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Three main causes of crustal fluid CO2 which includes organic origin,metamorphic genesis and mantle origin are introduced,the tracing performance of stable isotope tracer 13 C of CO2 are discussed emphatically,and the release rule,the rising channel and the existence form of CO2 released from crust are also summarized. Based on the main research progress of the releasing of crustal fluids CO2 on seismic monitoring,earthquake prediction and other relative research,we point out the future hot fields of the research is that the isotope geochemistry of fluids,the relationship betw een migration of deep-seated fluids and seismic activity,the influence of deep-seated fluids to media of hypocenter etc.. In addition,we put forward that monitoring the deep-source fluid cannot use a single component( CO2),it need a variety of deep-source components( He、Ne、Ar、H2、CH4) monitor simultaneously.
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