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The assessment for earthquake disaster has important practical significance to the relief work,the traditional methods are mostly on the field statistic data after the earthquake,the shortness including the up to date state of the data acquiring and usually exists the efficiency of the disaster assessment.On account of this callback,and combined with the characteristics of the remote sensing data,this paper proposed an assessment method for post-earthquake urban damaged area based on the impervious surface estimate.Firstly,the two middle-resolution remote sensing images before and after the earthquake in the area of Yushu were preprocessed,and then a linear spectral mixture analysis method was used based on the VIS model,the endmembers of the remote sensing images before and after earthquake were extracted by respectively,and the abundance map of the impervious surface was obtained,finally,the earthquake disaster damage area assessment was evaluated by calculating the number of pixels of the impervious surface before and after the earthquake.The accuracy analysis indicated that the method was proposed this paper could obtain the macro situations of the damage area,includeing the urban buildings,important roads,etc.in quickly and timely,and provided a certain basis for post-earthquake reconstruction and decision.
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