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For the Mw9.0earthquake occurred in the Japan trench on March 11,2011,this paperused the constraints from the inter-seismic,co-seismic,and post-seismic deformation observations,and analyzed the relationship between the strong earthquake in the Japan trench and the fault movement according to the spatial distribution characteristics of the fault movement at different times.Based on crustal deformation observation,we study the 3Dspatial distribution characteristics of inter-seismic,co-seismic,and post-seismic fault movement and provide the pattern diagram of fault motion at the trench areas of Japan.We invert the coseismic displacements of the fault based on uniform fault model(oblique fault model,the dip from the seabed to 50 km depth changes from 5degrees to 20 degrees,the unified strike 198)and 3Dfault model(seismic parameters of the 3Dfault model are given by fitting).The results show that,as for the 3Dfault model,the coseismic dislocations better fit the data,and more agree with fault properties.Therefore,in carrying out the work of similar inversion accuracy of fault geometry,the reliability of the results is very important.The inversion results show that there are two coseismic slip extreme areas.The maximum coseismic dislocation is about 50 m,located in the shallower coseismic slip extreme area.The dislocation amount of the coseismic rupture is greater than 10 mnear the epicenter in a range of 400km;in the South Japan Trench the coseismic displacement is relatively small,the earthquake is a typical Japan trench thrust type earthquakes.According to the spatial distribution characteristics of the magnitude 9.0 earthquake and the previous strong earthquake ruptures in the area,the magnitude 9earthquake rupture bore the characteristics of recurrence of strong earthquake,and was the strong earthquake rupture to fill in the gaps.In inter-seismic stage in the Japan trench,the depth of the locking line is about 60 km,moreover,the fault movement,from deep to shallow above the locking line,in order,is strong locking,aseismic slip,weak locking.From coseismic dislocation inversion,there are two coseismic slip extreme areas.The shallow one(coseismic displacement 10~50m,depth less than 30km)is weak locking before this earthquake;and the deep one(coseismic displacement 10~20 m,depth about 40km)is strong locking before this earthquake;and the coseismic dislocation in transition zone between with extreme coseismic slip areas is relatively small and there is aseismic slip before this eartqhuake.In the initial period after the earthquake,afterslip is mainly in the deeper coseismic extreme slip areas.On the basis of the coseismic and interseismic fault motion inversion results,the seismic strong locked segment will take 100 years to accumulate 10 m coseismic dislocation,and the regional history has 7earthquake recurrence periods of earthquake activity;the weak locked segment will take about 300~600years to accumulate 30~50mcoseismic dislocation,which is consistent with the recurrence period of magnitude 9.0earthquake in Japan Trench given by relevant research.As to determining the actual seismogenic ability,because the different sections of one fault will form more combinations in the earthquake process,fault earthquake capacity determination result is more uncertain.But the research on regional deformation observation data is very important and of practical significance for judging fault strong earthquake ability.
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