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2. Cibaomyces and Cyptotrama, two new genera for Europe, and an emendation of Rhizomarasmius (Basidiomycota, Physalacriaceae)
作者:Pierre-Arthur Moreau (1)
Jordi Vila (2)
M. Catherine Aime (3)
Vladim铆r Anton铆n (4)
Egon Horak (5)
Jos茅 Luis P茅rez-Butr蠈n (6)
Franck Richard (7)
Alexander Urban (8)
St茅phane Welti (1)
Alfredo Vizzini (9)

1. D茅partement des Sciences v茅g茅tales et fongiques
; facult茅 des sciences pharmaceutiques et biologiques ; Universit茅 de Lille ; F-59006 ; Lille ; France
2. P.O. Box 30041
; E-08034 ; Barcelona ; Spain
3. Department of Botany and Plant Pathology
; Purdue University ; West Lafayette ; IN ; 47907 ; USA
4. Moravian Museum
; Department of Botany ; Zeln媒 trh 6 ; Brno ; Czech Republic
5. Schlossfeld 17
; AT-6020 ; Innsbruck ; Austria
6. Sociedad de Ciencias Naturales de Sestao
; E-48910 ; Sestao ; Bizkaia ; Spain
7. CEFE UMR 5175
; CNRS ; Universit茅 de Montpellier ; Universit茅 Paul Val茅ry ; EPHE ; 1919 Route de Mende ; Montpellier ; F-34 293 ; cedex 5 ; France
8. Faculty of Life Sciences
; Department of Systematic and Evolutionary Botany ; University of Vienna ; Rennweg 14 ; A-1030 ; Wien ; Austria
9. Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e Biologia dei Sistemi
; Universit脿 di Torino ; Viale P.A. Mattioli 25 ; 10125-I ; Torino ; Italy
刊名:Mycological Progress
3. X-ray tomography of a soil block: a useful tool for the restoration of archaeological finds
6. Higgs production in association with bottom quarks
10. Measurement of radiative widths of a2(1320) and \( \pi_{2}\)<
作者:C. Adolph (8)
R. Akhunzyanov (7)
M. G. Alexeev (24)
G. D. Alexeev (7)
A. Amoroso (27) (28)
V. Andrieux (22)
V. Anosov (7)
A. Austregesilo (10) (17)
B. Bade艂ek (31)
F. Balestra (27) (28)
J. Barth (4)
G. Baum (1)
R. Beck (3)
Y. Bedfer (22)
A. Berlin (2)
J. Bernhard (13)
K. Bicker (10) (17)
J. Bieling (4)
R. Birsa (24)
J. Bisplinghoff (3)
M. Bodlak (19)
M. Boer (22)
P. Bordalo (12)
F. Bradamante (10) (25)
C. Braun (8)
A. Bressan (24) (25)
M. B眉chele (9)
E. Burtin (22)
L. Capozza (22)
M. Chiosso (27) (28)
S. U. Chung (17)
A. Cicuttin (24) (26)
M. L. Crespo (24) (26)
Q. Curiel (22)
S. Dalla Torre (24)
S. S. Dasgupta (6)
S. Dasgupta (24)
O. Yu. Denisov (28)
S. V. Donskov (21)
N. Doshita (33)
V. Duic (25)
W. D眉nnweber (16)
M. Dziewiecki (32)
A. Efremov (7)
C. Elia (24) (25)
P. D. Eversheim (3)
W. Eyrich (8)
M. Faessler (16)
A. Ferrero (22)
A. Filin (21)
M. Finger (19)
M. Finger Jr. (19)
H. Fischer (9)
C. Franco (12)
N. du Fresne von Hohenesche (10) (13)
J. M. Friedrich (17)
V. Frolov (10)
F. Gautheron (2)
O. P. Gavrichtchouk (7)
S. Gerassimov (15) (17)
R. Geyer (16)
I. Gnesi (27) (28)
B. Gobbo (24)
S. Goertz (4)
M. Gorzellik (9)
S. Grabm眉ller (17)
A. Grasso (27) (28)
B. Grube (17)
A. Guskov (7)
T. Guth枚rl (9)
F. Haas (17)
D. von Harrach (13)
D. Hahne (4)
R. Hashimoto (33)
F. H. Heinsius (9)
F. Herrmann (9)
F. Hinterberger (3)
Ch. H枚ppner (17)
N. Horikawa (18)
N. d鈥橦ose (22)
S. Huber (17)
S. Ishimoto (33)
A. Ivanov (7)
Yu. Ivanshin (7)
T. Iwata (33)
R. Jahn (3)
V. Jary (20)
P. Jasinski (13)
P. J枚rg (9)
R. Joosten (3)
E. Kabu脽 (13)
B. Ketzer (17)
G. V. Khaustov (21)
Yu. A. Khokhlov (21)
Yu. Kisselev (7)
F. Klein (4)
K. Klimaszewski (30)
J. H. Koivuniemi (2)
V. N. Kolosov (21)
K. Kondo (33)
K. K枚nigsmann (9)
I. Konorov (15) (17)
V. F. Konstantinov (21)
A. M. Kotzinian (27) (28)
O. Kouznetsov (7)
Z. Kral (20)
M. Kr盲mer (17)
Z. V. Kroumchtein (7)
N. Kuchinski (7)
F. Kunne (22)
K. Kurek (30)
R. P. Kurjata (32)
A. A. Lednev (21)
A. Lehmann (8)
S. Levorato (24)
A. Maggiora (28)
A. Magnon (22)
N. Makke (24) (25)
G. K. Mallot (10)
C. Marchand (22)
A. Martin (24) (25)
J. Marzec (32)
J. Matousek (19)
H. Matsuda (33)
G. Meshcheryakov (7)
W. Meyer (2)
T. Michigami (33)
Yu. V. Mikhailov (21)
Y. Miyachi (33)
A. Nagaytsev (7)
T. Nagel (17)
F. Nerling (13)
S. Neubert (17)
D. Neyret (22)
V. I. Nikolaenko (21)
J. Novy (20)
W. -D. Nowak (9)
A. S. Nunes (12)
I. Orlov (7)
A. G. Olshevsky (7)
M. Ostrick (13)
R. Panknin (4)
D. Panzieri (28) (29)
B. Parsamyan (27) (28)
S. Paul (17)
M. Pesek (19)
S. Platchkov (22)
J. Pochodzalla (13)
V. A. Polyakov (21)
J. Pretz (4)
M. Quaresma (12)
C. Quintans (12)
S. Ramos (12)
G. Reicherz (2)
E. Rocco (10)
A. Rychter (32)
N. S. Rossiyskaya (7)
D. I. Ryabchikov (21)
V. D. Samoylenko (21)
A. Sandacz (30)
S. Sarkar (6)
I. A. Savin (7)
G. Sbrizzai (24) (25)
P. Schiavon (24) (25)
C. Schill (9)
T. Schl眉ter (16)
A. Schmidt (8)
K. Schmidt (9)
H. Schmieden (4)
K. Sch枚nning (10)
S. Schopferer (9)
M. Schott (10)
O. Yu. Shevchenko (7)
L. Silva (12)
L. Sinha (6)
S. Sirtl (9)
M. Slunecka (7)
S. Sosio (27) (28)
F. Sozzi (24)
A. Srnka (5)
L. Steiger (24)
M. Stolarski (12)
M. Sulc (11)
R. Sulej (30)
H. Suzuki (33)
A. Szabelski (30)
T. Szameitat (9)
S. Takekawa (28)
J. ter Wolbeek (9)
S. Tessaro (24)
F. Tessarotto (24)
F. Thibaud (22)
S. Uhl (17)
I. Uman (16)
M. Vandenbroucke (22)
M. Virius (20)
J. Vondra (20)
L. Wang (2)
T. Weisrock (13)
M. Wilfert (13)
R. Windmolders (4)
H. Wollny (22)
K. Zaremba (32)
M. Zavertyaev (15)
E. Zemlyanichkina (7)
T. Matsuda (14)
J. Lichtenstadt (23)
P. Sznajder (30)
M. Ziembicki (32)

8. Universit盲t Erlangen-N眉rnberg
; Physikalisches Institut ; 91054 ; Erlangen ; Germany
7. Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
; 141980 ; Dubna ; Russia
24. Trieste Section of INFN
; 34127 ; Trieste ; Italy
27. University of Turin
; Department of Physics ; 10125 ; Turin ; Italy
28. Torino Section of INFN
; 10125 ; Turin ; Italy
22. CEA IRFU/SPhN Saclay
; 91191 ; Gif-sur-Yvette ; France
10. CERN
; 1211 ; Geneva 23 ; Switzerland
17. Technische Universit盲t M眉nchen
; Physik Department ; 85748 ; Garching ; Germany
31. University of Warsaw
; Faculty of Physics ; 00-681 ; Warsaw ; Poland
4. Universit盲t Bonn
; Physikalisches Institut ; 53115 ; Bonn ; Germany
1. Universit盲t Bielefeld
; Fakult盲t f眉r Physik ; 33501 ; Bielefeld ; Germany
3. Universit盲t Bonn
; Helmholtz-Institut f眉r Strahlen- und Kernphysik ; 53115 ; Bonn ; Germany
2. Universit盲t Bochum
; Institut f眉r Experimentalphysik ; 44780 ; Bochum ; Germany
13. Universit盲t Mainz
; Institut f眉r Kernphysik ; 55099 ; Mainz ; Germany
19. Charles University in Prague
; Faculty of Mathematics and Physics ; 18000 ; Prague ; Czech Republic
12. LIP
; 1000-149 ; Lisbon ; Portugal
25. University of Trieste
; Department of Physics ; 34127 ; Trieste ; Italy
9. Universit盲t Freiburg
; Physikalisches Institut ; 79104 ; Freiburg ; Germany
26. Abdus Salam ICTP
; 34151 ; Trieste ; Italy
6. Matrivani Institute of Experimental Research & Education
; 700 030 ; Calcutta ; India
21. State Scientific Center Institute for High Energy Physics of National Research Center 鈥淜urchatov Institute鈥? 142281
; Protvino ; Russia
33. Yamagata University
; 992-8510 ; Yamagata ; Japan
16. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universit盲t M眉nchen
; Department f眉r Physik ; 80799 ; Munich ; Germany
32. Warsaw University of Technology
; Institute of Radioelectronics ; 00-665 ; Warsaw ; Poland
15. Lebedev Physical Institute
; 119991 ; Moscow ; Russia
18. Nagoya University
; 464 ; Nagoya ; Japan
20. Czech Technical University in Prague
; 16636 ; Prague ; Czech Republic
30. National Centre for Nuclear Research
; 00-681 ; Warsaw ; Poland
29. University of Eastern Piedmont
; 15100 ; Alessandria ; Italy
5. Institute of Scientific Instruments
; AS CR ; 61264 ; Brno ; Czech Republic
11. Technical University in Liberec
; 46117 ; Liberec ; Czech Republic
14. University of Miyazaki
; 889-2192 ; Miyazaki ; Japan
23. Tel Aviv University
; School of Physics and Astronomy ; 69978 ; Tel Aviv ; Israel
刊名:The European Physical Journal A - Hadrons and Nuclei

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