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Based on the records of regional digital seismic networks,we relocated precisely the MS4.6 Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake sequence of Sep.10,2011 with the HYPODD method,and obtained the focal depth and focal mechanism of the MS4.6 main-shock with the "Cut and Paste"(CAP) method.In order to determine the focal depth,we combined with local depth phases like sPg,PmP,and sPmP to research it,and further discussed the rupture characteristics of the event and the strong earthquake risk in the region.Our result shows that the focal depth of the MS4.6 Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake is 15±2 km and the best double couple solution is 30°,86°,and-169° for strike,dip,and slip angles respectively with the other nodal plane of 299°,79° and-4°.Combining with the rupture characteristics and the geologic settings in the region,we infer that the event is caused by the Ruichang-Wuxue fault which is the Tangcheng-Lujiang fault buried in the seismic zone.The Ruichang-Yangxin earthquake occurred in the east of the middle and lower Yangtze River fault-block,the MS≥5.5 earthquakes in the region show the obvious features of seismic grouping activity,and the recent significant earthquakes mostly occurred on the Tangcheng-Lujiang fault or its adjacent fault,which shows the tendency of accelerating energy release.So we should pay more attention to the risk of about M6 earthquake in the region in the future years.
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