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        Based onfield survey,petrographic,ore microscopic and SEM/EDS analyses of ores and altered wall rocks as well as petrographic,microthermometric,LRMand LA-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions in quartz,this paper deals withthe characteristics and origin of ore-formingfluid andthe metallogenic process in the Tianjingshan gold deposit.The results showthat gold mineralization occurs dominantly in quartz veins and subordinately in altered wall rocks andis related mainly to sericitization and Fe-bearing carbonization and subordinately to chloritization,pyritization,chalcopyritization,galenitization and sphaleritization.Gold mineralization took place after the formation of quartz veins and took place during the brittle deformation stage of quartz.Native gold has beenfoundtogether withsericite asinfillingsin quartz fractures or as cement of quartz breccia.Fluidinclusion analysesindicate that the ore-forming fluidis a water-rich and CO2-bearing fluid characterized by middlehigh temperature(286 ~380℃) and lowsalinity(3·0 %~5·1 %Nacleq).The LA-ICP-MSanalyses of fluid inclusionsin quartz reveal high Pb,Zn,Cu,Bi,Mo and Sbin the fluid.The Hisotope measurements together with the enrichment of polymetallic components in ore-formingfluidi mply an obvious magmatic origin.The upward migration of the magmatic fluid along the reactivated fault and the decreasing of temperature and pressure caused the boiling of the fluid.Duringthe boiling process,the CO2preferentially went intothe vapor phase and resulted in pHchange of the ore-forming fluid.The change of pHcaused the precipitation of gold and sulfides and also generated sericitization and Fe-carbonation.
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