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To reveal the relationship between the Cenozoic fault structure and the hydrocarbon in the deepwater area of northern South China Sea,based on seismic data interpretation and drill logging data to system analysis fault characteristics and development evolution,by making structural geometry datum,use oil region structure analysis principle.Development of three main trend fault(EW,NE-SW,NEE-SWW),which trend of EW development later than trend of NE-SW and NEE-SWW,to the Zhujiang-Sanya formation as boundaries of basement and cover fault system,development long-term active,presenileactive and late-developed active three types of fault and extension,strike-slip,vertical three types of structural style.Fault activities controlled evolution and distribution of source rock,trap forming and and hydrocarbon accumulation.Faulted Period is important time for source rock,continuous subsided is helpful for its preservation and maturation.Strong tectonic movement formed various types of trap,in Paleogene and Early Miocene,dese fault formed many faults and the anticline structure trap. According to the fault development and evolution features,because the long-term continuous base faults activities,in the ramp zone and the depression of the basin of lung and tectonic uplift high part is oil and gas accumulation of favorable places,which is the next step the important direction of oil and gas exploration in the deep water area.
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