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为了深入了解化肥施用对农村生态环境的威胁,在综合考虑化肥施用强度、效率、生态安全标准、环境效应权数及作物复种指数等多种因素的基础上,构建了化肥面源污染环境风险评价指数模型,对安徽省化肥施用时空分异与面源污染环境风险进行研究。结果表明,2013年安徽省总化肥施用强度平均为853.6 kg·hm~(-2),化肥面源污染环境风险指数为0.72,总环境污染风险程度为中度;氮、磷、钾施用比例平均为1∶0.52∶0.49,氮、磷和钾3种单质肥料的环境风险指数分别为0.72、0.78和0.65,风险程度分别为中度、高度和低度,其空间分布具有明显的聚集效应。安徽省16个地级市目前普遍存在农田化肥过量施用的问题,区域差异大,分布规律比较明显。其中淮南为严重风险,蚌埠、六安、芜湖和铜陵4个地区为高度风险,其余各市为中度风险。
        Anhui,being one of the major agricultural provinces in China,is faced with a series of environmental problems,of which non-point source pollution from chemical fertilizationin farmlands is one. In order to better understand the potential threats of fertilization to the rural ecosystem and agricultural sustainable development in Anhui Province,China,environmental risk assessment( ERA) of fertilization was conducted. An index model for environmental risk assessment of non-point source pollution from fertilization was established and spatio-temporal variation of fertilization and environmental risk of non-point source pollution from fertilization in Anhui was analyzed. Results show that in Anhui of 2013,the total chemical fertilization intensity was 853. 6 kg·hm~(-2) on average; the environmental risk index of the non-point source pollution from chemical fertilization was 0. 72; the total environmental pollution risk ranked moderate; N ∶ P ∶ K in fertilization was 1 ∶ 0. 52 ∶ 0. 49; the environmental risk index of N,P and K single-element fertilizers was 0. 72,0. 78 and 0. 65,respectively; the environmental risk of the three kinds of single-element fertilizers ranked moderate,serious and light,respectively; and their spatio-temporal distribution displayed an obvious aggregation effect. In the 16 prefecture-leveled cities,the problem of excessive fertilizationin farmlands existed universally. Though varying sharply from region to region in severity,it displayed a specific pattern of distribution. Environmental risk was very serious in Huainan,serious in Bengbu,Lu'an,Wuhu and Tongling,and moderate in the rest of the cities.
    [12]安徽省统计局.安徽统计年鉴—2014[EB/OL].(2014-08-30)[2014-10-30].http:∥www.ahtjj.gov.cn/tjj/web/tjnj_view.jsp?str Col Id=13787135717978521&_index=1#.
    [20]张文凯.安徽淮北小麦黄苗死苗现象与土壤养分含量和p H值的关系研究[J].河北农业科学,2010,14(4):53-54.
    [22]安徽省环境保护厅.2013年安徽省环境状况公报[EB/OL].(2014-06-05)[2014-10-30].http:∥www.aepb.gov.cn/Pages/Aepb11_Show News.aspx?News ID=89591.2014.

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