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Mesoscale eddy is an important oceanographic phenomenon which significantly affects the whole oceanic energy budget.Due to the inherent limitations of traditional oceanographic observation methods,the degree of observations and research of mesoscale eddy has been relatively low.Seismic Oceanography,a new interdisciplinary subject of reflection seismology and physical oceanography,provides a new approach for oceanographic observations.After reprocessing of a legacy seismic data acquired in the South China Sea,a lens-like structure was detected for the first time in this region from seismic profiles.It is located in the Southwestern sub-basin of South China Sea(~113.6°E,11.4°N) with the equilibrium depth of about 450 m,center thickness of about 300 m and radius of 55~65 km,showing typical characteristics of a mesoscale eddy.With the additional information of sea level anomalies(SLA) and sea-surface geostrophic current from AVISO,the lens-like structure was interpreted as an anticyclonic mesoscale eddy.Geostrophic shear was also estimated using the seismic oceanographic method.Absolute values of geostrophic velocity were determined by integrating the shear over depth from a known level,i.e.sea surface values from AVISO.The results show that the maximum value of geostrophic velocity is about 0.7 m/s,distributed in the depth range of 400~450 m,corresponding to the equilibrium depth.Of this eddy,the northwest part is positive while the southeast part is negative,showing a clockwise rotation as a whole,indicating that it is an anticyclonic structure.
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