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1. Continuous-light tolerance in tomato is graft-transferable
3. Differential aluminium-impaired nutrient uptake along the root axis of two maize genotypes contrasting in resistance to aluminium
作者:Eduardo D. Mariano (1)
Aluisio S. Pinheiro (2)
Edivaldo E. Garcia (3)
Willem G. Keltjens (4)
Renato A. Jorge (5)
Marcelo Menossi (1)

1. Department of Genetics
; Evolution and Bioagents ; Institute of Biology ; University of Campinas 鈥?UNICAMP ; PO Box 6109 ; 13083-970 ; Campinas ; SP ; Brazil
2. Institute of Mathematics
; Statistics and Scientific Computation ; University of Campinas 鈥?UNICAMP ; PO Box 6065 ; 13083-970 ; Campinas ; SP ; Brazil
3. Department of Chemistry
; State University of Maring谩 鈥?UEM ; 87020-900 ; Maring谩 ; PR ; Brazil
4. Department of Soil Quality
; Wageningen University 鈥?WUR ; PO Box 47 ; 6700 AA ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
5. Department of Physical Chemistry
; Institute of Chemistry ; University of Campinas 鈥?UNICAMP ; PO Box 6154 ; 13084-971 ; Campinas ; SP ; Brazil
刊名:Plant and Soil
5. An ecosystem services approach to pesticide risk assessment and risk management of non-target terrestrial plants: recommendations from a SETAC Europe workshop
作者:Gertie H. P. Arts (1)
Margit Dollinger (2)
Eva Kohlschmid (3)
Lorraine Maltby (4)
Hugo Ochoa-Acu帽a (5)
V茅ronique Poulsen (6)

1. Alterra Wageningen University and Research Centre
; P.O. Box 47 ; 6700 AA ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
2. Bayer Cropscience
; Environmental Safety ; Ecotoxicology ; Monheim ; 6620 ; Germany
3. Agroscope
; Institute for Plant Production Sciences IPS ; Schloss 1 ; P.O. Box 185 ; 8820 ; W盲denswil ; Schweiz
4. Department of Animal and Plant Sciences
; The University of Sheffield ; Sheffield ; S10 2TN ; UK
5. DuPont Crop Protection
; Global Regulatory Ecotoxicology ; Stine Haskell S315/2143B ; Newark ; USA
6. ANSES - French Agency for Food
; Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety ; 27-31 avenue du G茅n茅ral Leclerc ; 94701 ; Maisons-Alfort Cedex ; France
刊名:Environmental Science and Pollution Research
6. Characterization of the MLO gene family in Rosaceae and gene expression analysis in Malus domestica
7. New insights into domestication of carrot from root transcriptome analyses
作者:Jun Rong (1) (2)
Youri Lammers (1)
Jared L Strasburg (3)
Natasha S Schidlo (1)
Yavuz Ariyurek (4)
Tom J de Jong (1)
Peter GL Klinkhamer (1)
Marinus JM Smulders (5)
Klaas Vrieling (1)

1. Plant Ecology and Phytochemistry
; Institute of Biology Leiden ; Leiden University ; PO Box 9505 ; Leiden ; 2300 ; RA ; The Netherlands
2. Center for Watershed Ecology
; Institute of Life Science and Key Laboratory of Poyang Lake Environment and Resource Utilization ; Ministry of Education ; Nanchang University ; Nanchang ; 330031 ; China
3. Department of Biology
; University of Minnesota-Duluth ; Duluth ; USA
4. Leiden Genome Technology Center
; Human and Clinical Genetics ; Leiden University Medical Center ; Postzone S4-P ; PO Box 9600 ; Leiden ; 2300 ; RC ; The Netherlands
5. Plant Research International
; Wageningen UR ; PO Box 16 ; Wageningen ; 6700 ; AA ; The Netherlands
刊名:BMC Genomics
9. Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action
作者:Kerri L Steenwerth (1)
Amanda K Hodson (2)
Arnold J Bloom (3)
Michael R Carter (4)
Andrea Cattaneo (5)
Colin J Chartres (6)
Jerry L Hatfield (7)
Kevin Henry (8) (9)
Jan W Hopmans (2)
William R Horwath (2)
Bryan M Jenkins (10)
Ermias Kebreab (11)
Rik Leemans (12)
Leslie Lipper (13)
Mark N Lubell (14)
Siwa Msangi (15)
Ravi Prabhu (16)
Matthew P Reynolds (17)
Samuel Sandoval Solis (2)
William M Sischo (18)
Michael Springborn (19)
Pablo Tittonell (20)
Stephen M Wheeler (21)
Sonja J Vermeulen (22)
Eva K Wollenberg (23)
Lovell S Jarvis (24)
Louise E Jackson (2)

1. Crops Pathology and Genetics Research Unit
; Agricultural Research Service ; United States Department of Agriculture (ARS/USDA) ; c/o Department of Viticulture and Enology ; RMI North ; Rm. 1151 ; 595 Hilgard Lane ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
2. Department of Land
; Air and Water Resources ; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
3. Department of Plant Sciences
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
4. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
5. Climate Smart Agriculture Project
; Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. ; Viale delle Terme di Caracalla ; 00100 ; Rome ; Italy
6. eWater
; University of Canberra Innovation Centre ; Building 22 ; University Drive South ; Bruce ; ACT 2617 ; Australia
7. National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment
; ARS/USDA ; Ames ; IA ; USA
8. Where the Rain Falls
; CARE France ; 71 rue Archereau ; Paris ; 75019 ; France
9. School of Global Environmental Sustainability
; Colorado State University ; 108 Johnson Hall ; Fort Collins ; CO ; 80523 ; USA
10. Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
11. Department of Animal Science
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
12. Environmental Sciences
; Wageningen University ; P.O. Box 47 ; 6700AA ; Wageningen ; the Netherlands
13. Agricultural and Development Economic Analysis Division
; Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. ; Viale delle Terme di Caracalla ; 00100 ; Rome ; Italy
14. Department of Environmental Science and Policy
; Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior ; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
15. Environment and Production Technology Division
; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ; 2033 K St. ; NW ; Washington ; DC ; 20006-1002 ; USA
16. World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)
; P.O. Box 30677 ; 00100 ; Nairobi ; Kenya
17. Plant
; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Apdo ; Postal 6-641 ; 06600 ; Mexico ; D.F. ; Mexico
18. Food- and Water-borne Disease Research Program
; College of Veterinary Medicine ; Washington State University ; PO Box 646610 ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-6610 ; USA
19. Department of Environmental Science and Policy
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
20. Plant Sciences
; Wageningen University ; P.O. Box 563 ; 6700AN ; Wageningen ; the Netherlands
21. Department of Landscape Architecture
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
22. Climate Change
; Agriculture and Food Security ; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) ; Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences ; University of Copenhagen ; Rolighedsvej 21 ; DK-1958 ; Frederiksberg C ; Denmark
23. Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
; University of Vermont ; 617 Main Street ; Burlington ; Vermont ; 05405 ; USA
24. Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
刊名:Agriculture & Food Security

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