在“Elsevier电子期刊”中,命中:36条,耗时:0.0839576 秒


1.Magnesium sulfate or diltiazem as adjuvants to total intravenous anesthesia to reduce blood loss in functional endoscopic sinus surgery
作者:Ajisha Aravindan ; MD ; ajishaa@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; drajiar@yahoo.co.in" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Senior Resident Anaesthesiology) ; Rajeshwari Subramanium ; MD drsrajeshwari@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Professor Anesthesiology) ; Anjolie Chhabra ; MD anjolie5@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Associate Professor Anesthesiology) ; Priyankar K. Datta ; MD priyankar.k.datta@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Senior Resident Anaesthesiology) ; Vimi Rewari ; MD vimirewari@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Professor Anesthesiology) ; Suresh C. Sharma ; MS Suresh6sharma@yahoo.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Professor ; Head of ENT) ; Rakesh Kumar ; MS Winyrk@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Associate Professor ENT)
刊名:Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
2.Both lavender fleur oil and unscented oil aromatherapy reduce preoperative anxiety in breast surgery patients: a randomized trial
作者:Lola Franco ; MLSa ; lola.franco@nyumc.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Research Coordinator) ; Thomas J.J. Blanck ; MD ; PhDa ; thomas.blanck@nyumc.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Professor of Anesthesiology ; Neuroscience ; Physiology) ; Kimberly Dugan ; MDa ; kimberly.dugan325@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Resident Physician) ; Richard Kline ; PhDa ; richard.kline@nyumc.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Senior Research Scientist) ; Geetha Shanmugam ; MDa ; gshan0164@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Resident Physician) ; Angela Galotti ; MDb ; Angela.galotti@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Annelise von Bergen Granell ; MSa ; abergen26@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Research Coordinator) ; Michael Wajda ; MDa ; michael.wajda@nyumc.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Associate Professor)
刊名:Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
3.A rare genetic variant of the ryanodine receptor in a suspected malignant hyperthermia susceptible patient
作者:Emily Jane MacKay ; DO ; 1 ; mackay.ej@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Emily.MacKay@uphs.upenn.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Cardiothoracic Anesthesia ; Surgical Critical Care Fellow) ; Carlos Wilkerson ; MD c-w-wilkerson@comcast.net" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Instructor of Anesthesiology) ; Natalia Kraeva ; PhD2 ; natalia.kraeva@uhn.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Research Associate) ; Henry Rosenberg ; MD3 ; HRosenberg@barnabashealth.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Professor of Anesthesiology) ; Tara Kennedy ; MD rugger123@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Assistant Professor of Anesthesiology)
刊名:Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
4.Intraoperative medications associated with hemodynamically significant anaphylaxis
刊名:Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
5.Randomized study of postcesarean analgesia with intrathecal morphine alone or combined with clonidine
作者:Francisco A.E. Carvalho ; MDa ; 1 ; 2 ; chicoegydio@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; chicoegydio@me.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Instructor in Anesthesiology) ; ; rgio B. Tenó ; rio ; MD ; PhDb ; 3 ; 4 ; sbtenorio@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Associate Professor of Anesthesiology) ; Fabiano T. Shiohara ; MDa ; 5 ; 6 ; ftshiohara@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Instructor in Anesthesiology) ; Luiz R. Maia ; MDa ; 5 ; 6 ; luizrm83@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Instructor in Anesthesiology) ; Angela Mota ; RNa ; 6 ; 7 ; angelamota01@hotmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
6.Effect of Boussignac continuous positive airway pressure ventilation on Pao2 and Pao2/Fio2 ratio immediately after extubation in morbidly obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery: a randomized controlled trial
作者:Joana Guimarã ; es ; MDa ; 1 ; 2 ; joanaguimaraes@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Anesthesiology resident) ; Daniela Pinho ; MDa ; 1 ; 3 ; daniepinho@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Anesthesiology resident) ; Catarina S. Nunes ; MSci ; PhDb ; c ; 3 ; 4 ; CatarinaS.Nunes@uab.pt" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Assistant professor ; Lead researcher) ; Carla S. Cavaleiro ; MDa ; 5 ; 6 ; cscavaleiro@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Staff Anesthesiologist) ; Humberto S. Machado ; MD ; MSc ; PhDa ; 5 ; 6 ; director.anestesia@hgsa.min-saude.pt" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Associate professor ; Director of Anaesthesiology Service)
刊名:Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
7.Does laryngoscopic view after intubation predict laryngoscopic view before intubation?
作者:Julena Foglia ; BSca ; Jffoglia@ucalgary.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; David Archer ; MD ; FRCPc ; 1 ; David.Archer@albertahealthservices.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Clinical Professor of Anesthesia ; Assistant Program Director) ; Saul Pytka ; MD ; FRCPd ; 2 ; pytkas2005@yahoo.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Associate Professor of Anesthesiology (Clinical) ; Staff Anesthesiologist ; Flight Physician ; STARS Air Ambulance) ; Leyla Baghirzada ; MD ; FRCPCe ; 3 ; Leyla.Baghirzada@albertahealthservices.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Staff Anesthesiologist) ; Kaylene Duttchen ; MD ; FRCPb ; 4 ; kaylene.duttchen@albertahealthservices.ca" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author (Clinical Assistant Professor)
刊名:Journal of Clinical Anesthesia
10.Surgical Apgar score is associated with myocardial injury after noncardiac surgery

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