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2. Evolutionary relationships of the Critically Endangered frog Ericabatrachus baleensis Largen, 1991 with notes on incorporating previously unsampled taxa into large-scale phylogenetic analyses
作者:Karen Siu-Ting (21) (22)
David J Gower (23)
Davide Pisani (21) (22)
Roman Kassahun (24)
Fikirte Gebresenbet (25)
Michele Menegon (26)
Abebe A Mengistu (27)
Samy A Saber (28)
Rafael de S谩 (29)
Mark Wilkinson (23)
Simon P Loader (27)

21. Molecular Evolution and Bioinformatics Lab
; National University of Ireland ; Maynooth ; Co. Kildare ; Ireland
22. School of Biological Sciences and School of Earth Sciences
; Woodland Road ; Bristol ; BS8 1UG ; UK
23. Department of Life Sciences
; The Natural History Museum ; Cromwell Road ; London ; SW7 5BD ; UK
24. Ethiopian Wildlife Conservation Authority
; P.O. Box 386 ; Addis Ababa ; Ethiopia
25. Department of Zoology
; Oklahoma State University ; 311 D Life Sciences West ; Stillwater ; OK ; 74078 ; USA
26. Tropical Biodiversity section
; MUSE - Museo delle Scienze di Trento ; Viale del Lavoro e della Scienza 3 ; Trento ; 38123 ; Italy
27. Department of Environmental Sciences
; University of Basel ; Biogeography Research Group ; Basel ; 4056 ; Switzerland
28. Zoology Department
; Faculty of Science ; Al-Azhar University ; Assiut ; Egypt
29. Department of Biology
; University of Richmond ; Richmond ; VA ; 23173 ; USA
刊名:BMC Evolutionary Biology

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