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  • 英文篇名:Privacy Protection in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
  • 作者:郑志峰
  • 英文作者:Zheng Zhifeng;
  • 关键词:人工智能 ; 隐私保护 ; 个人信息 ; 算法 ; 大数据
  • 英文关键词:artificial intelligence;;privacy protection;;personal information;;algorithm;;big data
  • 中文刊名:DOUB
  • 英文刊名:Science of Law(Journal of Northwest University of Political Science and Law)
  • 机构:西南政法大学民商法学院;
  • 出版日期:2018-12-27 10:20
  • 出版单位:法律科学(西北政法大学学报)
  • 年:2019
  • 期:v.37;No.234
  • 基金:中国法学会青年调研项目(CLS(2017)Y02);; 重庆市教育委员会人文社会科学规划项目(17SKG005);; 西南政法大学校级青年教师学术创新团队项目(2017XZCXTD-04);西南政法大学人工智能法律研究院科研创新重点项目(2018-RGZN-JS-ZD-03)
  • 语种:中文;
  • 页:DOUB201902005
  • 页数:10
  • CN:02
  • ISSN:61-1470/D
  • 分类号:53-62
        With the development of technologies such as Big Data, Internet of Things, and deep learning, the age of artificial intelligence is coming, "everything connected, everyone's online, and everything algorithm" have become features of the times.The data is the basis of artificial intelligence,the algorithm is the essence of artificial intelligence,the more intelligent the artificial intelligence, the more dependent on the feeding of data and the support of the algorithm, which triggers a serious privacy crisis.On the one hand, artificial intelligence greatly enhances the ability of privacy intrusion and brings about more privacy gains. On the other hand, the behavior of artificial intelligence infringing privacy is very confusing, and the resulting damage is even more serious.In this regard, the traditional privacy protection legal framework seems to be stretched,which is neither effective in protecting people's privacy nor fully exploiting the value of personal information,and The General Data Protection Regulation has made many useful responses.Faced with the new challenges of artificial intelligence, China should improve the legal system of privacy protection, attach importance to the technical path of privacy protection, explore the market mechanism for privacy protection, and establish the ethical principles of privacy protection.
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    (2)例如,谷歌、特斯拉等自动驾驶汽车都发生过多起严重的交通事故。See Karissa Bell, Google Says It Bears Some Responsibility for First Accident Caused by Self-Driving Car, Mashable, Mar. 1, 2016; Chuck Jones, Tesla’s Autonomous Driving Fatal Accident Needs To Be Kept In Context, Forbes, July 1, 2016.
    (3)有关空间隐私、自决隐私和信息隐私的详细论述,See Herman T.Tavani, Ethics & Technology: Controversies, Questions,and Strategies for Ethical Computing, Wiley,2015,pp.117-119.
    (4)公平信息实践原则由美国于上世纪70年代提出,是全球最为重要的个人信息保护法律指南,已经有一百多个国家在践行该指导原则。例如,1980年经济合作与发展组织的《关于隐私保护与个人信息跨国流通指南的建议》(简称“OECD指南”)、1990年的《联合国个人信息保护指南》、1995年欧盟《数据保护指令》、2005年亚太经合组织的《APEC个人隐私保护框架》(简称“APEC隐私框架”)等都可以看作是践行公平信息实践原则的代表性版本。See Deirdre K. Mulligan & Jennifer King, Briging the Gap Between Privacy and Design,14 U. Pa. J. Const. L. 989,2012,p.990; Frederik Zuiderveen Borgesius, Jonathan Gray, Mireille van Eechoud, Open Data, Privacy, and Fair Information principles: Towards a Balancing Framework,30 Berkeley Technology Law Journal 2073,2016,pp.2101-2102.
    (5)据美国2008年一项调查显示,用户每年将所有隐私政策阅读一遍就需要花费244个小时。时至今日,用户耗费时间必定成倍增加。See Susan Landan,Control Use of Data to Protect Privacy, 347 Science Issue 504,2015,p.504.
    (7)需要说明的是,欧盟《一般数据保护法》第25条使用的词语为“data protection by design”,而非“privacy by design”。但正如前文注释所说,由于国外并不严格区分data(数据)、privacy(隐私)和personal information(个人信息)三个概念。故此,美国和加拿大多使用privacy by design(隐私设计理论),欧盟则称之为data protection by design(数据保护设计理论),其他还存在privacy protection by design(隐私保护设计理论),privacy and data protection by design(隐私和数据保护设计理论)等表述。为行文方便,我们统称为“隐私设计理论”。
    (14)《人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言》确立了在人工智能发展中保护人权的六项伦理原则,其中第四项明确规定了隐私设计理论,并进一步将其发展为伦理设计理论。具体可参见吴沈括等译:《人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言》(全文). https://xiaobaiban.net/news/read-6fPcgW9MU3_2B5egWb.htm,2018年10月31日访问。
    (15)关于该法案中隐私设计条款的规定,具体可参见Sec. 107. Accountability of Administration Discussion Draft: Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights Act of 2015.
    (16)需要说明的是,隐私默认保护(privacy by default)应当是隐私设计理论的组成部分,但欧盟《一般数据保护条例》第25条将两者并列放在一起。
    (17)数据本身的价值并不容易评估,但并非不能确定。See Rhett Allain, How Much Does Your Data Cost?,Wired,June 21,2011.
    (18)会议明确提出,任何人工智能系统的创建、开发和使用都应充分尊重人权,特别是保护个人数据和隐私权以及人的尊严不被损害的权利,并应提供解决方案,使个人能够控制和理解人工智能系统。与此同时,会议还确立了在人工智能发展中保护人权的六项伦理原则。具体可参见吴沈括等译:《人工智能伦理与数据保护宣言》(全文). https://xiaobaiban.net/news/read-6fPcgW9MU3_2B5egWb.htm,2018年10月31日访问。
    (19)例如,许多公司都在研发没有刹车、油门、方向盘的自动驾驶汽车,欲将驾驶任务全部交由系统完成。对此,笔者认为,这种研发思路违背了控制原则,将人机关系中的主导权全部交由机器,这是十分危险的。See Gail Sullivan, Google’s New Driverless Car Has No Brakes or Steering Wheel, The Washington Post, May 28, 2014.

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