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1.Itaipu royalties: The role of the hydroelectric sector in water resource management
刊名:Journal of Environmental Management
2.Geotechnology and landscape ecology applied to the selection of potential forest fragments for seed harvesting
作者:Alexandre Rosa dos Santosa ; alexandre.santos@pq.cnpq.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Carlos Antonio Alvares Soares Ribeirob ; cribeiro@ufv.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Telma Machado de Oliveira Peluzioc ; tmpeluzio@ifes.edu.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Joã ; o Batista Esteves Peluzioc ; jbpeluzio@ifes.edu.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Vagner Tebaldi de Queiroza ; vagnertq@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Elvis Ricardo Figueira Brancoa ; elvisgeoflorestal@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Alexandre Simõ ; es Lorenzonb ; alelorenzon@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Getulio Fonseca Dominguesb ; getulio.floresta@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Gustavo Eduardo Marcattib ; gustavomarcatti@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Nero Lemos Martins de Castrob ; nerolemos@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Thaisa Ribeiro Teixeirab ; thaisarib@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Gleissy Mary Amaral Dino Alves dos Santosb ; gleissym@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Pedro Henrique Santos Motab ; pedromota.enf@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Samuel Ferreira da Silvaa ; samuelfd.silva@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Rozimelia Vargasa ; rozivargas@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; José ; Romá ; rio de Carvalhoa ; jromario_carvalho@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Leandro Levate Macedoa ; leandrolevate@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Cintia da Silva Araú ; joa ; araujo.s.cintia@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Samira Luns Hatum de Almeidaa ; samiraluns@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Journal of Environmental Management
3.Influence of relief on permanent preservation areas
作者:Alexandre Rosa dos Santosa ; alexandre.santos@pq.cnpq.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Tessa Chimallib ; tchimalli@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Joã ; o Batista Esteves Peluzioc ; jbpeluzio@ifes.edu.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Aderbal Gomes da Silvad ; aderlasilva@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Gleissy Mary Amaral Dino Alves dos Santose ; gleissym@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Alexandre Simõ ; es Lorenzonf ; alelorenzon@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Thaisa Ribeiro Teixeiraf ; thaisarib@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Nero Lemos Martins de Castrof ; nerolemos@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Carlos Antonio Alvares Soares Ribeirof ; cribeiro@ufv.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Science of the Total Environment
4.GIS applied to agriclimatological zoning and agrotoxin residue monitoring in tomatoes: A case study in Espírito Santo state, Brazil
作者:Gleissy Mary Amaral Dino Alves dos Santosa ; gleissym@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Alexandre Rosa dos Santosb ; alexandre.santos@pq.cnpq.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Luciano José ; Quintã ; o Teixeirac ; luqteixeira@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; ; rgio Henriques Saraivac ; sergiohsaraiva@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Deivid Franç ; a Freitasd ; dfnaweb@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Olavo dos Santos Pereira Jr.e ; olavo.pereira@ufjf.edu.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Carlos Antonio Alvares Soares Ribeirof ; cribeiro@ufv.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Alexandre Simõ ; es Lorenzonf ; alelorenzon@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Fernando Coelho Eugeniog ; coelho.fernando@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Antô ; nio Augusto Nevesa ; aneves@ufv.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Maria Eliana Lopes Ribeiro de Queiroza ; meliana@ufv.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Rodrigo Schererh ; rodrigo.scherer@uvv.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Journal of Environmental Management

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