在“Elsevier电子期刊”中,命中:117条,耗时:0.2349194 秒


2.Type 2 diabetes prevention in the community: 12-Month outcomes from the Sydney Diabetes Prevention Program
作者:Philip Vitaa ; philip.vita@sydney.edu.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Magnolia Cardona-Morrellb ; c ; m.cardonamorrell@unsw.edu.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Adrian Baumanb ; Adrian.bauman@sydney.edu.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Maria Fiatarone Singha ; maria.fiataronesingh@sydney.edu.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Michael Moored ; mmoore@iwsml.com.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Rene Pennocke ; rpennock@swsml.com.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Jill Snowe ; jsnow@swsml.com.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Mandy Williamsf ; mandy.williams@sswahs.nsw.gov.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Lilian Jacksong ; info@diabetesnsw.com.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Andrew Milatb ; h ; amila@doh.health.nsw.gov.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Stephen Colagiuria ; stephen.colagiuri@sydney.edu.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice
3.Determinants of urinary concentrations of dialkyl phosphates among pregnant women in Canada — Results from the MIREC study
作者:Katia Sokoloffa ; b ; katia.sokoloff@umontreal.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; William Frasera ; c ; William.Fraser@usherbrooke.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Tye E. Arbuckled ; Tye.Arbuckle@hc-sc.gc.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Mandy Fisherd ; mandy.fisher@hc-sc.gc.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Eric Gaudreaue ; Eric.Gaudreau@inspq.qc.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Alain LeBlance ; alain.leblanc@inspq.qc.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Anne-Sophie Morissetf ; anne-sophie.morisset@fsaa.ulaval.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Maryse F. Boucharda ; b ; maryse.bouchard@umontreal.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Environment International
4.A cautionary tale: Unforeseen consequences of lean processing in a blood sciences laboratory
刊名:Clinical Biochemistry
5.Pediatric reference data of serum lipids and prevalence of dyslipidemia: Results from a population-based cohort in Germany
作者:Anne Dathan-Stumpfa ; b ; c ; anne_dathan@web.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Mandy Vogela ; c ; mandy.vogel@life.uni-leipzig.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Andreas Hiemischa ; b ; c ; andreas.hiemisch@medizin.uni-leipzig.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Joachim Thierya ; d ; mb-sek-ilm@medizin.uni-leipzig.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ralph Burkhardta ; d ; ralph.burkhardt@medizin.uni-leipzig.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; ; rgen Kratzscha ; d ; juergen.kratzsch@medizin.uni-leipzig.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Wieland Kiessa ; b ; c ; wieland.kiess@medizin.uni-leipzig.de" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Clinical Biochemistry
6.Therapeutic potential of mesenchymal stem cells for pulmonary complications associated with preterm birth
刊名:International Journal of Biochemistry and Cell Biology
8.Similar crustal evolution in the western units of the Adrar Souttouf Massif (Moroccan Sahara) and the Avalonian terranes: Insights from Hf isotope data
9.Exotic crustal components at the northern margin of the Bohemian Massif—Implications from UThPb and Hf isotopes of zircon from the Saxonian Granulite Massif
10.Intravital FRAP Imaging using an E-cadherin-GFP Mouse Reveals Disease- and Drug-Dependent Dynamic Regulation of Cell-Cell Junctions in Live Tissue
作者:Zahra Erami1 ; 5 ; David Herrmann2 ; 5 ; Sean C. Warren2 ; Max Nobis1 ; Ewan J. McGhee1 ; Morghan C. Lucas2 ; Wilfred Leung2 ; Nadine Reischmann2 ; Agata Mrowinska1 ; Juliane P. Schwarz1 ; Shereen Kadir1 ; James R.W. Conway2 ; Claire Vennin2 ; Saadia A. Karim1 ; Andrew D. Campbell1 ; David Gallego-Ortega2 ; Astrid Magenau2 ; Kendelle J. Murphy2 ; Rachel A. Ridgway1 ; Andrew M. Law2 ; Stacey N. Walters2 ; Shane T. Grey2 ; David R. Croucher2 ; Lei Zhang2 ; Herbert Herzog2 ; Edna C. Hardeman3 ; Peter W. Gunning4 ; Christopher J. Ormandy2 ; T.R. Jeffry Evans1 ; Douglas Strathdee1 ; Owen J. Sansom1 ; Jennifer P. Morton1 ; Kurt I. Anderson1 ; 6 ; k.anderson@beatson.gla.ac.uk" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Paul Timpson2 ; 6 ; p.timpson@garvan.org.au" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Cell Reports

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