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The igneous rock widely distributed in Qinggelidi mountainous block has strong impact on shielding and absorption seismic signal.The reflection of inner of Carboniferous was blank or messy.According to statistics results of physical properties in this area and its surroundings,we analyze the variation of rock & formation density and magnetic susceptibility.With the fine process of gravity and magnetic data in target area,we get gravity & magnetic anomalies of fracture and igneous rock.Combined with log and seismic data,we did gravity and magnetic anomalies interpretation.The result shows that the distribution of igneous rock in Qinggelidi mountainous block is closely related to the fractures.The deep faults in this area are mainly N-W& N-E reverse faults,which control the distribution of igneous rock.Thus,we inferred that favorable areas of hydrocarbon accumulation are igneous rock distributed at the two sides of deep fault and its nearby area.
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