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Analysis on the reliability test of historical earthquake dislocated that an entire record of Ms5 and larger earthquake is from 1336,most seismic records have been lost before 1336.Recent year,seismic and archaeological departments use the turning to archaeology and engineering excavation a larger scale,catalog recognition analysis the deformation relic since Late Quaternary especially the Neolithic age.The results showed that,some prehistoric earthquake ruins are found respectively in the cultural layer of Western Zhou Dynasty-Spring and Autumn period in southwestern Anhui,Late Dawenkou in northern Anhui and the eastern Zhou Dynasty in southeastern Henan.In the border area of Jiangsu and Anhui of TanchengLujiang fault zone,several times rapid deformation events with diagonal translational thrust as the primary means,have been occurred,since the Late Pleistocene,the latter confirmed by microscopic research.The results of the study a certain extent compensate the limitations of seismic records,and rich in Archaeology and prehistoric earthquakes and earthquake prediction research methods.
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