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The study on Moho depth and crustal structure in the land and seas of China is one of the focused issues for research on macro-structural framework of East Asia.In this paper,the Moho depth in the land and seas of China and adjacent areas is calculated through sub-regional gravity data inversion with deep seismic sounding data as constraints.The Moho depths are divided on the basis of crust characters combined with the distribution of Moho depth gradient belts and characteristics of Moho depth distribution in each sub-region are summarized.The density structure of the Altay—Bashi Channel profile is established by gravity and seismic joint inversion.The Moho depth and deep structure of the profile can clearly reflect the tectonic framework of"three horizontals and two verticals,two Triangles"in China.On the north side of Kunlun—Qin Ling—Dabie horizontal,the Moho depth in the Junggar massive and Sino—Korean platform changes from 45 to 50km,while between the Kunlun—Qinling—Dabie horizontal and Helan Mountain—Longmen Mountains vertical,the Moho depth in the Qilian,Qaidam to Songpan—Ganzêshows a W-shape relief.The Moho depth in the north Qilian block is 50 km and deepens to 68 km,rises to 58 km in the Qaidam Basin,extends downward to 68 km in the A′nyêmaqên Mountains,and uplifts gradually southward.It is 44 km in the Sichuan Basin.Across the Da Hinggan Ling—Taihang Mountains—Wuling Mountain vertical stepped uplift,it is35 km in the South China fold belt.The Moho depth uplifts slowly in the south side of Jiangshao—Nanling,20~25km deep in the northern continental shelf of South China Sea.In the Bashi Channel,the Moho is complicated due to eastward subduction of the South China Sea along the Manila trench.There is a low-speed,low-density body in the middle and lower crust of the Qilian block and Qaidam block,suggesting it may be caused by partial melting,and existence of the crust material flow channel in the northeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau.
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