在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:75条,耗时:0.0199923 秒


2. Provision of specific dental procedures by general dentists in the National Dental Practice-Based Research Network: questionnaire findings
作者:Gregg H Gilbert (25)
Valeria V Gordan (26)
James J Korelitz (27)
Jeffrey L Fellows (28)
Cyril Meyerowitz (29)
Thomas W Oates (30)
D Brad Rindal (31)
Randall J Gregory (32)
National Dental PBRN Collaborative Group

25. Department of Clinical and Community Sciences
; School of Dentistry ; University of Alabama at Birmingham ; SDB Room 109 ; 1530 Third Avenue South ; Birmingham ; AL ; 35294-0007 ; USA
26. Department of Restorative Dental Sciences
; College of Dentistry ; University of Florida ; Gainesville ; FL ; USA
27. Westat
; Rockville ; MD ; USA
28. Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research
; Portland ; OR ; USA
29. Eastman Institute for Oral Health
; Rochester ; NY ; USA
30. Department of Periodontics
; School of Dentistry ; University of Texas Health Science Center at SanAntonio ; San Antonio ; TX ; USA
31. HealthPartners Institute for Education and Research
; Minneapolis ; MN ; USA
32. General Dentist
; Winston-Salem Dental Care ; Winston-Salem ; NC ; USA
刊名:BMC Oral Health
3. Comparison of cerebral blood flow in oral somatic delusion in patients with and without a history of depression: a comparative case series
作者:Motoko Watanabe (1)
Yojiro Umezaki (1)
Anna Miura (1)
Yukiko Shinohara (1)
Tatsuya Yoshikawa (2)
Tomomi Sakuma (2)
Chisa Shitano (2)
Ayano Katagiri (1)
Miho Takenoshita (1)
Akira Toriihara (3)
Akihito Uezato (4)
Toru Nishikawa (4)
Haruhiko Motomura (1)
Akira Toyofuku (1)

1. Department of Psychosomatic Dentistry
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; 1-5-45 Yushima ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8549 ; Japan
2. Psychosomatic Dentistry Clinic
; Tokyo Medical and Dental University Dental Hospital ; 1-5-45 Yushima ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8549 ; Japan
3. Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Oncology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; 1-5-45 Yushima ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8519 ; Japan
4. Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; 1-5-45 Yushima ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8519 ; Japan
刊名:BMC Psychiatry
4. A Female Patient with Incomplete Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Caused by a Heterozygous XIAP Mutation Associated with Non-Random X-Chromosome Inactivation Skewed Towards the Wild-Type XIAP Al
作者:Xi Yang (1)
Akihiro Hoshino (1)
Takashi Taga (2)
Tomoaki Kunitsu (2)
Yuhachi Ikeda (2)
Takahiro Yasumi (3)
Kenichi Yoshida (4)
Taizo Wada (5)
Kunio Miyake (6)
Takeo Kubota (6)
Yusuke Okuno (7)
Hideki Muramatsu (7)
Yuichi Adachi (1)
Satoru Miyano (8) (9)
Seishi Ogawa (4)
Seiji Kojima (7)
Hirokazu Kanegane (1) (10)

1. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences ; University of Toyama ; Toyama ; Japan
2. Department of Pediatrics
; Shiga University of Medical Science ; Otsu ; Japan
3. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
4. Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
5. Department of Pediatrics
; School of Medicine ; Institute of Medical ; Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences ; Kanazawa University ; Kanazawa ; Japan
6. Department of Epigenetic Medicine
; Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering ; University of Yamanashi ; Yamanashi ; Japan
7. Department of Pediatrics
; Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine ; Nagoya ; Japan
8. Laboratory of DNA Information Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
9. Laboratory of Sequence Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
10. Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Biology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; 1-5-45 Yushima ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8519 ; Japan
刊名:Journal of Clinical Immunology
5. The midwifery initiated oral health-dental service protocol: an intervention to improve oral health outcomes for pregnant women
作者:Maree Johnson (1)
Ajesh George (2)
Hannah Dahlen (3)
Shilpi Ajwani (4)
Sameer Bhole (4)
Anthony Blinkhorn (5)
Sharon Ellis (6)
Anthony Yeo (7)

1. Faculty of Health Sciences
; Australian Catholic University ; Ingham Institute Applied Medical Research ; Sydney ; Australia
2. Centre for Applied Nursing Research
; University of Western Sydney/ South Western Sydney Local Health District ; University of Sydney ; Ingham Institute Applied Medical Research ; Liverpool BC ; Locked Bag 7103 ; Sydney ; NSW ; 1871 ; Australia
3. School of Nursing & Midwifery
; University of Western Sydney ; Ingham Institute Applied Medical Research ; Sydney ; Australia
4. Sydney Local Health District Oral Health Services and Sydney Dental Hospital
; Faculty of Dentistry ; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
5. Faculty of Dentistry
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
6. Camden and Campbelltown Hospitals
; South Western Sydney Local Health District ; Sydney ; Australia
7. Centre for Applied Nursing Research
; University of Western Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
刊名:BMC Oral Health
6. A proposed core curriculum for dental English education in Japan
作者:Omar MM Rodis (1)
Edward Barroga (2)
J Patrick Barron (2)
James Hobbs (3)
Jayanetti A Jayawardena (4)
Ikuo Kageyama (5)
Bukasa Kalubi (1)
Clive Langham (6)
Yoshizo Matsuka (1)
Yoichiro Miyake (1)
Naoko Seki (7)
Hiroko Oka (8)
Martin Peters (9)
Yo Shibata (10)
Roxana Stegaroiu (11)
Kazuyoshi Suzuki (12)
Shigeru Takahashi (13)
Hironori Tsuchiya (14)
Toshiko Yoshida (15)
Katsuhiko Yoshimoto (1)

1. Institute of Health Biosciences Support Office of Frontier Oral Science
; International Exchange and Collaboration ; The University of Tokushima Graduate School ; 3-18-15 Kuramoto-cho ; Tokushima City ; 770-8504 ; Japan
2. Department of International Medical Communications
; Tokyo Medical University ; Tokyo ; Japan
3. Department of Foreign Languages
; Iwate Medical University ; Iwate ; Japan
4. Department of General Education
; Tsurumi University School of Dental Medicine ; Kanagawa ; Japan
5. Department of Anatomy
; The Nippon Dental University School of Life Dentistry ; Niigata ; Japan
6. Nihon University School of Dentistry
; Tokyo ; Japan
7. Dental Education Development Section
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo ; Japan
8. Department of International Collaboration Development for Dentistry
; Institute of Biomedical & Health Sciences ; Hiroshima University ; Hiroshima ; Japan
9. Medical English Section
; Kanagawa Dental University ; Kanagawa ; Japan
10. Division of Biomaterials and Engineering
; Department of Conservative Dentistry ; Showa University School of Dentistry ; Tokyo ; Japan
11. Department of Oral Health and Welfare
; Niigata University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Niigata ; Japan
12. Department of Endodontics
; School of Dentistry ; Aichi Gakuin University ; Nagoya ; Japan
13. Department of Oral Functional Anatomy
; Hokkaido University Graduate School of Dental Medicine ; Hokkaido ; Japan
14. Department of Dental Basic Education
; Asahi University School of Dentistry ; Gifu ; Japan
15. Center for the Development of Medical and Health Care Education (Dental Education)
; Okayama University ; Okayama ; Japan
刊名:BMC Medical Education
7. Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR) Guidelines 2014 for treatment of colorectal cancer
作者:Toshiaki Watanabe (1)
Michio Itabashi (2)
Yasuhiro Shimada (3)
Shinji Tanaka (4)
Yoshinori Ito (5)
Yoichi Ajioka (6)
Tetsuya Hamaguchi (3)
Ichinosuke Hyodo (7)
Masahiro Igarashi (8)
Hideyuki Ishida (9)
Soichiro Ishihara (1)
Megumi Ishiguro (10)
Yukihide Kanemitsu (11)
Norihiro Kokudo (12)
Kei Muro (13)
Atsushi Ochiai (14)
Masahiko Oguchi (15)
Yasuo Ohkura (16)
Yutaka Saito (17)
Yoshiharu Sakai (18)
Hideki Ueno (19)
Takayuki Yoshino (20)
Narikazu Boku (21)
Takahiro Fujimori (22)
Nobuo Koinuma (23)
Takayuki Morita (24)
Genichi Nishimura (25)
Yuh Sakata (26)
Keiichi Takahashi (27)
Osamu Tsuruta (28)
Toshiharu Yamaguchi (29)
Masahiro Yoshida (30)
Naohiko Yamaguchi (31)
Kenjiro Kotake (32)
Kenichi Sugihara (10)
Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum

1. Department of Surgical Oncology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; The University of Tokyo ; 7-3-1 Hongo ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8655 ; Japan
2. Department of Surgery 2
; Tokyo Women鈥檚 Medical University ; Tokyo ; Japan
3. Division of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
4. Department of Endoscopy
; Hiroshima University Hospital ; Hiroshima ; Japan
5. Department of Radiation Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
6. Division of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Niigata University ; Niigata ; Japan
7. Division of Gastroenterology
; Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences ; University of Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; Japan
8. Department of Endoscopy
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
9. Department of Digestive Tract and General Surgery
; Saitama Medical Center ; Saitama Medical University ; Saitama ; Japan
10. Department of Surgical Oncology
; Graduate School ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo ; Japan
11. Colorectal Surgery Division
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
12. Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Division
; Artificial Organ and Transplantation Division ; Department of Surgery ; Graduate School of Medicine ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
13. Department of Clinical Oncology
; Aichi Cancer Center Hospital ; Nagoya ; Japan
14. Pathology Division
; Research Center for Innovative Oncology ; National Cancer Centre Hospital East ; Chiba ; Japan
15. Radiation Oncology Department
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
16. Department of Pathology
; Kyorin University School of Medicine ; Tokyo ; Japan
17. Endoscopy Division
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
18. Department of Surgery
; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
19. Department of Surgery
; National Defense Medical College ; Saitama ; Japan
20. Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital East ; Chiba ; Japan
21. Department of Clinical Oncology
; St. Marianna University ; Kawasaki ; Japan
22. Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology
; Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine ; Tochigi ; Japan
23. Department of Health Administration and Policy
; Tohoku Pharmaceutical University ; Miyagi ; Japan
24. Department of Surgery
; Cancer Center ; Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital ; Aomori ; Japan
25. Department of Surgery
; Japanese Red Cross Kanazawa Hospital ; Ishikawa ; Japan
26. CEO
; Misawa City Hospital ; Aomori ; Japan
27. Department of Surgery
; Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
28. Division of GI Endoscopy
; Kurume University School of Medicine ; Fukuoka ; Japan
29. Department of Gastroenterological Surgery
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
30. Department of Hemodialysis and Surgery
; Chemotherapy Research Institute ; International University of Health and Welfare ; Chiba ; Japan
31. Library
; Toho University Medical Center Sakura Hospital ; Chiba ; Japan
32. Department of Surgery
; Tochigi Cancer Center ; Tochigi ; Japan
刊名:International Journal of Clinical Oncology
8. Aggressive transformation of anaplastic large cell lymphoma with increased number of ALK-translocated chromosomes
作者:Akihiro Hoshino (1)
Keiko Nomura (1)
Takeru Hamashima (2)
Tomoya Isobe (3)
Masafumi Seki (4)
Mitsuteru Hiwatari (4)
Kenichi Yoshida (5)
Yuichi Shiraishi (6)
Kenichi Chiba (6)
Hiroko Tanaka (7)
Satoru Miyano (6) (7)
Seishi Ogawa (5)
Junko Takita (4)
Hirokazu Kanegane (1) (8)

1. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences ; University of Toyama ; 2630 Sugitani ; Toyama ; Toyama ; 930-0194 ; Japan
2. Department of Pathology
; Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences ; University of Toyama ; Toyama ; Japan
3. Student of Tokyo University School of Medicine
; Tokyo ; Japan
4. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine ; University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
5. Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
6. Laboratory of DNA Information Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
7. Laboratory of Sequence Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
8. Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Biology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo ; Japan
刊名:International Journal of Hematology
10. Proposing the use of dental pulp stem cells as a suitable biological model of neurofibromatosis type 1

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