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3.Rhizosphere microbiome metagenomics of gray mangroves (Avicennia marina) in the Red Sea
作者:Hanin Alzubaidy1 ; hanin.alzubaidy@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Magbubah Essack1 ; magbubah.essack@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Tareq B. Malas1 ; tariq.malas@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ameerah Bokhari ameerah.bokhari@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Olaa Motwalli olaa.motwalli@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Frederick Kinyua Kamanu frederick.kinyua@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Suhaiza Ahmad Jamhor Suhaiza.Jamhor@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Noor Azlin Mokhtar NoorAzlin.Mokhtar@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; André ; Antunes andre.antunes@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Marta Filipa Simõ ; es marta.simoes@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Intikhab Alam intikhab.alam@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Salim Bougouffa Salim.Bougouffa@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Feras F. Lafi feras.lafi@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Vladimir B. Bajic ; vladimir.bajic@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; John A.C. Archer ; john.archer@kaust.edu.sa" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
4.Is age a prognostic biomarker for survival among women with locally advanced cervical cancer treated with chemoradiation? An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group ancillary data analysis
作者:Kathleen N. Moore ; MDa ; kathleen-moore@ouhsc.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; James J. Java ; PhDb ; james.j.java@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Katrina N. Slaughter ; MDc ; katrina-slaughter@ouhsc.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Peter G. Rose ; MDd ; rosep@ccf.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Rachelle Lanciano ; MDe ; rlancmd@gmail.com" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Paul A. DiSilvestro ; MDf ; pdisilvestro@wihri.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; J. Tate Thigpen ; MDg ; jtthigpen@att.net" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Yi-Chun Lee ; MDh ; yi-chun.lee@downstate.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Krishnansu S. Tewari ; MDi ; ktewari@uci.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Junzo Chino ; MDj ; junzo.chino@duke.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Shelly M. Seward ; MDk ; sseward@med.wayne.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; David S. Miller ; MDl ; David.Miller@utsouthwestern.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Ritu Salani ; MDm ; ritu.salani@osumc.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; David H. Moore ; MDn ; David.Moore@franciscanalliance.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Frederick B. Stehman ; MDo ; fstehman@iupui.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Gynecologic Oncology
5.Disease extent at secondary cytoreductive surgery is predictive of progression-free and overall survival in advanced stage ovarian cancer: An NRG Oncology/Gynecologic Oncology Group study
作者:Peter G. Rose ; MDa ; rosep@ccf.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; James J. Java ; PhDb ; james.j.java@gmail.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Mark A. Morgan ; MDc ; mark.a.morgan@uphs.upenn.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Angeles Alvarez-Secord ; MDd ; secor002@mc.duke.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Joshua P. Kesterson ; MDe ; jkesterson@hmc.psu.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Frederick B. Stehman ; MDf ; fstehman@iupui.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; David P. Warshal ; MDg ; warshal-david@cooperhealth.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; William T. Creasman ; MDh ; creasman@musc.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Parviz Hanjani ; MDi ; phanjani@amh.org" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Robert T. Morris ; MDj ; rmorris@med.wayne.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author ; Larry J. Copeland ; MDk ; larry.copeland@osumc.edu" class="auth_mail" title="E-mail the corresponding author
刊名:Gynecologic Oncology
6.Pseudomonas syringae enhances herbivory by suppressing the reactive oxygen burst in Arabidopsis
刊名:Journal of Insect Physiology
7.Constraints on paleofluid sources using the clumped-isotope thermometry of carbonate veins from the SAFOD (San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth) borehole
10.Controls on ferromanganese crust composition and reconnaissance resource potential, Ninetyeast Ridge, Indian Ocean
刊名:Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers

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