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        Located in northeastern Shizishan orefield, the Baocun deposit is one of the proved independent skarn gold deposits in Tongling area. Its major gold ore bodies are situated at the contact zone between the ore-forming magmatic bodies and the Lower Triassic carbonate rocks. Some small ore bodies, with features of lode gold mineralization, are distributed in fissures of the wall rocks of the ore-forming magmatic bodies. Bismuth minerals are closely coexistent with gold mineralization in the deposit. Fluid inclusions of different metallogenic stages and geological features of the deposit suggest that the ore-forming fluids belong to the NaCl-H-2O-CO-2 system associated with the Yanshanian calc-alkaline magmatism. When the ore-forming fluids moved into the open space along the SN-trending fault belt, th-e drastic falling of pressure might have caused the phase separation of fluid, the prominent change of pH, Eh and fo-2 as well as the gold precipitation in favorable space.
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