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2. Should the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae be of wider concern for veterinary and medical science?
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
3. Coordinated international action to accelerate genome-to-phenome with FAANG, the Functional Annotation of Animal Genomes project
作者:Leif Andersson (1) (2)
Alan L Archibald (3)
Cynthia D Bottema (4)
Rudiger Brauning (5)
Shane C Burgess (6)
Dave W Burt (3)
Eduardo Casas (7)
Hans H Cheng (8)
Laura Clarke (9)
Christine Couldrey (10)
Brian P Dalrymple (11)
Christine G Elsik (12)
Sylvain Foissac (13)
Elisabetta Giuffra (14)
Martien A Groenen (15)
Ben J Hayes (16) (17) (18)
LuSheng S Huang (19)
Hassan Khatib (20)
James W Kijas (11)
Heebal Kim (21)
Joan K Lunney (22)
Fiona M McCarthy (23)
John C McEwan (24)
Stephen Moore (25)
Bindu Nanduri (26)
Cedric Notredame (27)
Yniv Palti (28)
Graham S Plastow (29)
James M Reecy (30)
Gary A Rohrer (31)
Elena Sarropoulou (32)
Carl J Schmidt (33)
Jeffrey Silverstein (34)
Ross L Tellam (35)
Michele Tixier-Boichard (14)
Gwenola Tosser-Klopp (13)
Christopher K Tuggle (30)
Johanna Vilkki (36)
Stephen N White (37) (38)
Shuhong Zhao (39)
Huaijun Zhou (40)
The FAANG Consortium

1. Science for Life Laboratory Uppsala
; Department of Medical Biochemistry and Microbiology ; Uppsala University ; Uppsala ; SE 751 23 ; Sweden
2. Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
; Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences ; Uppsala ; SE-750 07 ; Sweden
3. The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
; University of Edinburgh ; Edinburgh ; EH25 9RG ; UK
4. School of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
; The University of Adelaide ; Roseworthy ; SA ; 5371 ; Australia
5. Invermay Agricultural Centre
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
6. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85719 ; USA
7. National Animal Disease Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Ames ; IA ; 50010 ; USA
8. Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; East Lansing ; MI ; 48823 ; USA
9. European Molecular Biology Laboratory European Bioinformatics Institute
; Hinxton ; Cambridge ; CB10 1SD ; UK
10. Livestock Improvement Corporation
; Hamilton ; 3284 ; New Zealand
11. Agriculture Flagship
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Brisbane ; Australia
12. Division of Animal Sciences
; University of Missouri ; Columbia ; MO ; 65211 ; USA
13. UMR1388 G茅n茅tique
; Physiologie et Syst猫mes d鈥橢levage (GenPhySE) ; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-31326 ; Castanet-Tolosan ; France
14. UMR1313 G茅n茅tique Animale et Biologie Int茅grative (GABI)
; French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) ; F-78352 ; Jouy-en-Josas ; France
15. Animal Breeding and Genomics Centre
; Wageningen University ; 6708聽PB ; Wageningen ; The Netherlands
16. Biosciences Research Division
; Department of Environment and Primary Industries Victoria ; Bundoora ; 3083 ; Australia
17. Dairy Futures Cooperative Research Centre
; Bundoora ; 3083 ; VIC ; Australia
18. La Trobe University
; Bundoora ; 3086 ; VIC ; Australia
19. Key Laboratory for Animal Biotechnology of Jiangxi Province and the Ministry of Agriculture of China
; Jiangxi Agricultural University ; Jiangxi ; 330029 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
20. Department of Animal Sciences
; University of Wisconsin-Madison ; Madison ; WI ; 53706 ; USA
21. Department of Agricultural Biotechnology
; Seoul National University ; Seoul ; Republic of Korea
22. Animal Parasitic Diseases Laboratory
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
23. School of Animal and Comparative Biomedical Sciences
; University of Arizona ; Tucson ; AZ ; 85721 ; USA
24. Animal Productivity Group
; AgResearch Limited ; Mosgiel ; 9053 ; New Zealand
25. Centre for Animal Science
; Queensland Alliance for Agriculture & Food Innovation ; University of Queensland ; St Lucia ; QLD ; 4067 ; Australia
26. Department of Basic Sciences
; College of Veterinary Medicine and Institute for Genomics ; Biocomputing and Biotechnology ; Mississippi State University ; Mississippi ; MS ; 39762 ; USA
27. Comparative Bioinformatics
; Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG) ; Dr. Aiguader 88 ; 08003 ; Barcelona ; Spain
28. National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Kearneysville ; WV ; 25430 ; USA
29. Livestock Gentec Centre
; Department of Agricultural ; Food and Nutritional Science ; University of Alberta ; Edmonton ; Alberta ; T6G 2C8 ; Canada
30. Department of Animal Science
; Iowa State University ; Ames ; IA ; 50011 ; USA
31. US Meat Animal Research Center
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Clay Center ; NE ; 68933 ; USA
32. Institute of Marine Biology
; Biotechnology and Aquaculture ; Hellenic Centre for Marine Research ; 71003 ; Heraklion ; Greece
33. Department of Animal and Food Sciences
; University of Delaware ; Newark ; DE ; 19716 ; USA
34. Animal Production and Protection
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service Aquaculture ; Beltsville ; MD ; 20705 ; USA
35. CSIRO Agriculture
; Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation ; St Lucia ; 4067 ; Australia
36. Green Technology
; Natural Resources Institute Finland ; 31600 ; Jokioinen ; Finland
37. Animal Disease Research Unit
; United States Department of Agriculture ; Agricultural Research Service ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-6630 ; USA
38. Department of Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology
; Washington State University ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-7040 ; USA
39. Key Laboratory of Agricultural Animal Genetics
; Breeding and Reproduction of Ministry of Education of China ; Huazhong Agricultural University ; Wuhan ; Hubei ; 430070 ; People鈥檚 Republic of China
40. Department of Animal Science
; University of California ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
刊名:Genome Biology
4. Conclusions of the Worldwide Integrated Assessment on the risks of neonicotinoids and fipronil to biodiversity and ecosystem functioning
作者:J. P. van der Sluijs (1) (31)
V. Amaral-Rogers (2)
L. P. Belzunces (3)
M. F. I. J. Bijleveld van Lexmond (4)
J-M. Bonmatin (5)
M. Chagnon (6)
C. A. Downs (7)
L. Furlan (8)
D. W. Gibbons (9)
C. Giorio (10)
V. Girolami (11)
D. Goulson (12)
D. P. Kreutzweiser (13)
C. Krupke (14)
M. Liess (15)
E. Long (14)
M. McField (16)
P. Mineau (17)
E. A. D. Mitchell (18) (19)
C. A. Morrissey (20)
D. A. Noome (21) (22)
L. Pisa (1)
J. Settele (23) (24)
N. Simon-Delso (1) (25)
J. D. Stark (26)
A. Tapparo (27)
H. Van Dyck (28)
J. van Praagh (29)
P. R. Whitehorn (30)
M. Wiemers (23)

1. Department of Environmental Sciences
; Copernicus Institute ; Utrecht University ; Heidelberglaan 2 ; 3584 CS ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
31. Centre for the Study of the Sciences and the Humanities
; University of Bergen ; Postboks 7805 ; N-5020 ; Bergen ; Norway
2. Buglife
; Bug House ; Ham Lane ; Orton Waterville ; Peterborough ; PE2 5UU ; UK
; UR 406 Abeilles and Environnement ; Laboratoire de Toxicologie Environnementale ; Site Agroparc ; 84000 ; Avignon ; France
4. 46 Pertuis-du-Sault
; 2000 ; Neuch芒tel ; Switzerland
5. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique
; Centre de Biophysique Mol茅culaire ; Rue Charles Sadron ; 45071 ; Orl茅ans Cedex 02 ; France
6. D茅partement des Sciences Biologiques
; Universit茅 du Qu茅bec 脌 Montr茅al ; Case Postale 8888 ; Succursale Centre-Ville ; Montreal ; Qu茅bec ; Canada ; H3C 3P8
7. Haereticus Environmental Laboratory
; P.O. Box 92 ; Clifford ; VA ; 24533 ; USA
8. Veneto Agricoltura
; Legnaro ; PD ; Italy
9. RSPB Centre for Conservation Science
; RSPB ; The Lodge ; Sandy ; Bedfordshire ; SG19 2DL ; UK
10. Department of Chemistry
; University of Cambridge ; Lensfield Road ; CB2 1EW ; Cambridge ; UK
11. Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Padova ; Agripolis ; viale dell鈥橴niversit脿 16 ; 35020 ; Legnaro ; Padova ; Italy
12. School of Life Sciences
; University of Sussex ; Brighton ; BN1 9RH ; UK
13. Canadian Forest Service
; Natural Resources Canada ; 1219 Queen Street East ; Sault Ste Marie ; ON ; Canada ; P6A 2E5
14. Department of Entomology
; Purdue University ; West Lafayette ; IN ; 47907-2089 ; USA
15. Department of System Ecotoxicology
; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ ; 04318 ; Leipzig ; Germany
16. Healthy Reefs for Healthy People Initiative
; Smithsonian Institution ; Belize City ; Belize
17. Pierre Mineau Consulting
; 124 Creekside Drive ; Salt Spring Island ; V8K 2E4 ; Canada
18. Laboratory of Soil Biology
; University of Neuchatel ; Rue Emile Argand 11 ; 2000 ; Neuchatel ; Switzerland
19. Jardin Botanique de Neuch芒tel
; Chemin du Perthuis-du-Sault 58 ; 2000 ; Neuch芒tel ; Switzerland
20. Department of Biology and School of Environment and Sustainability
; University of Saskatchewan ; 112 Science Place ; Saskatoon ; SK ; S7N 5E2 ; Canada
21. Task Force on Systemic Pesticides
; Pertuis-du-Sault ; 2000 ; Neuch芒tel ; Switzerland
22. Kijani
; Kasungu National Park ; Private Bag 151 ; Lilongwe ; Malawi
23. Department of Community Ecology
; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ ; Theodor-Lieser-Str. 4 ; 06120 ; Halle ; Germany
24. iDiv
; German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research ; Halle-Jena-Leipzig ; Deutscher Platz 5e ; 04103 ; Leipzig ; Germany
25. Beekeeping Research and Information Centre (CARI)
; Place Croix du Sud 4 ; 1348 ; Louvain la Neuve ; Belgium
26. Puyallup Research and Extension Centre
; Washington State University ; Puyallup ; WA ; 98371 ; USA
27. Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Padova ; via Marzolo 1 ; 35131 ; Padova ; Italy
28. Behavioural Ecology and Conservation Group
; Biodiversity Research Centre ; Universit茅 Catholique de Louvain (UCL) ; Croix du Sud 4-5 bte L7.07.04 ; 1348 ; Louvain-la-Neuve ; Belgium
29. Scientific Advisor
; Hassellstr. 23 ; 29223 ; Celle ; Germany
30. School of Natural Sciences
; University of Stirling ; Stirling ; FK9 4LA ; UK
刊名:Environmental Science and Pollution Research
5. Global discovery and characterization of small non-coding RNAs in marine microalgae
作者:Sara Lopez-Gomollon (5) (9)
Matthew Beckers (6)
Tina Rathjen (10) (5)
Simon Moxon (11) (6)
Florian Maumus (7)
Irina Mohorianu (5)
Vincent Moulton (6)
Tamas Dalmay (5)
Thomas Mock (8)

5. School of Biological Sciences
; University of East Anglia ; Norwich ; NR4 7TJ ; UK
9. Estaci贸n Experimental Aula Dei
; CSIC (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas) ; 50059 ; Zaragoza ; Spain
6. School of Computing Sciences
; University of East Anglia ; Norwich ; NR4 7TJ ; UK
10. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization Plant Industry
; Canberra ; Australian Capital Territory ; 2601 ; Australia
11. The Genome Analysis Centre
; Norwich ; NR4 7UH ; UK
7. UR1164 URGI-Research Unit in Genomics-Info
; INRA de Versailles-Grignon ; Route de Saint-Cyr ; Versailles ; 78026 ; France
8. School of Environmental Sciences
; University of East Anglia ; Norwich ; NR4 7TJ ; UK
刊名:BMC Genomics
6. Genomic characterisation of an endometrial pathogenic Escherichia coli strain reveals the acquisition of genetic elements associated with extra-intestinal pathogenicity
刊名:BMC Genomics
7. Homopolymer tract organization in the human malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum and related Apicomplexan parasites
作者:Karen Russell (11)
Chia-Ho Cheng (12) (18)
Jeffrey W Bizzaro (13)
Nadia Ponts (14)
Richard D Emes (15) (16)
Karine Le Roch (17)
Kenneth A Marx (12)
Paul Horrocks (11)

11. Institute for Science and Technology in Medicine
; Keele University ; Stoke-on-Trent ; ST5 5BG ; Staffordshire ; UK
12. Center for Intelligent Biomaterials
; University of Massachusetts Lowell ; Lowell ; MA ; 01854 ; USA
18. Hebrew SeniorLife
; Institute for Aging Research ; Boston ; MA ; 02131 ; USA
13. Bioinformatics Organization Inc
; Hudson ; MA ; 01749 ; USA
14. National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA)
; UR1264-Mycology and Food Safety (MycSA) ; CS20032 ; 33882 ; Villenave d鈥橭rnon Cedex ; France
15. School of Veterinary Medicine and Science
; University of Nottingham ; LE12 5RD ; Nottingham ; Leicestershire ; UK
16. Advanced Data Analysis Centre
; University of Nottingham ; Nottingham ; UK
17. Department Cell Biology and Neuroscience
; University of California ; Riverside ; CA ; 92521 ; USA
刊名:BMC Genomics
8. TE-Tracker: systematic identification of transposition events through whole-genome resequencing
作者:Arthur Gilly (1) (2) (3) (7)
Mathilde Etcheverry (4) (5) (6)
Mohammed-Amin Madoui (1) (2) (3)
Julie Guy (1) (2) (3)
Leandro Quadrana (4) (5) (6)
Adriana Alberti (1) (2) (3)
Antoine Martin (4) (5) (6) (8)
Tony Heitkam (4) (5) (6) (9)
Stefan Engelen (1) (2) (3)
Karine Labadie (1) (2) (3)
Jeremie Le Pen (10) (4) (5) (6)
Patrick Wincker (1) (2) (3)
Vincent Colot (4) (5) (6)
Jean-Marc Aury (1) (2) (3)

1. Commissariat a l鈥橢nergie Atomique (CEA)
; Institut de Genomique (IG) ; Genoscope ; 2 rue Gaston Cr茅mieux ; BP5706 ; 91057 ; Evry ; France
2. Centre National de Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
; UMR 8030 ; CP5706 ; Evry ; France
3. Universite d鈥橢vry
; UMR 8030 ; CP5706 ; Evry ; France
7. Current address
; The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute ; The Wellcome Trust Genome Campus ; Hinxton ; Cambridge ; CB10 1SA ; UK
4. Institut de Biologie de l鈥橢cole Normale Sup茅rieure
; F-75230 ; Paris ; Cedex 05 ; France
5. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)
; UMR 8197 ; F-75230 ; Paris ; Cedex 05 ; France
6. Institut national de la sant茅 et de la recherche m茅dicale (INSERM)
; U1024 ; F-75230 ; Paris ; Cedex 05 ; France
8. Current address
; Technische Universit盲t Dresden ; Institute of Bota ; ny ; Plant Cell and Molecular Biology ; D-01062 ; Dresden ; Germany
9. Current address
; Laboratoire de Biochimie et Physiologie Mol茅culaire des Plantes ; Institut de Biologie Int茅grative des Plantes 鈥楥laude Grignon鈥? UMR CNRS/INRA/SupAgro/UM2 ; Place Viala ; 34060 ; Montpellier ; Cedex ; France
10. Current address
; Gurdon Institute and Department of Biochemistry ; University of Cambridge ; The Henry Wellcome Building of Cancer and Developmental Biology ; Tennis Court Rd ; Cambridge ; CB2 1QN ; UK
刊名:BMC Bioinformatics
9. Towards the PCR-based identification of Palaearctic Culicoides biting midges (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae): results from an international ring trial targeting four species of the subgenus Avaritia
作者:Claire Garros (3) (4)
Thomas Balenghien (3) (4)
Simon Carpenter (5)
Jean-Claude Del茅colle (6)
Rudy Meiswinkel (7)
Aur茅lie P茅darrieu (3) (4)
Ignace Rakotoarivony (3) (4)
Laetitia Gard猫s (3) (4)
Nick Golding (5)
James Barber (5)
Miguel Miranda (8)
David Borr脿s Borr脿s (8)
Maria Goffredo (9)
Federica Monaco (9)
Nonito Pag猫s (10)
Soufien Sghaier (11)
Salah Hammami (11)
Jorge H Calvo (12)
Javier Lucientes (13)
Dirk Geysen (14)
Gill De Deken (14)
Victor Sarto i Monteys (15)
Jan Schwenkenbecher (16)
Helge Kampen (17)
Bernd Hoffmann (17)
Kathrin Lehmann (18)
Doreen Werner (19)
Thierry Baldet (3) (4)
Renaud Lancelot (3) (4)
Catherine C锚tre-Sossah (3) (4)

3. Cirad
; UMR15 CMAEE ; 34398 ; Montpellier ; France
; UMR1309 CMAEE ; 34398 ; Montpellier ; France
5. The Pirbright Institute
; Pirbright ; UK
6. Facult茅 de M茅decine de Strasbourg
; IPPTS ; Strasbourg ; France
; Central Institute for Animal diseases ; Lelystad ; Netherlands
8. Laboratory of Zoology
; UIB ; University of Balearic Islands ; Palma de Mallorca ; Spain
9. IZS
; Istituto Zooprofilatico Sperimentale dell鈥橝bruzzo e del Molise 鈥淕 Caporale鈥? Teramo ; Italy
10. Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA)
; UAB-IRTA ; Campus de la Universitat Aut貌noma de Barcelona ; Bellaterra (Cerdanyola del Vall猫s) ; Spain
11. IRVT
; Institut de la Recherche V茅t茅rinaire de Tunisie ; Universit茅 Tunis El Manar ; Tunis ; Tunisia
; Centro de Investigacion y Tecnologia Agroalimentaria de Aragon ; Zaragoza ; Spain
13. UZ
; Facultad de Veterinaria ; Universidad de Zaragoza ; Zaragoza ; Spain
14. Institute of Tropical Medicine
; Antwerp ; Belgium
15. Institut de Ci猫ncia i Tecnologia Ambientals (ICTA)
; Bellaterra ; Spain
16. IBES
; Institute of Biological and Environmental Sciences ; University of Aberdeen ; Aberdeen ; Scotland
17. FLI
; Friedrich-Loeffler Institut ; Greifswald-Insel Riems ; Germany
18. Humboldt-Universit盲t zu Berlin
; Cytogenetics ; Chausseestr 117 ; Berlin ; Germany
19. Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF)
; M眉ncheberg ; Germany
刊名:Parasites & Vectors

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