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1. Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum (JSCCR) Guidelines 2014 for treatment of colorectal cancer
作者:Toshiaki Watanabe (1)
Michio Itabashi (2)
Yasuhiro Shimada (3)
Shinji Tanaka (4)
Yoshinori Ito (5)
Yoichi Ajioka (6)
Tetsuya Hamaguchi (3)
Ichinosuke Hyodo (7)
Masahiro Igarashi (8)
Hideyuki Ishida (9)
Soichiro Ishihara (1)
Megumi Ishiguro (10)
Yukihide Kanemitsu (11)
Norihiro Kokudo (12)
Kei Muro (13)
Atsushi Ochiai (14)
Masahiko Oguchi (15)
Yasuo Ohkura (16)
Yutaka Saito (17)
Yoshiharu Sakai (18)
Hideki Ueno (19)
Takayuki Yoshino (20)
Narikazu Boku (21)
Takahiro Fujimori (22)
Nobuo Koinuma (23)
Takayuki Morita (24)
Genichi Nishimura (25)
Yuh Sakata (26)
Keiichi Takahashi (27)
Osamu Tsuruta (28)
Toshiharu Yamaguchi (29)
Masahiro Yoshida (30)
Naohiko Yamaguchi (31)
Kenjiro Kotake (32)
Kenichi Sugihara (10)
Japanese Society for Cancer of the Colon and Rectum

1. Department of Surgical Oncology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; The University of Tokyo ; 7-3-1 Hongo ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8655 ; Japan
2. Department of Surgery 2
; Tokyo Women鈥檚 Medical University ; Tokyo ; Japan
3. Division of Gastrointestinal Medical Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
4. Department of Endoscopy
; Hiroshima University Hospital ; Hiroshima ; Japan
5. Department of Radiation Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
6. Division of Molecular and Diagnostic Pathology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Niigata University ; Niigata ; Japan
7. Division of Gastroenterology
; Graduate School of Comprehensive Human Sciences ; University of Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; Japan
8. Department of Endoscopy
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
9. Department of Digestive Tract and General Surgery
; Saitama Medical Center ; Saitama Medical University ; Saitama ; Japan
10. Department of Surgical Oncology
; Graduate School ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo ; Japan
11. Colorectal Surgery Division
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
12. Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery Division
; Artificial Organ and Transplantation Division ; Department of Surgery ; Graduate School of Medicine ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
13. Department of Clinical Oncology
; Aichi Cancer Center Hospital ; Nagoya ; Japan
14. Pathology Division
; Research Center for Innovative Oncology ; National Cancer Centre Hospital East ; Chiba ; Japan
15. Radiation Oncology Department
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
16. Department of Pathology
; Kyorin University School of Medicine ; Tokyo ; Japan
17. Endoscopy Division
; National Cancer Center Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
18. Department of Surgery
; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
19. Department of Surgery
; National Defense Medical College ; Saitama ; Japan
20. Department of Gastroenterology and Gastrointestinal Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital East ; Chiba ; Japan
21. Department of Clinical Oncology
; St. Marianna University ; Kawasaki ; Japan
22. Department of Surgical and Molecular Pathology
; Dokkyo Medical University School of Medicine ; Tochigi ; Japan
23. Department of Health Administration and Policy
; Tohoku Pharmaceutical University ; Miyagi ; Japan
24. Department of Surgery
; Cancer Center ; Aomori Prefectural Central Hospital ; Aomori ; Japan
25. Department of Surgery
; Japanese Red Cross Kanazawa Hospital ; Ishikawa ; Japan
26. CEO
; Misawa City Hospital ; Aomori ; Japan
27. Department of Surgery
; Tokyo Metropolitan Cancer and Infectious Diseases Center Komagome Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
28. Division of GI Endoscopy
; Kurume University School of Medicine ; Fukuoka ; Japan
29. Department of Gastroenterological Surgery
; The Cancer Institute Hospital ; Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; Tokyo ; Japan
30. Department of Hemodialysis and Surgery
; Chemotherapy Research Institute ; International University of Health and Welfare ; Chiba ; Japan
31. Library
; Toho University Medical Center Sakura Hospital ; Chiba ; Japan
32. Department of Surgery
; Tochigi Cancer Center ; Tochigi ; Japan
刊名:International Journal of Clinical Oncology
2. American BRCA Outcomes and Utilization of Testing (ABOUT) Study: A Pragmatic Research Model that Incorporates Personalized Medicine/Patient-Centered Outcomes in a Real World Setting
作者:Joanne Armstrong (1)
Michele Toscano (1)
Nancy Kotchko (1)
Sue Friedman (2)
Marc D. Schwartz (3)
Katherine S. Virgo (4) (5)
Kristian Lynch (6)
James E. Andrews (7)
Claudia X. Aguado Loi (8)
Joseph E. Bauer (4)
Carolina Casares (4)
Rachel Threet Teten (6)
Matthew R. Kondoff (6)
Ashley D. Molina (6)
Mehrnaz Abdollahian (9)
Lana Brand (10) (7)
Gregory S. Walker (4)
Rebecca Sutphen (6)

1. Women鈥檚 Health
; Aetna ; Hartford ; CT ; USA
2. Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered
; Inc (FORCE) ; Tampa ; FL ; USA
3. Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
; Georgetown University ; Washington ; DC ; USA
4. American Cancer Society
; Inc ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
5. School of Public Health
; Emory University Rollins ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
6. Morsani College of Medicine Epidemiology Center
; University of South Florida ; 3650 Spectrum Blvd ; Suite 100 ; Tampa ; FL ; 33612 ; USA
7. School of Information
; University of South Florida ; Tampa ; FL ; USA
8. Department of Child and Family Studies
; University of South Florida ; Tampa ; FL ; USA
9. Department of Industrial and Management Systems Engineering
; University of South Florida ; Tampa ; FL ; USA
10. Northeast Georgia Health System
; Gainesville ; USA
刊名:Journal of Genetic Counseling
3. Cervical Cancer Worry and Screening Among Appalachian Women
作者:Kimberly M. Kelly (1)
Nancy Schoenberg (2)
Tomorrow D. Wilson (3)
Elvonna Atkins (1)
Stephanie Dickinson (4)
Electra Paskett (5)

1. Department of Pharmaceutical Systems and Policy
; School of Pharmacy ; Mary Babb Randolph Cancer Center ; Robert C. Byrd Health Sciences Center ; West Virginia University ; PO Box 9510 ; Morgantown ; WV ; 26506 ; USA
2. Behavioral Science
; School of Medicine ; University of Kentucky ; 125 Medical Behavioral Science Building ; Lexington ; KY ; 40506 ; USA
3. Department of Biobehavioral Health
; Department of Public Health Sciences ; College of Health and Human Development ; College of Medicine ; The Pennsylvania State University ; 114 Biobehavioral Health Building ; University Park ; PA ; 16802 ; USA
4. Department of Statistics
; Indiana Statistical Consulting Center ; College of Arts and Sciences ; Indiana University ; 1100 East 7th Street ; Room 200 ; Bloomington ; IN ; 47405 ; USA
5. College of Public Health
; Comprehensive Cancer Center and College of Medicine ; Ohio State University ; Suite 525 ; 1590 N High Street ; Columbus ; OH ; 43210 ; USA
刊名:The Journal of Primary Prevention
4. Korean Stroke Cohort for functioning and rehabilitation (KOSCO): study rationale and protocol of a multi-centre prospective cohort study
作者:Won Hyuk Chang (1)
Min Kyun Sohn (2)
Jongmin Lee (3)
Deog Young Kim (4)
Sam-Gyu Lee (5)
Yong-Il Shin (6)
Gyung-Jae Oh (7)
Yang-Soo Lee (8)
Min Cheol Joo (9)
Eun Young Han (10)
Yun-Hee Kim (1)

1. Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
; Center for Prevention and Rehabilitation ; Heart Vascular and Stroke Institute ; Samsung Medical Center ; Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine ; 50 Ilwon-dong ; Gangnam-gu ; Seoul ; 135-710 ; Republic of Korea
2. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
; School of Medicine ; Chungnam National University ; 282 Munhwa-ro ; Jung-gu ; Daejeon ; 301-721 ; Republic of Korea
3. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
; Konkuk University School of Medicine ; 120-1 Neungdong-ro ; Hwayang-dong ; Gwangjin-gu ; Seoul ; 143-729 ; Republic of Korea
4. Department and Research Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine
; Yonsei University College of Medicine ; 50-1 Yonsei-ro ; Seodaemun-gu ; Seoul ; 120-752 ; Republic of Korea
5. Department of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine
; Chonnam National University Medical School ; 42 Jebong-ro ; Donggu ; Gwangju ; 501-757 ; Republic of Korea
6. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
; Pusan National University School of Medicine ; Pusan National University Yangsan Hospital ; 179 Gudeok-ro ; Seo-gu ; Busan ; 602-739 ; Republic of Korea
7. Department of Preventive Medicine
; Wonkwang University School of Medicine ; 895 Muwang-ro ; Iksan ; Jeonlabuk-do ; 570-711 ; Republic of Korea
8. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
; Kyungpook National University School of Medicine ; Kyungpook National University Hospital ; 130 Dongdeok-ro ; Jung-gu ; Daegu ; 700-721 ; Republic of Korea
9. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
; Wonkwang University School of Medicine ; 895 Muwang-ro ; Iksan ; Jeonlabuk-do ; 570-711 ; Republic of Korea
10. Department of Rehabilitation Medicine
; Jeju National University Hospital ; University of Jeju School of Medicine ; 15 Aran 13-gil ; Jeju ; 690-767 ; Republic of Korea
刊名:BMC Neurology
5. Genetic Predisposition for Nonmedullary Thyroid Cancer
作者:Rebecca Nagy (1) (2) (3)
Matthew D. Ringel (1) (2) (4)

1. Divison of Human Genetics
; The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Arthur G. James Comprehensive Cancer Center and Richard G. Solove Research Institute ; Columbus ; OH ; 43210 ; USA
2. Division of Endocrinology
; Diabetes ; and Metabolism ; Department of Internal Medicine ; The Ohio State University College of Medicine and Arthur G. James Comprehensive Cancer Center and Richard G. Solove Research Institute ; Columbus ; OH ; 43210 ; USA
3. Department of Internal Medicine
; Division of Human Genetics ; The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center ; 2001 Polaris Parkway ; Columbus ; OH ; 43240 ; USA
4. Department of Internal Medicine
; Division of Endocrinology ; Metabolism and Diabetes ; The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center ; 1581 Dodd Drive ; McCampbell Hall room 565 ; Columbus ; OH ; 43210 ; USA
刊名:Hormones and Cancer
6. Characterization of a novel mouse model with genetic deletion of CD177
作者:Qing Xie (1) (2)
Julia Klesney-Tait (3)
Kathy Keck (3)
Corey Parlet (2)
Nicholas Borcherding (2)
Ryan Kolb (2)
Wei Li (2)
Lorraine Tygrett (2)
Thomas Waldschmidt (2)
Alicia Olivier (2)
Songhai Chen (4)
Guang-Hui Liu (5) (6)
Xiangrui Li (1)
Weizhou Zhang (2)

1. College of Veterinary Medicine
; Nanjing Agricultural University ; Nanjing ; 210095 ; China
2. Department of Pathology
; Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center ; Carver College of Medicine/University of Iowa ; Iowa ; IA ; 52242 ; USA
3. Department of Internal Medicine
; Carver College of Medicine/University of Iowa ; Iowa ; IA ; 52242 ; USA
4. Department of Pharmacology
; Carver College of Medicine/University of Iowa ; Iowa ; IA ; 52242 ; USA
5. National Laboratory of Biomacromolecules
; Institute of Biophysics ; Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Beijing ; 100101 ; China
6. Beijing Institute for Brain Disorders
; Beijing ; 100069 ; China
刊名:Protein & Cell
7. Factors impeding the acceptability and use of malaria preventive measures: implications for malaria elimination in eastern Rwanda
刊名:Malaria Journal
8. When is chemotherapy in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma not indicated?
作者:Missak Haigentz Jr. (1)
Jan B. Vermorken (2)
Arlene A. Forastiere (3)
June Corry (4)
Jonathan J. Beitler (5)
Primo啪 Strojan (6)
Dana M. Hartl (7) (8)
Juan P. Rodrigo (10) (9)
Carol R. Bradford (11)
Alessandra Rinaldo (12)
Robert P. Takes (13)
William M. Mendenhall (14)
Ashok R. Shaha (15)
Gregory T. Wolf (11)
Alfio Ferlito (12)

1. Division of Oncology
; Department of Medicine ; Albert Einstein College of Medicine ; Montefiore Medical Center ; Bronx ; NY ; USA
2. Department of Medical Oncology
; Antwerp University Hospital ; Edegem ; Belgium
3. Department of Oncology
; The Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center ; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
4. Division of Radiation Oncology
; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre ; Melbourne ; VIC ; Australia
5. Departments of Radiation Oncology
; Otolaryngology ; Hematology and Medical Oncology ; Georgia Research Alliance Cancer Scientist ; Winship Cancer Institute ; Emory University ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA
6. Department of Radiation Oncology
; Institute of Oncology ; Ljubljana ; Slovenia
7. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; Institut Gustave Roussy ; Villejuif Cedex ; France
8. Laboratoire de Phon茅tique et de Phonologie
; Sorbonne Nouvelle ; Paris ; France
10. Instituto Universitario de Oncolog铆a del Principado de Asturias
; Oviedo ; Spain
9. Department of Otolaryngology
; Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias ; Oviedo ; Spain
11. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; University of Michigan ; Ann Arbor ; MI ; USA
12. ENT Clinic
; University of Udine ; Piazzale S. Maria della Misericordia ; 33100 ; Udine ; Italy
13. Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery
; Radboud University Medical Center ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
14. Department of Radiation Oncology
; University of Florida ; College of Medicine ; Gainesville ; FL ; USA
15. Department of Surgery
; Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center ; New York ; NY ; USA
刊名:European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
9. Elements of Team-Based Care in a Patient-Centered Medical Home Are Associated with Lower Burnout Among VA Primary Care Employees
作者:Christian D. Helfrich MPH ; PhD (1) (2)
Emily D. Dolan MS
; PhD (1)
Joseph Simonetti MD (1) (2)
Robert J. Reid MD
; PhD (3)
Sandra Joos PhD (4)
Bonnie J. Wakefield RN
; PhD (5)
Gordon Schectman MD (6) (7)
Richard Stark MD (8)
Stephan D. Fihn MD
; MPH (10) (9)
Henry B. Harvey MS (9)
Karin Nelson MD
; MSHS (1) (10)

1. VA Puget Sound Health Services Research & Development Center of Excellence
; US Department of Veterans Affairs ; Seattle ; WA ; USA
2. Department of Health Services
; University of Washington School of Public Health ; Seattle ; WA ; USA
3. Group Health Research Institute
; Seattle ; WA ; USA
4. Portland VA Medical Center
; VISN 20 PACT Demonstration Laboratory ; US Department of Veterans Affairs ; Portland ; OR ; USA
5. VA Iowa City Health Services Research & Development Center for Comprehensive Access and Delivery Research and Evaluation
; Iowa City ; IA ; USA
6. VA Office of Patient Care Services
; Washington ; DC ; USA
7. Department of Medicine
; Medical College of Wisconsin ; Milwaukee ; WI ; USA
8. VA Office of Clinical Operations
; Washington ; DC ; USA
10. Department of Medicine
; University of Washington School of Medicine ; Seattle ; WA ; USA
9. Office of Analytics and Business Intelligence
; US Department of Veterans Affairs ; Seattle ; WA ; USA
刊名:Journal of General Internal Medicine
10. Biodegradable Microparticles Loaded with Doxorubicin and CpG ODN for In Situ Immunization Against Cancer

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