在“Elsevier电子期刊”中,命中:579条,耗时:0.2238932 秒


4.Association of the forced oscillation technique with negative expiratory pressure in COPD
作者:Takefumi Akitaa ; takefumi-akita@i.shizuoka-pho.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Toshihiro Shiraia ; 1 ; toshihiro-shirai@i.shizuoka-pho.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Kazutaka Morib ; mori.kazutaka@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Yukiko Shimodaa ; sffyb295@yahoo.co.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Takahito Suzukia ; takahito-suzuki@i.shizuoka-pho.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ichiro Hayashia ; ichirohaya1223@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Rie Noguchia ; rienk0117@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Eisuke Mochizukia ; eisukefukui@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Shogo Sakuraia ; sakshow@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Mika Saigusaa ; mika-saigusa@i.shizuoka-pho.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Taisuke Akamatsua ; taisuke-akamatsu@i.shizuoka-pho.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Akito Yamamotoa ; akito_boo@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Yuichiro Shishidoa ; sisidiba@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Satoru Moritaa ; cqn00563@nifty.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Kazuhiro Asadaa ; kazuhiro-asada@i.shizuoka-pho.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Takafumi Sudab ; suda@hama-med.ac.jp" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology
5.NMR-based metabonomics study on the effect of Gancao in the attenuation of toxicity in rats induced by Fuzi
作者:Bo Suna ; 1 ; sunbo@proteomics.cn" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Xubin Wanga ; 1 ; wangxubin2012@126.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ruili Caoa ; crlmail@163.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Qi Zhanga ; ncba_nmr@126.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Qiao Liua ; c ; liuqiao.707@163.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Meifeng Xua ; xumeifeng103@126.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ming Zhanga ; b ; zhangmingln@126.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Xiangbo Dua ; d5194u@163.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Fangting Donga ; dft@proteomics.cn" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Xianzhong Yana ; yanxz@proteomics.cn" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Journal of Ethnopharmacology
6.Is cystatin C an evaluative marker for right heart functions in systemic sclerosis?
作者:Oguz Akkusa ; oakkusfb@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Abdi Bozkurtb ; abozkurt@cu.edu.tr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Didem Arslantasc ; arslan_didem@yahoo.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Onur Kaypaklia ; onurkaypakli@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Durmus Yildiray Sahina ; cardiology79@yahoo.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Halil Aktasb ; halilaktas_85@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ozlem Goruroglu Ozturkd ; ozlem_goruroglu@yahoo.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Fatih Yildizc ; drfatih75@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Akgun Yamane ; kyaman@cu.edu.tr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Eren Erkenc ; eerken@cu.edu.tr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:International Journal of Cardiology
7.Acupuncture for shoulder pain after stroke: A randomized controlled clinical trial
作者:Go Eun Leea ; poupee15@naver.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Chihyoung Sona ; cecilson@hanmail.net" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Jungsup Leeb ; uni0700@korea.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Sook Hyun Leec ; sh00god@khu.ac.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Hye Jin Leed ; entreciel80@nrc.go.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Kuem Ju Leec ; kjlee74@korea.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Sung Min Limc ; universalism@korea.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Hyun Choic ; choi1h@korea.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Dong A Kimd ; kana69@nrc.go.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Wan Ho Kimd ; whykim@nrc.go.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:European Journal of Integrative Medicine
8.Plasma neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin as an early predicting biomarker of acute kidney injury and clinical outcomes after recovery of spontaneous circulation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest patients
作者:Sang O Parka ; 1 ; empso@kuh.ac.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ji Yun Ahnb ; 1 ; jyahn@hallym.or.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Young Hwan Leeb ; d ; hwaniyo@naver.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Yu Jung Kimb ; 1 ; dbwjddl1011@hanmail.net" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Yong Hun Minb ; xgaryx@naver.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Hee Cheol Ahnb ; gsemdr68@hallym.or.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; You Dong Sohnb ; medysohn@hallym.or.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Seung Min Parkb ; aukawa1@naver.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Young Taeck Ohb ; powerfreeze@hanmail.net" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Dong Hyuk Shinc ; sinndhk@medimail.co.kr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
9.Misdiagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease as epileptic seizures in children
作者:Ayşe Kaç ; ar Bayrama ; draysebayram@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Mehmet Canpolata ; drmehmetcanpolat@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Neslihan Karacabeyb ; dr.neslihan@yahoo.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Hakan Gumusa ; hakgumus33@yahoo.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Sefer Kumandasa ; skumandas@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Selim Doğanayc ; selimdoganay@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Duran Arslanb ; duran@erciyes.edu.tr" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; ; seyin Pera ; huseyinper@yahoo.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Brain and Development

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