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Qaidam Basin is a superimposed basin developed under the different tectonic backgrounds during Cenozoic.Because of multi-stage tectonic activities,multiple sets of rift system developed.The Wunan area in the southwestern margin of the Qaidam Basin was intensely affected by a series of faulting movement of Neocene in the north of Kunlun Mountain,and developed seismite presented serious seismic-related soft-sediment deformation structures.The Neocene soft-sediment deformation structures in the Wunan oilfield consist of load casts,flame structures,pillow structures,ball structures,pseudonodules,pillow beds,liquefied sandstone vein,liquefied mudstone vein,water-escape structures,micro-fault,micro-fracture,pinch and swell structures,micro corrugated lamination.Seismites can be subdivided into many types,such as seismic corrugated rocks,shattered rocks,seismic collapse rocks and autoclastic breccias.When earthquake was active,a great amount of micro fractures formed and connected with original pore.Though the porosity of reservoirs would not be improved greatly,the permeability of reservoirs can be improved obviously.Seismites,especially the shattered rocks and seismic breccias,are potential reservoirs and will become new exploration areas in the near future.
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