在“Elsevier电子期刊”中,命中:25条,耗时:小于0.01 秒


1.Impact of Sequencing Targeted Therapies With High-dose Interleukin-2 Immunotherapy: An Analysis of Outcome and Survival of Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma From an On-going Observational IL-2 Clinical Trial: PROCLAIMSM
刊名:Clinical Genitourinary Cancer
4.Comparison of MAPIE versus MAP in patients with a poor response to preoperative chemotherapy for newly diagnosed high-grade osteosarcoma (EURAMOS-1): an open-label, international, randomised controlled trial
作者:Prof Neyssa M Marina ; MDa ; Prof Sigbjø ; rn Smeland ; MDb ; c ; Prof Stefan S Bielack ; MDd ; Prof Mark Bernstein ; MDe ; Gordana Jovic ; PhDf ; Mark D Krailo ; PhDg ; h ; Jane M Hook ; MRCPf ; i ; j ; Prof Carola Arndt ; MDk ; Henk van den Berg ; MDl ; Bernadette Brennan ; MDm ; Prof Bé ; ; dicte Brichard ; MDn ; Ken L B Brown ; MDo ; Trude Butterfass-Bahloul ; MDp ; Gabriele Calaminus ; MDq ; Heike E Daldrup-Link ; MDr ; Mikael Eriksson ; MDs ; Mark C Gebhardt ; MDt ; Prof Hans Gelderblom ; MDv ; Joachim Gerss ; PhDw ; Robert Goldsby ; MDz ; Allen Goorin ; MDu ; Prof Richard Gorlick ; MDaa ; Prof Holcombe E Grier ; MDu ; Juliet P Hale ; MDab ; Kirsten Sundby Hall ; MDac ; Prof Jendrik Hardes ; MDx ; Douglas S Hawkins ; MDad ; Prof Knut Helmke ; MDae ; Prof Pancras C W Hogendoorn ; MDv ; Michael S Isakoff ; MDaf ; Katherine A Janeway ; MDu ; Prof Heribert Jü ; rgens ; MDy ; Leo Kager ; MDag ; Prof Thomas Kü ; hne ; MDah ; Ching C Lau ; MDai ; Prof Patrick J Leavey ; MDaj ; Prof Stephen L Lessnick ; MDak ; Leo Mascarenhas ; MDal ; am ; Prof Paul A Meyers ; MDan ; Hubert Mottl ; MDao ; Prof Michaela Nathrath ; MDap ; aq ; Prof Zsuzsanna Papai ; MDar ; Prof R Lor Randall ; MDas ; Peter Reichardt ; MDat ; Marleen Renard ; MDau ; Akmal Ahmed Safwat ; PhDav ; Prof Cindy L Schwartz ; MDaw ; Prof Michael C G Stevens ; MDax ; Sandra J Strauss ; PhDay ; Lisa Teot ; MDaz
刊名:The Lancet Oncology
6.Effect of low-intensity laser treatment on pain after extraction of impacted mandibular third molars: a randomised, controlled, clinical trial
作者:Simone Oliveira Sierra simoneosierra@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Alessandro Melo Deana amdeana@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Sandra Kalil Bussadori sandra.skb@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ana Carolina Costa da Mota ana_cmota@yahoo.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Lara Jansiski Motta larajmotta@terra.com.br" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Raquel Agnelli Mesquita Ferrari raquel.mesquita@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Tatiana Dias Schalch tatiana.schalch@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Kristianne Porta Santos Fernandes ; kristianneporta@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
8.RIPK1 Regulates RIPK3-MLKL-Driven Systemic Inflammation and Emergency Hematopoiesis
作者:James A. Rickard1 ; 2 ; 9 ; Joanne A. O&rsquo ; Donnell1 ; 2 ; 9 ; Joseph M. Evans1 ; 3 ; 9 ; Najoua Lalaoui1 ; 2 ; Ashleigh R. Poh1 ; 2 ; TeWhiti Rogers4 ; James E. Vince1 ; 2 ; Kate E. Lawlor1 ; 2 ; Robert L. Ninnis1 ; 2 ; Holly Anderton1 ; 2 ; Cathrine Hall1 ; 2 ; Sukhdeep K. Spall1 ; 2 ; Toby J. Phesse1 ; 2 ; Helen E. Abud5 ; Louise H. Cengia1 ; 2 ; Jason Corbin1 ; 2 ; Sandra Mifsud1 ; 2 ; Ladina Di Rago1 ; 2 ; Donald Metcalf1 ; 2 ; Matthias Ernst1 ; 2 ; Grant Dewson1 ; 2 ; Andrew W. Roberts1 ; 2 ; 6 ; Warren S. Alexander1 ; 2 ; James M. Murphy1 ; 2 ; Paul G. Ekert1 ; 2 ; Seth L. Masters1 ; 2 ; David L. Vaux1 ; 2 ; Ben A. Croker1 ; 2 ; 7 ; 10 ; Motti Gerlic1 ; 2 ; 8 ; 10 ; mgerlic@post.tau.ac.il" class="auth_mail ; John Silke1 ; 2 ; 10 ; j.silke@latrobe.edu.au" class="auth_mail
出版年:22 May 2014

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