shape of the Central uplift with layering in vertical and the zoning from north to south and blocking from west to east.The fault system of the Central uplift undergone 4 stages with 9 periods' evolution:extensive extension-weak compression stage in Neoproterozoic,local weak extension period in Cambrian to Early Ordovician-powerful thrusting period in Middle-Late Ordovician,strike-slip fault developed stage in Silurian-Middle Devonian,and partly inherited faulting stage in Carboniferous-Early Triassic.It is obvious that the fault system played important roles in the hydrocarbon accumulation of Lower Palaeozoic marine carbonate in the Central uplift.It is not only the oil and gas composite accumulation in vertical,but also the favorable reservoirs and enriching hydrocarbon controlled by faults.Different type and stage faults had varied effects which caused the segmentation of hydrocarbon distribution along the fault belt.The migration-accumulation system consisted by hydrocarbon source fault and adjacent reservoir controlled the fluid orderly distribution.
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