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In order to understand the activity characteristics of the Fukang fault in Late-Quaternary,and accurately estimate the seismic hazard of the fault,a geological survey has been conducted along the Fukang fault.By surveying the deformation micro-topography,excavating two large paleoearthquake trenches,and dating a series of samples of thermoluminescence,the quantity activity characteristics of the Ganhezi fault segment of the Fukang fault belt are revealed.The Ganhezi fault segment is a Holocene active fault,with a total length about 33 km.The fault activity is obvious,generating a series of apparent geomorphic traces on the surface.Since the Late-Quaternary,the average vertical slip rate of fault is about 0.34-0.43 mm/a.Since the Mid-Holocene,there were two paleoearthquake events;the strong earthquake recurrence period of the fualt segment is about 2 100-3 750 a.The vertical surface displacement is about 1.5 m and the elapsed time is 4.11 ka of the latest paleoearthquake,corresponding to the paleoearthquake magnitude of between Ms7.2-7.4.The fault has accumulated a high energy so far.
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