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As a routine work for earthquake emergency response,we have performed fast inversions of rupture processes for large earthquakes since the 2008 Wenchuan Mw7.9earthquake.About 2.15 hours after the 2015 Nepal Mw7.9earthquake,we determined the rupture model by inverting teleseismic P waves.From the obtained rupture images,the earthquake was a unilateral rupture event and ruptures mainly propagated to the southeast.So we concluded that the earthquake may cause relatively terrible damages around Kathmandu area due to nearby ruptures and Doppler effects of the southeastward rupture propagations.After the fast inversion,we collected more seismic data and a few GPS data(two stations),and carried out a joint inversion of rupture process.The joint model well confirms the major source characteristics,e.g.southeastward rupture propagation,and displays a larger peak slip(about 5.2m)than that of the fast estimated model(about 2.0m).The source duration is about80 s,with the major sub-event occurred at 0~45s.At 60~70s,a small-scale sub-event occurs in very shallow depth about 100 km along the strike direction,and may cause a few surface breakages.From comparisons with historical large earthquakes,the 2015 Nepal Mw7.9earthquake ruptured an area,with a dimension of about 100 km,to the west of the 1833 M7.6earthquake and the 1934 Mw8.2earthquake.The shallow ruptures are very close to the surface ruptures of the 1934 Mw8.2earthquake,and the aftershocks are around the macroseismic epicenter of the1833 M7.6 earthquake.It is highly probable that ruptures of the three earthquakes have connected.From this perspective,the 2015 Nepal earthquake is the result of the westward rupture extensions of the 1833 and 1934events.
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