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We employ multistep inversions in the frequency or time domain to infer the kinematic characteristics of the MS6. 5 Ludian,Yunnan earthquake in 2014,mainly using regional broadband waves recorded by the China Digital Seismic Network. In this paper,we firstly invert the focal mechanism solution and the centroid depth of the Ludian earthquake,and then determine the bestfitting finite-fault model and the dominant rupture direction. According to the above results,we further analyze and discuss the kinematic characteristics of the Ludian earthquake,and explore preliminarily the reason for the serious disaster caused by this event.We take into account some factors which could have effects on the inversion results,e. g. the use of different waves and simplified 1-D velocity models. Several test results indicate that the misfit between observed waves and synthetics is better,if we use the full waves and the 1-D velocity model( Model M2) in this study area. According to the point-source model( focal mechanism solution),this event occurs on a true rupture plane( strike = 342°,dip = 83°,and rake =- 34°),which shows a left-lateral strike-slip faulting with a minor normal oblique component. The centroid in the horizontal direction is located at nearly 5. 4km southeast of the epicenter( 27. 109°N /103. 354°E),and the bestfitting centroid depth is around 4. 4km. The total scalar moment,M0,is retrieved with an average value of 2. 1 × 1018N·m( or moment magnitude MW6. 1).The rupture history indicates the event can be considered to have an asymmetric bilateral rupture source with a radius of 10 km. The total rupture area is about 227. 6km2 with an average slip of nearly0. 16 m. Most of the energy releases within about 6s. From 0s to 2s,the energetic rupture starts at the nucleation center,then propagates bilaterally along the fault plane. After 2s,the rupture mainly extends south-east,showing an obvious rupture directivity. Finally,the rupture ends at nearly 6s.In order to investigate rupture directivity of the Ludian earthquake,we retrieve the apparent source duration at different stations,using the method developed by Cesca et al.( 2011). Rupture directivity of the Ludian earthquake is detected on the basis of a frequency domain inversion of the apparent duration at each station and the further interpretation of its azimuthal variation. The result indicates that it is obvious that the apparent source durations at majority of stations located southeast of the epicenter of the Ludian earthquake are relatively shorter,and the shortest one is round 2s.However,the apparent source durations of majority of stations distributed northwest of the epicenter are much longer,and the longest one is up to 9s. The mean value of apparent source durations of allstations is about 4. 96 s. Based on the principle of the Doppler effect,this result provides a clear indication for the rupture propagating towards southeast,and thus can be used to discriminate the true fault plane( NW- SE).In the end,we speculate that one of the most important reasons why the Ludian earthquake caused the devastating damage is that most of the energy is instantly released within relatively short duration in the shallow layer of the upper crust.
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