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  • 英文篇名:Spatial Differentiation and Formation Mechanism of Retail Industry in Guangzhou
  • 作者:吴康敏 ; 张虹鸥 ; 王洋 ; 叶玉瑶 ; 金利霞 ; 吴旗韬
  • 英文作者:WU Kangmin;ZHANG Hong'ou;WANG Yang;YE Yuyao;JIN Lixia;WU Qitao;Guangzhou Institute of Geochemistry,CAS;Guangzhou Institute of Geography;University of Chinese Academy of Sciences;
  • 关键词:零售业 ; 业态 ; 空间分异 ; POI ; 机制 ; 广州市
  • 英文关键词:retail industry;;retail formats;;spatial differentiation;;POI;;mechanism;;Guangzhou
  • 中文刊名:RDDD
  • 英文刊名:Tropical Geography
  • 机构:中国科学院广州地球化学研究所;广州地理研究所;中国科学院大学;
  • 出版日期:2018-02-05 16:23
  • 出版单位:热带地理
  • 年:2018
  • 期:v.38
  • 基金:国家自然科学基金项目(41671130;41571128;41671128)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:RDDD201802005
  • 页数:12
  • CN:02
  • ISSN:44-1209/N
  • 分类号:48-59
零售业业态空间分异识别对优化城市资源配置至关重要,基于高精度大样本数据的零售业态空间分布识别较传统研究更精确便捷。以广州市2014年47 026个零售业网点数据为基础,基于信息熵、平均最近邻分析法、核密度估计等研究方法,探讨广州市的零售业分布格局、业态空间分异与零售业结构影响机制。结果表明:1)广州市零售业功能显著集聚于城市核心区,越秀、荔湾与天河北的零售功能发育相对均衡,均衡度从核心向外围显著下降;2)不同业态零售业分异较大,以商业服务和基本生活服务为主的零售业态网点分布的集聚度显著高于大体量的综合类零售业态;3)各业态零售业随着城市圈层的外拓分异显著,大体量型零售业态分布相对均衡,以商服功能为主的零售业态则主要集中于核心层与内圈层;4)人流集聚程度、交通通达性、职住人口分布、地方政策与社会空间分异共同影响着零售业业态空间的形成与演化。
        The recognition of spatial differentiation of retail formats and its driving force is very important to optimize the allocation of urban resources. The traditional research is mainly based on sampling survey and questionnaire interview to observe the difference of spatial distribution. Based on that, the driving mechanism is further explored. With the emergence of new data, it is possible to explore the spatial differentiation of retail industry in more detail. Spatial distribution recognition of retail formats based on high precision and large sample data is more accurate and convenient than traditional research. Based on that, this study is based on the data of 47 026 retail outlets in Guangzhou in 2014. By using the methods of information entropy, nearest distance analysis, and kernel density analysis, we discussed the distribution pattern of retail industry in Guangzhou. The study process is as follows: First we analyzed the overall distribution pattern of retail industry in Guangzhou. Then we discussed the spatial differentiation of different formats. Finally, we analyzed the impact mechanism of retail industry in Guangzhou. The results are shown as follows: 1) The retail function of Guangzhou concentrates on the urban core area. The urban core area has a higher density distribution of retail outlets, and the development of retail function is more mature. The retail function is more proportionate in Yuexiu, Liwan, Tianhe(North) districts and the proportionality is significantly decreased from the core to the periphery. 2)The spatial distribution of different formats of retail industry has different characteristics. The concentration of retail outlets based on commercial services and basic living services is significantly higher than the comprehensive retail format. Convenience stores, professional stores, and food stores have a high degree of agglomeration, while the distribution of supermarkets and shopping malls is relatively balanced. 3)The distribution of different types of retail outlets is significantly different in each circles. The integrated types are relatively proportionate while those commercial types are more concentrate in the core layer and the inner layer. The integrated retail format has a consumption threshold so that their distribution is more balanced. The retail formats of business services more rely on the distribution of people, so they are concentrated in the urban core areas. 4)The driving force of urban retail spatial pattern is complex. The consumers flow, agglomeration factors, accessibility, the distribution of population, local policy factors and social spatial differentiation work together to affect the formation and evolution of retail format space.
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