在“Elsevier电子期刊”中,命中:21条,耗时:0.0509747 秒


1.Effects of bidi smoking on all-cause mortality and cardiorespiratory outcomes in men from south Asia: an observational community-based substudy of the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology Study (PURE)
2.Availability and affordability of cardiovascular disease medicines and their effect on use in high-income, middle-income, and low-income countries: an analysis of the PURE study data
作者:Rasha Khatib ; PhDa ; b ; Prof Martin McKee ; DScc ; Prof Harry Shannon ; PhDd ; Clara Chow ; PhDe ; Sumathy Rangarajan ; MScb ; Prof Koon Teo ; PhDb ; Prof Li Wei ; PhDf ; Prem Mony ; MDg ; Viswanathan Mohan ; MDh ; Rajeev Gupta ; PhDi ; Rajesh Kumar ; MDj ; Prof Krishnapillai Vijayakumar ; MDk ; Prof Scott A Lear ; PhDl ; Rafael Diaz ; MDm ; Alvaro Avezum ; PhDn ; Prof Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo ; PhDo ; Fernando Lanas ; MDp ; Prof Khalid Yusoff ; MDq ; r ; Noorhassim Ismail ; MDs ; Khawar Kazmi ; MBBSt ; Prof Omar Rahman ; DScu ; Prof Annika Rosengren ; MDv ; Nahed Monsef ; MDw ; Prof Roya Kelishadi ; MDx ; Prof Annamarie Kruger ; PhDy ; Prof Thandi Puoane ; PhDz ; Prof Andrzej Szuba ; PhDaa ; Jephat Chifamba ; PhDab ; Ahmet Temizhan ; MDac ; Prof Gilles Dagenais ; MDad ; Prof Amiram Gafni ; PhDd ; Prof Salim Yusuf ; DPhilb ; salim.yusuf@phri.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; for the PURE study investigators&dagger ;
刊名:The Lancet
3.Availability, affordability, and consumption of fruits and vegetables in 18 countries across income levels: findings from the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE) study
作者:Victoria Miller ; BSca ; Prof Salim Yusuf ; DPhila ; Clara K Chow ; PhDb ; Mahshid Dehghan ; PhDa ; Daniel J Corsi ; PhDc ; Prof Karen Lock ; PhDd ; Prof Barry Popkin ; PhDe ; Sumathy Rangarajan ; MSca ; Rasha Khatib ; PhDf ; g ; Prof Scott A Lear ; PhDh ; Prof Prem Mony ; MDi ; Manmeet Kaur ; PhDj ; Viswanathan Mohan ; DSck ; Prof Krishnapillai Vijayakumar ; MDl ; Rajeev Gupta ; MDm ; Prof Annamarie Kruger ; PhDn ; Lungiswa Tsolekile ; MPHo ; Noushin Mohammadifard ; PhDp ; Prof Omar Rahman ; MDq ; Prof Annika Rosengren ; MDr ; Prof Alvaro Avezum ; MDs ; André ; s Orlandini ; MDt ; Noorhassim Ismail ; MDu ; Prof Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo ; MDv ; Prof Afzalhussein Yusufali ; MDw ; Kubilay Karsidag ; MDx ; Romaina Iqbal ; PhDy ; Jephat Chifamba ; MPhilz ; Solange Martinez Oakley ; MScaa ; Farnaza Ariffin ; MBBSab ; Katarzyna Zatonska ; MDac ; Paul Poirier ; MDad ; Prof Li Wei ; PhDae ; Bo Jian ; BScae ; Chen Huiae ; Liu Xu ; MScae ; Bai Xiulinae ; Prof Koon Teo ; PhDa ; Prof Andrew Mente ; PhDa ; andrew.mente@phri.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:The Lancet Global Health
4.Interpretation of the evidence for the efficacy and safety of statin therapy
作者:Prof Rory Collins ; FRSa ; rory.collins@ndph.ox.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Christina Reith ; FRCP (Glasg.)a ; Jonathan Emberson ; PhDa ; Prof Jane Armitage ; FRCPa ; Prof Colin Baigent ; FRCPa ; Lisa Blackwell ; BSca ; Prof Roger Blumenthal ; MDb ; Prof John Danesh ; FMedScic ; Prof George Davey Smith ; DScd ; Prof David DeMets ; PhDe ; Prof Stephen Evans ; MScf ; Prof Malcolm Law ; FRCPi ; Prof Stephen MacMahon ; FMedScij ; Seth Martin ; MDb ; Prof Bruce Neal ; PhDj ; Prof Neil Poulter ; FMedScil ; David Preiss ; PhDa ; Prof Paul Ridker ; MDn ; Prof Ian Roberts ; PhDg ; Prof Anthony Rodgers ; MBChBj ; Prof Peter Sandercock ; DMo ; Prof Kenneth Schulz ; PhDp ; Prof Peter Sever ; FRCPm ; Prof John Simes ; MDk ; Prof Liam Smeeth ; FRCGPh ; Prof Nicholas Wald ; FRSi ; Prof Salim Yusuf ; DPhilq ; Prof Richard Peto ; FRSa
刊名:The Lancet
5.Outcomes after thrombus aspiration for ST elevation myocardial infarction: 1-year follow-up of the prospective randomised TOTAL trial
作者:Dr Sanjit S Jolly ; MDa ; sanjit.jolly@phri.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Prof John A Cairns ; MDb ; Prof Salim Yusuf ; MBBSa ; Michael J Rokoss ; MDa ; Peggy Gao ; MSca ; Brandi Meeks ; MEnga ; Prof Sasko Kedev ; MDk ; Goran Stankovic ; MDl ; Raul Moreno ; MDm ; Prof Anthony Gershlick ; MBn ; Saqib Chowdhary ; MDo ; Shahar Lavi ; MDc ; Kari Niemela ; MDq ; Ivo Bernat ; MDr ; Warren J Cantor ; MDd ; Asim N Cheema ; MDe ; Prof Philippe Gabriel Steg ; MDt ; Prof Robert C Welsh ; MDf ; Tej Sheth ; MDa ; Olivier F Bertrand ; MDg ; Prof Alvaro Avezum ; MDu ; Ravinay Bhindi ; MBBSv ; Prof Madhu K Natarajan ; MDa ; David Horak ; MDs ; Raymond C M Leung ; MDh ; Saleem Kassam ; MDi ; Sunil V Rao ; MDw ; Magdi El-Omar ; MDp ; Prof Shamir R Mehta ; MDa ; James L Velianou ; MDa ; Samir Pancholy ; MDx ; Prof Vladimí ; r Džavík ; MDj ; for the TOTAL Investigators
刊名:The Lancet
6.Global and regional effects of potentially modifiable risk factors associated with acute stroke in 32 countries (INTERSTROKE): a case-control study
作者:Dr Martin J O'Donnell ; PhDa ; b ; odonnm@mcmaster.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Siu Lim China ; Sumathy Rangarajan ; MSca ; Prof Denis Xavier ; MDc ; Prof Lisheng Liu ; MDd ; Prof Hongye Zhang ; MDe ; Purnima Rao-Melacini ; MSca ; Xiaohe Zhang ; MSca ; Prof Prem Pais ; MDc ; Steven Agapay ; BSca ; Prof Patricio Lopez-Jaramillo ; PhDf ; Albertino Damasceno ; MDg ; Prof Peter Langhorne ; PhDh ; Prof Matthew J McQueen ; MBChBa ; Prof Annika Rosengren ; PhDi ; Mahshid Dehghan ; PhDa ; Prof Graeme J Hankey ; MDj ; Prof Antonio L Dans ; MDk ; Prof Ahmed Elsayed ; MDl ; Prof Alvaro Avezum ; PhDm ; Prof Charles Mondo ; PhDn ; Prof Hans-Christoph Diener ; MDo ; Prof Danuta Ryglewicz ; MDp ; Prof Anna Czlonkowska ; MDp ; Prof Nana Pogosova ; MDq ; Prof Christian Weimar ; MDo ; Romaina Iqbal ; PhDr ; Prof Rafael Diaz ; MDs ; Prof Khalid Yusoff ; MBt ; u ; Prof Afzalhussein Yusufali ; MDv ; Prof Aytekin Oguz ; MDw ; Prof Xingyu Wang ; PhDe ; Ernesto Penaherrera ; MDx ; Prof Fernando Lanas ; MDy ; Okechukwu S Ogah ; MDz ; Prof Adesola Ogunniyi ; MDz ; Helle K Iversen ; MDaa ; Prof German Malaga ; MDab ; Prof Zvonko Rumboldt ; MDac ; Prof Shahram Oveisgharan ; MDad ; Fawaz Al Hussain ; MDag ; Daliwonga Magazi ; MDae ; Yongchai Nilanont ; MDaf ; John Ferguson ; PhDb ; Guillaume Pare ; MDa ; Prof Salim Yusuf ; DPhila ; on behalf of the INTERSTROKE investigators&dagger ;
刊名:The Lancet
7.Occurrence of death and stroke in patients in 47 countries 1 year after presenting with atrial fibrillation: a cohort study
10.Alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease, cancer, injury, admission to hospital, and mortality: a prospective cohort study
刊名:The Lancet

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