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1. Early Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis in a Kidney Transplant Recipient Caused by Aspergillus lentulus: First Brazilian Report
作者:Viviane Reis de Azevedo Bastos (1)
Daniel Wagner de Castro Lima Santos (1) (2)
Ana Carolina Barbosa Padovan (1) (3)
Analy Salles Azevedo Melo (1) (4)
Milene de Abreu Mazzolin (5)
Luis Fernando Aranha Camargo (1) (5)
Arnaldo Lopes Colombo (1) (4)

1. Laborat贸rio Especial de Micologia
; Division of Infectious Diseases ; Department of Medicine ; Universidade Federal de S茫o Paulo 鈥?UNIFESP ; Rua Pedro de Toledo ; 669 鈥?5潞 andar ; S茫o Paulo ; SP ; 04039-032 ; Brazil
2. Institute of Infectology Emilio Ribas
; S茫o Paulo ; Brazil
3. Department of Microbiology and Immunology
; Institute of Biomedical Sciences ; Universidade Federal de Alfenas 鈥?UNIFAL ; Alfenas ; MG ; Brazil
4. Department of Medicine
; Graduate Program of Translational Medicine ; Universidade Federal de S茫o Paulo 鈥?UNIFESP ; S茫o Paulo ; Brazil
5. Division of Nephology
; Department of Medicine ; Universidade Federal de S茫o Paulo 鈥?UNIFESP and Hospital do Rim e Hipertens茫o ; Funda莽茫o Oswaldo Ramos ; S茫o Paulo ; Brazil
2. Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: II. ARDS, airway management, ventilation, adjuvants in sepsis, hepatic failure, symptoms assessment and management, palliative care and support for families, prognostication, organ donation, outcome, organi
作者:Anders Perner (1)
Giuseppe Citerio (2)
Jan Bakker (3)
Matteo Bassetti (4)
Dominique Benoit (5)
Maurizio Cecconi (6) (7)
J. Randall Curtis (8)
Gordon S. Doig (9)
Margaret Herridge (10)
Samir Jaber (11)
Michael Joannidis (12)
Laurent Papazian (13)
Mark J. Peters (14)
Pierre Singer (15)
Martin Smith (16)
Marcio Soares (17)
Antoni Torres (18)
Antoine Vieillard-Baron (19)
Jean-Fran莽ois Timsit (20)
Elie Azoulay (21)

1. Department of Intensive Care
; Rigshospitalet ; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
2. Universit脿 Milano Bicocca
; Milan ; Italy
3. Erasmus MC University Medical Center
; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
4. Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Santa Maria della Misericordia
; Udine ; Italy
5. Ghent University Hospital
; Ghent ; Belgium
6. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
7. Department of Anaesthesia
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
8. Harborview Medical Center
; The University of Washington ; Seattle ; WA ; USA
9. Northern Clinical School Intensive Care Research Unit
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
10. Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
11. Saint Eloi University Hospital
; Montpellier ; France
12. Division of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
; Department of Internal Medicine ; Medical University of Innsbruck ; Innsbruck ; Austria
13. H么pital Nord
; Aix-Marseille Universit茅 ; Marseille ; France
14. UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond St Hospital
; London ; UK
15. Rabin Medical Center
; Beilinson Hospital ; Sackler School of Medicine ; Tel Aviv University ; Tel Aviv ; Israel
16. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
; University College London Hospitals ; London ; UK
17. D鈥橭r Institute for Research and Education
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
18. Pulmonary Intensive Care Unit
; Department of Pulmonary Medicine ; Hospital Cl铆nic of Barcelona ; Barcelona ; Spain
19. INSERM U-1018
; CESP ; Team 5 (EpReC ; Renal and Cardiovascular Epidemiology) ; UVSQ ; H么pital Ambroise Par茅 ; Paris ; France
20. APHP-Hopital Bichat-Medical and Infectious Diseases ICU
; UMR 1137-IAME Team 5-DeSCID ; Decision Sciences in Infectious Diseases ; Control and Care Inserm/Univ Paris Diderot ; Sorbonne Paris Cit茅 ; 75018 ; Paris ; France
21. AP-HP
; H么pital Saint-Louis ; Medical ICU ; Groupe de Recherche Respiratoire en R茅animation Onco-H茅matologique (Grrr-OH) ; Paris ; France
刊名:Intensive Care Medicine
3. Year in review in Intensive Care Medicine 2014: I. Cardiac dysfunction and cardiac arrest, ultrasound, neurocritical care, ICU-acquired weakness, nutrition, acute kidney injury, and miscellaneous
作者:Giuseppe Citerio (1)
Jan Bakker (2)
Matteo Bassetti (3)
Dominique Benoit (4)
Maurizio Cecconi (5) (6)
J. Randall Curtis (7)
Gordon S. Doig (8)
Margaret Herridge (9)
Samir Jaber (10)
Michael Joannidis (11)
Laurent Papazian (12)
Anders Perner (13)
Mark J. Peters (14)
Pierre Singer (15)
Martin Smith (16)
Marcio Soares (17)
Antoni Torres (18)
Antoine Vieillard-Baron (19)
Jean-Fran莽ois Timsit (20)
Elie Azoulay (21)

1. Universit脿 Milano Bicocca
; Milan ; Italy
2. Erasmus MC University Medical Center
; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
3. Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Santa Maria della Misericordia
; Udine ; Italy
4. Ghent University Hospital
; Ghent ; Belgium
5. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
6. Department of Anaesthesia
; St. Georges Healthcare NHS Trust ; London ; UK
7. Harborview Medical Center and The University of Washington
; Seattle ; WA ; USA
8. Northern Clinical School Intensive Care Research Unit
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
9. Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine
; University of Toronto ; Toronto ; ON ; Canada
10. Saint Eloi University Hospital
; Montpellier ; France
11. Division of Intensive Care and Emergency Medicine
; Department of Internal Medicine ; Medical University of Innsbruck ; Innsbruck ; Austria
12. H么pital Nord
; Aix-Marseille Universit茅 ; Marseille ; France
13. Department of Intensive Care
; Rigshospitalet ; University of Copenhagen ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
14. UCL Institute of Child Health and Great Ormond St Hospital
; London ; UK
15. Rabin Medical Center
; Beilinson Hospital ; Sackler School of Medicine ; Tel Aviv University ; Tel Aviv ; Israel
16. The National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery
; University College London Hospitals ; London ; UK
17. D鈥橭r Institute for Research and Education
; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil
18. Pulmonary Intensive Care Unit
; Department of Pulmonary Medicine ; Hospital Cl铆nic of Barcelona ; Barcelona ; Spain
19. INSERM U-1018
; CESP ; Team 5 (EpReC ; Renal and Cardiovascular Epidemiology) ; UVSQ ; H么pital Ambroise Par茅 ; Paris ; France
20. APHP-Hopital Bichat-Medical and Infectious Diseases ICU
; UMR 1137-IAME Team 5-DeSCID ; Decision Sciences in Infectious Diseases ; Control and Care Inserm/Univ Paris Diderot ; Sorbonne Paris Cit茅 ; 75018 ; Paris ; France
21. AP-HP
; H么pital Saint-Louis ; Medical ICU ; Groupe de Recherche Respiratoire en R茅animation Onco-H茅matologique (Grrr-OH) ; Paris ; France
刊名:Intensive Care Medicine
4. Dietary animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with obesity and cardio-metabolic indicators in European adolescents: the HELENA cross-sectional study
作者:Yi Lin (1)
Theodora Mouratidou (2)
Carine Vereecken (1) (18)
Mathilde Kersting (3)
Selin Bolca (4)
Augusto César F de Moraes (19) (2)
Magdalena Cuenca-García (5)
Luis A Moreno (2) (22)
Marcela González-Gross (6)
Jara Valtue?a (6)
Idoia Labayen (7)
Evangelia Grammatikaki (1) (11)
Lena Hallstrom (8)
Catherine Leclercq (9)
Marika Ferrari (9)
Frederic Gottrand (10) (21)
Laurent Beghin (10) (21)
Yannis Manios (11)
Charlene Ottevaere (1)
Herman Van Oyen (12)
Denes Molnar (13)
Anthony Kafatos (14)
Kurt Widhalm (15)
Sonia Gómez-Martinez (16)
Ligia Esperanza Díaz Prieto (16)
Stefaan De Henauw (1) (20)
Inge Huybrechts (1) (17)
On behalf of the HELENA study group

1. Department of Public Health
; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences ; Ghent University ; UZ -4K3 ; De Pintelaan 185 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
2. Growth
; Exercise ; Nutrition and Development (GENUD) Research Group ; Faculty of Health Sciences ; University of Zaragoza ; c/ Perdro Cerbuna 12 ; 50009 ; Zaragoza ; Spain
18. Research Foundation -Flanders (FWO)
; Egmontstraat 5 ; 1000 ; Brussels ; Belgium
3. Forschungsinstitut für Kinderern?hrung
; Research Institute of Child Nutrition ; Dortmund ; Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms ; Universit?t Bonn ; Heinstück 11 ; 44225 ; Dortmund ; Germany
4. Laboratory for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (Biobix)
; Faculty of Bioscience Engineering ; Ghent University ; Coupure Links 653 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
19. YCARE (Youth/Child and cArdiovascular Risk and Environmental) Research Group
; Department of Preventive Medicine School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo ; 01246-903 ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
5. Department of Medical Physiology
; School of Medicine ; Granada University ; Avenida Madrid 12 ; 18012 ; Granada ; Spain
22. Department of Preventive Medicine
; School of Medicine of the University of S?o Paulo ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
6. ImFine Research Group
; Department of Health and Human Performance ; Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (INEF) ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Martin Fierro 7 ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
7. Department of Nutrition and Food Science
; University of the Basque Country ; Paseo de la Universidad 7 ; 01006 ; Vitoria-Gasteiz ; Spain
11. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Harokopio University ; 70 ; El Venizelou Ave ; 17671 ; Kallithea ; Athens ; Greece
8. Division of Public Health Sciences and Division of Sociology
; School of Health ; Care and Social Welfare ; M?rlardalens University ; Box 883 ; 72123 ; V?ster?s ; Sweden
9. Agricultural Research Council—Food and Nutrition Research Centre
; Via Ardeatina 546 ; 00178 ; Rome ; Italy
10. Inserm U995
; Faculté de Médecine ; Université de Lille ; Lille ; France
21. Centre d’Investigation Clinique
; CIC-PT-1403-Inserm-CH&U ; 59037 ; Lille ; France
12. Scientific Institute of Public Health
; J. Wytsmanstraat 14 ; 1050 ; Brussels ; Belgium
13. Department of Pediatrics
; University of Pécs ; Pécs ; József A. u. 7 ; 7623 ; Pécs ; Hungary
14. Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Unit
; University of Crete ; School of Medicine ; Heraklion ; Crete ; Greece
15. Department of Pediatrics
; Private Medical University ; Strubergasse 21 ; 5020 ; Salzburg ; Austria
16. Immunonutrition Research Group
; Department of Metabolism and Nutrition ; Institute of Food Science ; Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) ; Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) ; 10 Antonio Novais street ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
20. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Faculty of Health Care Vesalius ; University College Ghent ; Keramiekstraat 80 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
17. Dietary Exposure Assessment group
; International Agency for Research on Cancer ; 150 Cours Albert Thomas ; 69372 ; Lyon ; CEDEX 08 ; France
刊名:Nutrition Journal
5. Mutations in the PCNA-binding site of CDKN1C inhibit cell proliferation by impairing the entry into S phase
刊名:Cell Division
6. A new species of the oligotrophic genus Ochroconis (Sympoventuriaceae)
作者:K. Samerpitak (1) (2) (3)
A. P. M. Duarte (4)
D. Attili-Angelis (5)
F. C. Pagnocca (4)
G. Heinrichs (6)
A. J. M. M. Rijs (7)
A. Alfjorden (8)
A. H. G. Gerrits van den Ende (1)
S. B. J. Menken (2)
G. S. de Hoog (1) (10) (11) (12) (13) (2) (4) (9)

1. CBS-KNAW Fungal Biodiversity Centre
; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
2. Institute for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Dynamics
; University of Amsterdam ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
3. Department of Microbiology
; Faculty of Medicine ; Khon Kaen University ; Khon Kaen ; Thailand
4. Center for the Study of Social Insects
; S茫o Paulo State University ; UNESP ; S茫o Paulo ; Brazil
5. Division of Microbial Resources
; CPQBA ; University of Campinas ; Campinas ; Brazil
6. Institute of Medical Microbiology
; RWTH Aachen University Hospital ; Aachen ; Germany
7. Department of Medical Microbiology
; Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
8. Department of Animal Health and Antimicrobial Strategies
; Section for Fish ; National Veterinary Institute ; Uppsala ; Sweden
10. Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital
; Sun Yat-sen University ; Guangzhou ; China
11. Second Medical Military University
; Shanghai ; China
12. Basic Pathology Department
; Federal University of Paran谩 State ; Curitiba ; Paran谩 ; Brazil
13. King Abdulaziz University
; Jeddah ; Saudi Arabia
9. Peking University Health Science Center
; Research Center for Medical Mycology ; Beijing ; China
刊名:Mycological Progress
8. Prognostic value of procalcitonin in respiratory tract infections across clinical settings
作者:Alexander Kutz (1)
Matthias Briel (2)
Mirjam Christ-Crain (3)
Daiana Stolz (4)
Lila Bouadma (5)
Michel Wolff (5)
Kristina B Kristoffersen (6)
Long Wei (7)
Olaf Burkhardt (8)
Tobias Welte (8)
Stefan Schroeder (9)
Vandack Nobre (10)
Michael Tamm (4)
Neera Bhatnagar (11)
Heiner C Bucher (2)
Charles-Edouard Luyt (12)
Jean Chastre (12)
Florence Tubach (13)
Beat Mueller (1)
Philipp Schuetz (1)

1. University Department of Medicine
; Kantonsspital Aarau ; Tellstrasse ; 5001 ; Aarau ; Switzerland
2. Basel Institute for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
; University Hospital Basel ; Hebelstrasse 10 ; Basel ; 4031 ; Switzerland
3. Division of Endocrinology
; Diabetology and Clinical Nutrition ; University Hospital Basel ; Hebelstrasse 10 ; Basel ; 4031 ; Switzerland
4. Clinic of Pneumology and Pulmonary Cell Research
; University Hospital Basel ; Hebelstrasse 10 ; Basel ; 4031 ; Switzerland
5. Service de R茅animation M茅dicale
; Universit茅 Paris 7鈥揇enis Diderot ; H么pital Bichat鈥揅laude-Bernard ; Assistance Publique鈥揌么pitaux de Paris (AP鈥揌P) ; Henri Huchard Paris Cedex 18 ; Paris ; 75877 ; France
6. Department of Infectious Diseases
; Aarhus University Hospital ; Skejby ; Palle Juul-Jensens Boulevard 99 ; 8200 ; Aarhus N ; Denmark
7. Department of Internal and Geriatric Medicine
; Shanghai Jiao Tong University Affiliated Sixth People鈥檚 Hospital ; Huan Hu Xi San Road ; Pudong New Area ; Shanghai ; 201306 ; China
8. Department of Pulmonary Medicine
; Hannover Medical School ; Carl-Neuberg-Str. 1 ; Hannover ; 30659 ; Germany
9. Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine
; D眉ren Hospital ; Roonstra脽e 30 ; D眉ren ; 52351 ; Germany
10. Intensive Care
; Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais ; 6627 - Pampulha ; Belo Horizonte - MG ; 31270-901 ; Brazil
11. Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
; McMaster University ; 1280 Main Street West ; Hamilton ; Ontario ; L8S4L8 ; Canada
12. Service de R茅animation M茅dicale
; Universit茅 Paris 6鈥揚ierre et Marie Curie ; H么pital Piti茅鈥揝alp锚tri猫re ; AP-HP ; 47-83 boulevard de l鈥橦么pital ; Paris ; 75651 ; France
13. AP-HP
; H么pitaux Universitaires Paris Nord Val de Seine ; D茅partement d鈥橢pid茅miologie Biostatistique et Recherche Clinique ; Universit茅 Paris Diderot ; Sorbonne Paris Cit茅 ; UMR 738 ; INSERM ; UMR 738 ; INSERM ; CIE801 ; 5 Rue Thomas Mann ; Paris ; Cedex 13 ; 75013 ; France
刊名:Critical Care
9. When is reoperative surgery not indicated for recurrent head and neck squamous cell carcinoma?
作者:Juan P. Rodrigo (1) (2)
Luiz P. Kowalski (3)
Carl E. Silver (4)
Remco de Bree (5)
Alessandra Rinaldo (6)
Ashok R. Shaha (7)
Primo啪 Strojan (8)
Mohamed N. Elsheikh (9)
Missak Haigentz Jr. (10)
Alvaro Sanabria (11)
H. Hakan Coskun (12)
Robert P. Takes (13)
Alfio Ferlito (6)

1. Department of Otolaryngology
; Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias ; Oviedo ; Spain
2. Instituto Universitario de Oncolog铆a del Principado de Asturias
; Oviedo ; Spain
3. Department Otorhinolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; Centro de Tratamento e Pesquisa Hospital do Cancer A.C. Camargo ; S茫o Paulo ; Brazil
4. Departments of Surgery and Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; Montefiore Medical Center ; Albert Einstein College of Medicine ; Bronx ; NY ; USA
5. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; VU University Medical Center ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
6. ENT Clinic
; University of Udine ; Piazzale S. Maria della Misericordia ; 33100 ; Udine ; Italy
7. Department of Surgery
; Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ; New York ; NY ; USA
8. Department of Radiation Oncology
; Institute of Oncology ; Ljubljana ; Slovenia
9. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; Tanta University ; Tanta ; Egypt
10. Division of Oncology
; Department of Medicine ; Montefiore Medical Center ; Albert Einstein College of Medicine ; Bronx ; NY ; USA
11. Department of Surgery
; Universidad de Antioquia ; Universidad de La Sabana-Oncology Unit ; Hospital Pablo Tob贸n Uribe ; Medell铆n ; Colombia
12. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; Uludag University School of Medicine ; Bursa ; Turkey
13. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; Radboud University Medical Center ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
刊名:European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
10. Swallowing transit times and valleculae residue in stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
作者:Rosane de Deus Chaves (1)
Fernanda Chiarion Sassi (1)
Laura Davison Mangilli (2)
Shri Krishna Jayanthi (3)
Alberto Cukier (4)
Bruno Zilberstein (5)
Claudia Regina Furquim de Andrade (1)

1. Department of Physiotherapy
; Speech-language and Hearing Sciences ; and Occupational Therapy ; School of Medicine ; University of S茫o Paulo ; Rua Ov铆deo Pires de Campos ; 186 ; Cerqueira C茅sar ; CEP 054030-010 ; S茫o Paulo ; SP ; Brazil
2. Medical Investigation Laboratory (LIM 34) 鈥?Rehabilitation Sciences
; School of Medicine ; University of S茫o Paulo ; Rua Ov铆deo Pires de Campos ; 186 ; Cerqueira C茅sar ; CEP 054030-010 ; S茫o Paulo ; SP ; Brazil
3. Institute of Radiology
; Hospital das Cl铆nicas ; School of Medicine ; University of S茫o Paulo ; Rua Ov铆deo Pires de Campos ; 186 ; Cerqueira C茅sar ; CEP 054030-010 ; S茫o Paulo ; SP ; Brazil
4. Pneumology Division
; Heart Institute of Hospital das Cl铆nicas ; School of Medicine ; University of S茫o Paulo ; Rua Ov铆deo Pires de Campos ; 186 ; Cerqueira C茅sar ; CEP 054030-010 ; S茫o Paulo ; SP ; Brazil
5. Digestive Surgery Division
; School of Medicine ; University of S茫o Paulo ; Rua Ov铆deo Pires de Campos ; 186 ; Cerqueira C茅sar ; CEP 054030-010 ; S茫o Paulo ; SP ; Brazil
刊名:BMC Pulmonary Medicine

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