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  • 英文篇名:Regulation by Blockchain: The Emerging Battle for Supremacy between the Code of Law and Code as Law
  • 作者:凯伦·杨 ; 林少伟
  • 英文作者:Karen Yeung;Lin Shaowei;
  • 关键词:区块链 ; 代码 ; 法律 ; 监管
  • 英文关键词:blockchain;;code;;law;;regulation
  • 中文刊名:DFFX
  • 英文刊名:Oriental Law
  • 机构:英国伯明翰大学法学院;西南政法大学民商法学院;西南政法大学人工智能法律研究院区块链研究中心;
  • 出版日期:2019-01-30 11:13
  • 出版单位:东方法学
  • 年:2019
  • 期:No.69
  • 基金:重庆市教委“人工智能背景下商事法律的应对与重塑”(项目批准号:KJQN201800308);; 西南政法大学校级项目“新时代背景下中国公司法制度变迁路径检讨与展望”(项目批准号:2017XZZXQN-10);西南政法大学重点项目“公司法规则演变之检视”阶段性研究成果;; 彭诚信教授主持的2018年国家哲学社会科学重大基金项目“大数据时代个人数据保护与数据权利体系研究”(项目批准号:18ZDA145);; 2016年国家哲学社会科学重点基金项目“程序性权利理论的提出与成研究”(项目批准号:16AFX003)的阶段性研究成果
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:DFFX201903011
  • 页数:16
  • CN:03
  • ISSN:31-2008/D
  • 分类号:123-138
        The revolutionary technology of blockchain has brought unprecedented challenges to traditional legal regulation. What kind of regulatory strategies and attitudes should be adopted have become a top priority for many countries. It suggests that there are three ways in which the code of law may interact with code as law, based primarily on the intended motives and purposes of those engaged in activities in developing, maintaining or undertaking transactions upon the network, namely: ‘hostile evasion', efficient alignment and alleviating transactional friction. Due to the dynamic changes and uncertainties between the public and private domain boundaries in the digital age of the Internet, there are challenges and conflicts in the above three interactions,such as the ambiguity of state intervention and the limitations of code regulation. As such, legal and technical code should avoid engaging in an unhelpful battle for supremacy and find a way in which they can coexist and collaborate.
[1]关于区块链的“不可变性”,see n.11 below。
    [2]Smith,Jamie(2016)‘There Is More to Blockchain Than Moving Money.It Has the Potential to Transform Our Lives-Here's How’,World Economic Forum,9 November 2016;The Economist(2017)‘The Long Arm of the List’,15 July”;Boucher,Philip(2017).How Blockchain Technology Could Change Our Lives,European Parliamentary Research Service:European Parliament,February.
    [3]Schiller,Ben.“How the Technology Behind Bitcoin Is Going to Change the Lives of the Bottom Billion.”Fast Company,3 May2016.See Plaster,Morgan.“Can Blockchain Title Registry Make Property Rights More Secure?”
    [4]Yeung,Karen(2017)‘Blockchain,Transactional Security and the Promise of Automated Law Enforcement:The Withering of Freedom under Law?’In Philipp Otto and Eike Graf(eds)3TH1CS-A Reinvention of Ethics in a Digital Age,132-46.Berlin:i Rights.Media.
    [5]Government Office for Science(2016).Distributed Ledger Technology:Beyond Block Chain.London(hereafter the‘Blackett Review 2016’).
    [6]Blackett Review 2016,6.
    [7]Blackett Review 2016,30.
    [8]Lessig,L.(1999).Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace.New York,Basic Books.
    [9]在本文中,笔者采用了Blackett Review所采用的方法,认为分布式分类账系统的技术代码包括软件(计算机代码)和协议,因为分布式分类账都需要这两种功能。Blackett Review 41.
    [10]Blackett Review 2016.
    [11]See Walch,Angela(2017)“Open Source Operational Risk:Should Public Blockchains Serve as Financial Market Infrastructures?”In David Lee Kuo Chuen and Robert H Deng(eds.),Handbook of Digital Banking&Internet Finance,Volume 2,forthcoming.Werbach指出,不变性并不总是有利于信任,因为它会提供错误的信心。特别是,区块链交易记录准确且只记录一次:区块链不能保进行交易的人是私钥的合法所有者,也不能保其他因素。Kevin Werbach(2016)‘Trustless Trust.’SSRN Network,accessed 9 June 2018.
    [12]Blackett Review 2016,5.
    [13]Bitcoin:The Magic of Mining(2015),The Economist,10 January at 58.
    [14]Blackett Review 2016,5.
    [15]Blackett Review 2016,17.
    [16]Wright,A.,and De Fillipi,P.(2015)Decentralised Blockchain Technology and the rise of Lex Cryptographia'SSRN network,2.
    [17]Werbach.Supra n.11.
    [18]Blackett Review 2016.
    [19]Werbach.Supra n 11.
    [20]The Economist.(2015).‘The Trust Machine-The Promise of Blockchain.’31 October.
    [21]Antonopoulos,A.(2014).Bitcoin security model:trust by computation.O'Reilly Radar.20 February.
    [22]Yaw-Owusu,F.‘Blockchain:Moving from the Internet of Information to the Internet of Value’.
    [23]Finck,M.(2017).‘Blockchain Regulation’Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition Research Paper Series No.17-13,Available via SSRN Network,4.
    [24]Blackett Review 2016;Werbach.Supra n.11.
    [25]Atzori,M.(2015).‘Blockchain Technology and Decentralized Governance:Is the State Still Necessary?’SSRN network(accessed10 June 2018).
    [26]Coffee,J.(1981).‘No Soul to Damn,No Body to Kick:An Unscandalised Essay on the Problem of Corporate Punishment.’Michigan Law Review 79:413-424.Ferran,E.(2011).‘Corporate Attribution and the Directing Mind and Will.’Law Quarterly Review,Vol.127:239-259.
    [27]正是在关于区块链治理的争论中突出了这些不同的利益。See for example De Filippi,P.and B.Loveluck(2016).‘The invisible politics of Bitcoin:governance crisis of a decentralised infrastructure.’Internet Policy Review 5(3)doi:10.14763/2016.3.427.
    [28]Walch,A.(2017).‘Open Source Operational Risk:Should Public Blockchains Serve as Financial Market Infrastructures?’D.L.K.Chuen and R.H.Deng(eds.)Handbook of Digital Banking&Internet Finance,Volume 2.:forthcoming,10.
    [29]Guadamuz,A.and C.Marsden(2015).‘Blockchains and Bitcoin:Regulatory Responses to Cryptocurrencies’.First Monday 20(12).
    [32]See De Filippi,P.and B.Loveluck(2016).‘The invisible politics of Bitcoin:governance crisis of a decentralised infrastructure.’Internet Policy Review 5(3).
    [33]DeNardis,L.(2014).The Global War for Internet Governance.New Haven,Yale University Press.
    [34]Wu,T.and J.Goldsmith(2008).Who Controls the Internet?:Illusions of a Borderless World.New York,Oxford University Press.
    [35]Ibid.DeNardis,supra n.33.
    [36]FinCEN Statement of Facts and Violations,per FinCen Press Release,ibid.
    [37]European Banking Authority(EBA)(2014).EBA Opinion on'Virtual Currencies,EBA EBA/Op/2014/08 at 36.
    [38]Guadamuz,and Marsden,supra n.29.
    [41]Financial Crimes and Enforcement Network(‘FinCEN’)(2015)‘FinCEN Fines Ripple Labs Inc in First Civil Enforcement Action Against a Virtual Currency Exchanger’,Press Release issued 5 May.
    [42]Guadamuz and Marsden,supra n 20 at n.134.
    [43]cf Blackett Review 2016,Chapter 3,supra n.6.
    [44]Golumbia,David(2015)‘Bitcoin as Politics:Distributed Right-Wing Extremism’In Geert Lovink,Jess van Zyl and Patricia de Vries(eds/)Moneylab Reader:An Intervention in Digital Economy,118-31.Amsterdam:Institute of Network Cultures,2015,120.
    [45]Paech,Philipp(2017)‘The Governance of Blockchain Financial Networks’Modern Law Review 80:1073110.
    [47]The Blackett Review,supra n.6,at 34.See also Wright,Aaron and Primavera De Filippi(2015)‘Decentralised Blockchain Technology and the Rise of Lex Cryptographica’available via SSRN network at www.ssrn.com.
    [48]Paech supra n.45;Boucher supra n.2.
    [49]Paech supra n.45
    [50]The Blackett Review,supra n.6,at 45.
    [51]Paech,supra n.45,at 1101-1103.
    [52]The Blackett Review,supra n.6 at 34.
    [53]The Blackett Review,supra n.6 at 44.
    [54]Wright and De Filippi,supra n.31.
    [55]See The Blackett Review 2016,supra n.6,at 44-45.
    [56]The UK’s Chief Scientific Adviser refers‘RegTech’as encompassing‘any technological innovation that can be applied to or used in regulation,typically to improve efficiency and transparency’Government Office for Science(2015)Fintech Futures:The UK as a World Leader in Financial Technologies.London,47.
    [57]The Blackett Review,17-18.
    [58]M Finck,supra n.23.Werbach,K.(2016).‘Trustless Trust.’SSRN network,31.
    [61]Australian Tax Office(2014)Tax Determination,TD 2014/25,‘Is bitcoin a’foreign currency'the purposes of Division 775 of the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997.
    [62]Yeung,Karen(2017)‘Blockchain,Transactional Security and the Promise of Automated Law Enforcement:The Withering of Freedom under Law?’In Philipp Otto and Eike Graf(eds.)3ETH1CS-the Reinvention of Ethics in a Digital Age,132-46.Berlin:iRights.Media.
    [63]Bach,Lord Willy(2016)‘The Crisis in the Justice System in England and Wales,Interim Report.’The Fabian Society,London.
    [64]Schiller,Ben(2017)‘Can Initial Coin Offerings Give New Life to Social Good Companies?’Fast Company,15 September.
    [65]Securities and Exchange Commission(2017)Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a)of the Securities Exchange Act of1934:The DAO,25 July.
    [66]Per Financial Conduct Authority(2017)Consumer Warning About the Risks of Initial Coin Offerings(‘ICOs’),12 September.
    [67]see PriceWaterhouse Coopers(2016)Blockchain-an Opportunity for Energy Producers and Consumers?Schiller,Ben(2017)‘Can Initial Coin Offerings Give New Life to Social Good Companies?’Fast Company,15 September.
    [68]Cardwell,Diane.“Solar Experiment Lets Neighbors Trade Energy among Themselves.”The New York Times,13 March 2017.
    [69]see PriceWaterhouse Coopers(2016)Blockchain-an Opportunity for Energy Producers and Consumers?Available at www.pwc.utilities/(accessed 29 November 2017)
    [70]See Raskin,Max(2017)‘The Law and Legality of Smart Contracts’Georgetown Law Technology Review 1:305.
    [71]PriceWaterhouse Coopers,supra,n.69.
    [72]see Graham,Cosmo(1998)‘Is There a Crisis in Regulatory Accountability?’In Robert Baldwin,Colin Scott and Christopher Hood(eds),A Reader on Regulation,482.Oxford:Oxford University Press.
    [73]PriceWaterhouse Coopers,supra n.69.
    [74]Boucher supra n.2.
    [75]Galligan,D.(2006).Law in Modern Society.Oxford,Clarendon Press.
    [76]E甚至约翰·斯图亚特·穆勒(John Stuart Mill)也承认国家不会支持,(例如)一个人自愿将自己卖作奴隶:Mill,J.S.(1859)On Liberty.2nd ed.London:John W Parker&Son.
    [77]See for example Feinberg,J(1989).The Moral Limits of the Criminal Law Volume 3:Harm to Self.Oxford University Press:Oxford.
    [78]Government Office for Science(2015)Fintech Futures:The UK as a World Leader in Financial Technologies,Go-Science,London.
    [79]Financial Conduct Authority.“Regulatory Sandbox Lessons Learned Report.”2017.
    [80]See Cummings,Dan(2017)“Regulatory Sandboxes:A Practice for Innovation That Is Trending Worldwide.”
    [81]Vaidhyanathan,S.(2011)The Googlization of Everything:(and Why We Should Worry).University of California Press,San Francisco.
    [82]Boucher,supra n.2.
    [83]关于相关背景,see SEC Report of Investigation Pursuant to Section 21(a)of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934:The DAO,Release No 81207,25 July 2017。
    [84]Hinkes,Drew.“A Legal Analysis of the DAO Exploit and Possible Investor Rights.”Bitcoin Magazine,Jun 21,2016.
    [87]Paech supra n.45.
    [88]See Perri 6(1998)The Future of Privacy.London:Demos.
    [89]Cunningham,Alan(2016)‘Decentralisation,Distrust&Fear of the Body-the Worrying Rise of CryptoLaw’Script-ed 13:235-57.
    [90]Walch,Angela(2017)‘The Bitcoin Blockchain as Financial Market Infrastructure:A Consideration of Operational Risk’.Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 18:837.
    [91]The Blackett Review 2016,Chapter 3,supra n.6.
    [92]Black,Julia.Rules and Regulators.Oxford:Clarendon Press,1997.
    [93]Hart,H L A.The Concept of Law.New York:Oxford University Press,1961,124-130.
    [94]Walch,Angela(2017)‘The Bitcoin Blockchain as Financial Market Infrastructure:A Consideration of Operational Risk’.Journal of Legislation and Public Policy 18:837.
    [95]The Blackett Review 2016:43

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