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1. Energy audit experiences in foundries
刊名:International Journal of Energy and Environmental Engineering
4. Renal replacement therapy in acute kidney injury: controversy and consensus
作者:Claudio Ronco (1)
Zaccaria Ricci (2)
Daniel De Backer (3)
John A Kellum (4)
Fabio S Taccone (3)
Michael Joannidis (5)
Peter Pickkers (6)
Vincenzo Cantaluppi (7)
Franco Turani (8)
Patrick Saudan (9)
Rinaldo Bellomo (10)
Olivier Joannes-Boyau (11)
Massimo Antonelli (12)
Didier Payen (13)
John R Prowle (14)
Jean-Louis Vincent (3)

1. Department Nephrology Dialysis & Transplantation
; International Renal Research Institute (IRRIV) ; San Bortolo Hospital ; Viale Rodolfi ; 36100 ; Vicenza ; Italy
2. Department of Cardiology and Cardiac Surgery
; Pediatric Cardiac Intensive Care Unit ; Bambino Ges霉 Children鈥檚 Hospital ; IRCCS ; Piazza S. Onofrio 4 ; 00165 ; Rome ; Italy
3. Department of Intensive Care
; Erasme Hospital ; Universit茅 libre de Bruxelles ; Route de Lennik 808 ; 1070 ; Brussels ; Belgium
4. Center for Critical Care Nephrology
; Department of Critical Care Medicine ; University of Pittsburgh ; 3550 Terrace Street ; Pittsburgh ; PA ; 15261 ; USA
5. Division of Emergency and Intensive Care Medicine
; Department of Internal Medicine ; Medical University of Innsbruck ; Anichstra脽e 35 ; 6020 ; Innsbruck ; Austria
6. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; Radboud University Medical Centre ; PO Box 9101 ; 6500 ; HB ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
7. Nephrology
; Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation Unit ; University of Torino ; Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria 鈥楥itt脿 della Salute e della Scienza di Torino Presidio Molinette鈥? Corso Bramante 88 ; 10126 ; Turin ; Italy
8. Department of Intensive Care
; Aurelia Hospital and European Hospital ; Via Portuense 694 ; 00416 ; Rome ; Italy
9. Service of Nephrology
; Department of Internal Medicine Specialties ; University Hospital of Geneva ; 4 rue Gabrielle Perret-Gentil ; CH 1211 ; Geneva ; Switzerland
10. Department of Intensive Care
; Austin Hospital ; 145 Studley Road ; Heidelberg ; Melbourne ; VIC ; 3084 ; Australia
11. Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) de Bordeaux
; Service d鈥橝nesth茅sie-R茅animation 2 ; Avenue de Magellan ; F-33600 ; Pessac ; France
12. Universit脿 Cattolica del Sacro Cuore - Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli
; Largo Agostino Gemelli 8 ; 00168 ; Rome ; Italy
13. Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care
; Lariboisi猫re Hospital ; Assistance Publique-H么pitaux de Paris ; University of Paris ; 7 Denis Diderot ; 75475 ; Paris ; Cedex 10 ; France
14. Adult Critical Care Unit
; The Royal London Hospital ; Barts Health ; Whitechapel Road ; London ; E1 1BB ; UK
刊名:Critical Care
5. Renal angina: concept and development of pretest probability assessment in acute kidney injury
作者:Lakhmir S Chawla (1) (2)
Stuart L Goldstein (3)
John A Kellum (4)
Claudio Ronco (5)

1. Department of Medicine
; Division of Intensive Care Medicine and Division of Nephrology ; Veterans Affairs Medical Center ; 50 Irving Street ; Washington ; DC ; 20422 ; USA
2. Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine
; George Washington University Medical Center ; 900 23rd Street ; Washington ; DC ; 20037 ; USA
3. Center for Acute Care Nephrology
; Cincinnati Children鈥檚 Hospital Medical Center ; 3333 Burnet Avenue ; MLC 7022 ; RILF2 ; Cininnati ; OH ; USA
4. Department of Critical Care Medicine
; Center for Critical Care Nephrology ; The CRISMA (Clinical Research ; Investigation ; and Systems Modeling of Acute Illness) Center ; University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine ; 3550 Terrace Street ; Pittsburgh ; PA ; 15261 ; USA
5. Department of Nephrology
; Dialysis & Transplantation ; International Renal Research Institute ; San Bortolo Hospital ; Via Bertesina ; Vicenza ; 36100 ; Italy
刊名:Critical Care
7. Nasal saline irrigation in preschool children: a survey of attitudes and prescribing habits of primary care pediatricians working in northern Italy
刊名:Italian Journal of Pediatrics
8. Effectiveness of lithium in subjects with treatment-resistant depression and suicide risk: results and lessons of an underpowered randomised clinical trial
作者:Francesca Girlanda (18)
Andrea Cipriani (18) (19)
Emilia Agrimi (20)
Maria Grazia Appino (21)
Andrea Barichello (18)
Rossella Beneduce (22)
Irene Bighelli (18)
Giulia Bisoffi (23)
Alfredo Bisogno (24)
Paola Bortolaso (25)
Marianna Boso (26)
Carmela Calandra (27)
Liliana Cascone (24)
Mariasole Castellazzi (18)
Caterina Corbascio (28)
Vincenzo Fricchione Parise (29)
Francesco Gardellin (30)
Daniele Gennaro (31)
Batul Hanife (18)
Camilla Lintas (32)
Marina Lorusso (33)
Antonina Luca (34)
Maria Luca (27)
Chiara Luchetta (35)
Claudio Lucii (36)
Francesca Maio (28)
Alessandra Marsilio (37)
Chiara Mattei (38)
Daniele Moretti (21)
Michela Nos猫 (18)
Guglielmo Occhionero (39)
Duccio Papanti (35)
Damiano Pecile (18)
Mauro Percudani (40)
Davide Prestia (38)
Marianna Purgato (18)
Francesco Restaino (40)
Salvatore Romeo (27)
Tiziana Sciarma (41)
Stefania Strizzolo (30)
Stefania Tamborini (20)
Orlando Todarello (33)
Fiorella Tozzi (36)
Simona Ziero (39)
Spyridon Zotos (42)
Corrado Barbui (18)

18. Dipartimento di Sanit脿 Pubblica e Medicina di Comunit脿
; Sezione di Psichiatria ; Universit脿 di Verona ; Verona ; Italy
19. Department of Psychiatry
; Warneford Hospital ; Oxford ; UK
20. Servizio Psichiatrico di Diagnosi e Cura
; Istituti Ospitalieri di Cremona ; Cremona ; Italy
21. Dipartimento di Salute Mentale
; Centro di Salute Mentale di Finale Ligure ; Asl n掳2 ; Savona ; Italy
22. IRCCS 鈥淐entro San Giovanni di Dio鈥?FBF
; Brescia ; Italy
23. Ufficio Supporto alla Ricerca e Biostatistica
; Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata di Verona ; Verona ; Italy
24. Dipartimento di Salute Mentale
; UO Salute Mentale Cava de鈥橳irreni - Costa d鈥橝malfi ; ASL ; Salerno ; Italy
25. Servizio Psichiatrico di Diagnosi e Cura Cittiglio
; Psichiatria del presidio del Verbano ; Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi ; Varese ; Italy
26. Azienda Ospedaliera di Pavia e Dipartimento di Neuroscienze
; Centro Psico-Sociale di Pavia ; Sezione di Psichiatra ; Universit脿 di Pavia ; Pavia ; Italy
27. Dipartimento di Specialit脿 Medico-Chirurgiche
; Sezione di Psichiatria ; Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria ; 鈥淧oliclinico-Vittorio Emanuele鈥? Catania ; Italy
28. Dipartimento di Salute Mentale
; Asl AT ; Asti ; Italy
29. Asl Avellino (Regione Campania)
; U.O.C. di Salute Mentale di Avellino ; Avellino ; Italy
30. Dipartimento di Salute Mentale
; Ulss 6 ; Vicenza ; Italy
31. Azienda Ospedaliera SS Antonio e Biagio
; Alessandria ; Italy
32. 1掳 Servizio autonomo di Psichiatria
; Ulss 20 ; Verona ; Italy
33. Universit脿 鈥淎ldo Moro鈥?Bari
; Bari ; Italy
34. Dipartimento GF Ingrassia
; Sezione di Neuroscienze ; Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria 鈥淧oliclinico-Vittorio Emanuele鈥?Catania ; Catania ; Italy
35. Dipartimento di Salute Mentale
; Azienda per i Servizi Sanitari n掳1 Triestina ; Trieste ; Regione FVG ; Italy
36. Dipartimento Interaziendale di Salute Mentale e Dipendenze di Siena
; Siena ; Italy
37. Dipartimento di Salute Mentale
; Ulss 18 ; Rovigo ; Italy
38. Clinica Psichiatrica dell鈥橴niversit脿 di Genova
; Genova ; Italy
39. S.O.C Psichiatria Asti Centro-Nord
; Asl AT ; Asti ; Italy
40. Unit脿 Operativa di Psichiatria n掳 62
; Bollate ; DSM A.O. 鈥淕. Salvini鈥? Garbagnate Milanese ; Italy
41. Dipartimento di Medicina Sezione di Psichiatria Psicologia Clinica e Riabilitazione Psichiatrica
; Universit脿 di Perugia ; Perugia ; Italy
42. Azienda Uls di Ferrara
; Ferrara ; Italy
刊名:BMC Research Notes

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