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In this paper we analyzed 80 impending earthquake anomalies of the Sacks volume strain from Erzhangying station and Tiantanghe station where abnormal phenomena took place from January 2011 to April 2014 all over the world, and their magnitudes are all no less than 7. Then, preconditions for anomaly identification are put forward in allusion to complex earthquake cases. Statistical results show that volume strain observation has a better earthquake reflecting ability for earthquakes of that magnitudes are no less than 7 and epicentral distances within8000 km. Our results suggest that the volume strain observation can reflect precursory anomalies of such earthquakes in a better way. Based on categorization and description of those anomalies, we divided abnormal phenomena into three types, i.e., distortion of earth tide, abrupt change type and slow earthquake. According to our results, volume strain anomaly can play a role in indicating future strong earthquake of the whole world.
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