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1. Skill development in food professionals: a European study
作者:Luis Mayor (1)
Katherine Flynn (2)
Efimia Dermesonluoglu (3)
Paola Pittia (4)
Erik Baderstedt (5)
Barbara Ruiz-Bejarano (6)
Mihaela Geicu (7)
Mafalda A. C. Quintas (8)
Zoltan Lakner (9)
Rui Costa (10)

1. Instituto Universitario de Ingenier铆a de Alimentos para el Desarrollo
; Universidad Polit茅cnica de Valencia ; Camino de Vera s/n ; 46022 ; Valencia ; Spain
2. The European Association for Food Safety
; SAFE Consortium ; Rue Vanderborght ; 20 ; 1081 ; Brussels ; Belgium
3. School of Chemical Engineering
; National Technical University of Athens ; Athens ; Greece
4. Faculty of Bioscience
; Technology for Food ; Agriculture and Environment ; University of Teramo ; Via C.R. Lerici 1 ; Mosciano S. Angelo ; Italy
5. SIK 鈥?The Swedish Institute for Food and Biotechnology
; Box 5401 ; 402 29 ; Gothenburg ; Sweden
6. AINIA Centro Tecnol贸gico
; Benjamin Franklin ; 5-11 ; 46980 ; Paterna ; Spain
7. Universitatea de Stiinte Agonomice si Medicina Veterinara Bucuresti
; 59 Marasti Bld. ; 011464 ; Bucharest ; Romania
8. CBQF/Escola Superior de Biotecnologia
; Rua Dr Antonio Bernardino de Almeida ; 4200-072 ; Porto ; Portugal
9. Faculty of Science
; Corvinus University of Budapest ; Budapest ; Hungary
10. Escola Superior Agr谩ria do Instituto Polit茅cnico de Coimbra
; CERNAS ; 3045-601 ; Bencanta ; Coimbra ; Portugal
刊名:European Food Research and Technology
2. Rapid Methods for Quality Assurance of Foods: the Next Decade with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR)-Based Food Monitoring
作者:D. De Medici (1)
T. Kuchta (2)
R. Knutsson (3)
A. Angelov (4)
B. Auricchio (1)
M. Barbanera (5)
C. Diaz-Amigo (6)
A. Fiore (1)
E. Kudirkiene (7)
A. Hohl (8)
D. Horvatek Tomic (9)
V. Gotcheva (4)
B. Popping (6)
E. Prukner-Radovcic (9)
S. Scaramaglia (5)
P. Siekel (2)
K. A. To (10)
M. Wagner (11)

1. Department of Veterinary Public Health and Food Safety
; Istituto Superiore di Sanit脿 ; Viale Regina Elena 299 ; 00161 ; Rome ; Italy
2. Department of Microbiology and Molecular Biology
; Food Research Institute ; Priemyseln谩 4 ; P. O. Box 25 ; Bratislava ; 82475 26 ; Slovakia
3. Security Department
; SVA National Veterinary Institute ; 751 89 ; Uppsala ; Sweden
4. Department of Biotechnology
; University of Food Technologies ; 26 Maritza Blvd ; 4002 ; Plovdiv ; Bulgaria
5. Laboratorio Coop Italia
; 40033 ; Casalecchio di Reno ; Bologna ; Italy
6. Eurofins CTC GmbH
; Stenzelring 14b ; 21107 ; Hamburg ; Germany
7. Department of Food Safety and Quality
; Lithuanian University of Health Sciences ; Veterinary Academy Til啪臈s Str. 18 ; LT-47181 ; Kaunas ; Lithuania
8. Department of Food Science and Technology
; Institute of Food Science ; University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences ; Muthgasse 18 ; Vienna ; Austria
9. Department of Poultry Diseases with Clinic
; Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ; University of Zagreb ; Heinzelova 55 ; 10000 ; Zagreb ; Croatia
10. School of Biotechnology and Food Technology
; Hanoi University of Science and Technology ; No. 1 ; Dai Co Viet ; Hanoi ; Vietnam
11. Department for Farm Animals and Veterinary Public Health
; Institute for Milk Hygiene ; Milk Technology and Food Science ; University for Veterinary Medicine ; Veterin盲rplatz 1 ; 1210 ; Vienna ; Austria
刊名:Food Analytical Methods
3. Dietary animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with obesity and cardio-metabolic indicators in European adolescents: the HELENA cross-sectional study
作者:Yi Lin (1)
Theodora Mouratidou (2)
Carine Vereecken (1) (18)
Mathilde Kersting (3)
Selin Bolca (4)
Augusto César F de Moraes (19) (2)
Magdalena Cuenca-García (5)
Luis A Moreno (2) (22)
Marcela González-Gross (6)
Jara Valtue?a (6)
Idoia Labayen (7)
Evangelia Grammatikaki (1) (11)
Lena Hallstrom (8)
Catherine Leclercq (9)
Marika Ferrari (9)
Frederic Gottrand (10) (21)
Laurent Beghin (10) (21)
Yannis Manios (11)
Charlene Ottevaere (1)
Herman Van Oyen (12)
Denes Molnar (13)
Anthony Kafatos (14)
Kurt Widhalm (15)
Sonia Gómez-Martinez (16)
Ligia Esperanza Díaz Prieto (16)
Stefaan De Henauw (1) (20)
Inge Huybrechts (1) (17)
On behalf of the HELENA study group

1. Department of Public Health
; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences ; Ghent University ; UZ -4K3 ; De Pintelaan 185 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
2. Growth
; Exercise ; Nutrition and Development (GENUD) Research Group ; Faculty of Health Sciences ; University of Zaragoza ; c/ Perdro Cerbuna 12 ; 50009 ; Zaragoza ; Spain
18. Research Foundation -Flanders (FWO)
; Egmontstraat 5 ; 1000 ; Brussels ; Belgium
3. Forschungsinstitut für Kinderern?hrung
; Research Institute of Child Nutrition ; Dortmund ; Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms ; Universit?t Bonn ; Heinstück 11 ; 44225 ; Dortmund ; Germany
4. Laboratory for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (Biobix)
; Faculty of Bioscience Engineering ; Ghent University ; Coupure Links 653 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
19. YCARE (Youth/Child and cArdiovascular Risk and Environmental) Research Group
; Department of Preventive Medicine School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo ; 01246-903 ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
5. Department of Medical Physiology
; School of Medicine ; Granada University ; Avenida Madrid 12 ; 18012 ; Granada ; Spain
22. Department of Preventive Medicine
; School of Medicine of the University of S?o Paulo ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
6. ImFine Research Group
; Department of Health and Human Performance ; Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (INEF) ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Martin Fierro 7 ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
7. Department of Nutrition and Food Science
; University of the Basque Country ; Paseo de la Universidad 7 ; 01006 ; Vitoria-Gasteiz ; Spain
11. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Harokopio University ; 70 ; El Venizelou Ave ; 17671 ; Kallithea ; Athens ; Greece
8. Division of Public Health Sciences and Division of Sociology
; School of Health ; Care and Social Welfare ; M?rlardalens University ; Box 883 ; 72123 ; V?ster?s ; Sweden
9. Agricultural Research Council—Food and Nutrition Research Centre
; Via Ardeatina 546 ; 00178 ; Rome ; Italy
10. Inserm U995
; Faculté de Médecine ; Université de Lille ; Lille ; France
21. Centre d’Investigation Clinique
; CIC-PT-1403-Inserm-CH&U ; 59037 ; Lille ; France
12. Scientific Institute of Public Health
; J. Wytsmanstraat 14 ; 1050 ; Brussels ; Belgium
13. Department of Pediatrics
; University of Pécs ; Pécs ; József A. u. 7 ; 7623 ; Pécs ; Hungary
14. Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Unit
; University of Crete ; School of Medicine ; Heraklion ; Crete ; Greece
15. Department of Pediatrics
; Private Medical University ; Strubergasse 21 ; 5020 ; Salzburg ; Austria
16. Immunonutrition Research Group
; Department of Metabolism and Nutrition ; Institute of Food Science ; Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) ; Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) ; 10 Antonio Novais street ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
20. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Faculty of Health Care Vesalius ; University College Ghent ; Keramiekstraat 80 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
17. Dietary Exposure Assessment group
; International Agency for Research on Cancer ; 150 Cours Albert Thomas ; 69372 ; Lyon ; CEDEX 08 ; France
刊名:Nutrition Journal
4. New insights on the features of the vinyl phenol reductase from the wine-spoilage yeast Dekkera/Brettanomyces bruxellensis
刊名:Annals of Microbiology
5. Precautionary labelling of foods for allergen content: are we ready for a global framework?
作者:Katrina J Allen (1) (2) (3)
Paul J Turner (4) (5)
Ruby Pawankar (6)
Stephen Taylor (7)
Scott Sicherer (8)
Gideon Lack (10) (9)
Nelson Rosario (11)
Motohiro Ebisawa (12)
Gary Wong (13)
E N Clare Mills (3)
Kirsten Beyer (14)
Alessandro Fiocchi (15)
Hugh A Sampson (8)

1. Murdoch Childrens Research Institute
; Department of Allergy and Immunology ; The University of Melbourne ; Melbourne ; Australia
2. Department of Paediatrics
; Royal Children鈥檚 Hospital ; Parkville ; Australia
3. Institute of Inflammation and Repair
; Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre ; Manchester Institute of Biotechnology ; The University of Manchester ; Manchester ; UK
4. Section of Paediatrics
; Allergy and Infectious Diseases ; MRC and Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
5. Division of Paediatrics & Child Health
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
6. Division of Allergy
; Department of Pediatrics ; Nippon Medical School ; 1-1-5 ; Sendagi ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8603 ; Japan
7. Food Allergy Research & Resource Program
; Department of Food Science & Technology ; University of Nebraska ; Lincoln ; NE ; USA
8. Division of Allergy and Immunology
; Department of Pediatrics ; Jaffe Food Allergy Institute ; Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai ; New York ; NY ; USA
10. Children鈥檚 Allergy Unit
; Guy鈥檚 and St. Thomas鈥?NHS Foundation Trust ; London ; UK
9. Division of Asthma
; Allergy and Lung Biology ; MRC and Asthma UK Centre in Allergic Mechanisms of Asthma ; King鈥檚 College London ; London ; UK
11. University of Parana
; Curitiba ; Brazil
12. Department of Allergy
; Clinical Research Center for Allergy and Rheumatology ; Sagamihara National Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
13. Department of Paediatrics and School of Public Health
; Chinese University of Hong Kong ; Shatin ; Hong Kong
14. Department of Pediatric Pneumology and Immunulogy
; Charit茅 Universit盲tsmedizin Berlin ; Berlin ; Germany
15. Hospital Bambino Ges霉
; Vatican City ; Rome ; Italy
刊名:World Allergy Organization Journal
6. Climate-smart agriculture global research agenda: scientific basis for action
作者:Kerri L Steenwerth (1)
Amanda K Hodson (2)
Arnold J Bloom (3)
Michael R Carter (4)
Andrea Cattaneo (5)
Colin J Chartres (6)
Jerry L Hatfield (7)
Kevin Henry (8) (9)
Jan W Hopmans (2)
William R Horwath (2)
Bryan M Jenkins (10)
Ermias Kebreab (11)
Rik Leemans (12)
Leslie Lipper (13)
Mark N Lubell (14)
Siwa Msangi (15)
Ravi Prabhu (16)
Matthew P Reynolds (17)
Samuel Sandoval Solis (2)
William M Sischo (18)
Michael Springborn (19)
Pablo Tittonell (20)
Stephen M Wheeler (21)
Sonja J Vermeulen (22)
Eva K Wollenberg (23)
Lovell S Jarvis (24)
Louise E Jackson (2)

1. Crops Pathology and Genetics Research Unit
; Agricultural Research Service ; United States Department of Agriculture (ARS/USDA) ; c/o Department of Viticulture and Enology ; RMI North ; Rm. 1151 ; 595 Hilgard Lane ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
2. Department of Land
; Air and Water Resources ; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
3. Department of Plant Sciences
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
4. Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
5. Climate Smart Agriculture Project
; Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. ; Viale delle Terme di Caracalla ; 00100 ; Rome ; Italy
6. eWater
; University of Canberra Innovation Centre ; Building 22 ; University Drive South ; Bruce ; ACT 2617 ; Australia
7. National Laboratory for Agriculture and the Environment
; ARS/USDA ; Ames ; IA ; USA
8. Where the Rain Falls
; CARE France ; 71 rue Archereau ; Paris ; 75019 ; France
9. School of Global Environmental Sustainability
; Colorado State University ; 108 Johnson Hall ; Fort Collins ; CO ; 80523 ; USA
10. Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
11. Department of Animal Science
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
12. Environmental Sciences
; Wageningen University ; P.O. Box 47 ; 6700AA ; Wageningen ; the Netherlands
13. Agricultural and Development Economic Analysis Division
; Food and Agriculture Organization of the U.N. ; Viale delle Terme di Caracalla ; 00100 ; Rome ; Italy
14. Department of Environmental Science and Policy
; Center for Environmental Policy and Behavior ; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
15. Environment and Production Technology Division
; International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) ; 2033 K St. ; NW ; Washington ; DC ; 20006-1002 ; USA
16. World Agroforestry Center (ICRAF)
; P.O. Box 30677 ; 00100 ; Nairobi ; Kenya
17. Plant
; International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center ; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) Apdo ; Postal 6-641 ; 06600 ; Mexico ; D.F. ; Mexico
18. Food- and Water-borne Disease Research Program
; College of Veterinary Medicine ; Washington State University ; PO Box 646610 ; Pullman ; WA ; 99164-6610 ; USA
19. Department of Environmental Science and Policy
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
20. Plant Sciences
; Wageningen University ; P.O. Box 563 ; 6700AN ; Wageningen ; the Netherlands
21. Department of Landscape Architecture
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
22. Climate Change
; Agriculture and Food Security ; Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) ; Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences ; University of Copenhagen ; Rolighedsvej 21 ; DK-1958 ; Frederiksberg C ; Denmark
23. Gund Institute for Ecological Economics and Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources
; University of Vermont ; 617 Main Street ; Burlington ; Vermont ; 05405 ; USA
24. Department of Agriculture and Resource Economics
; University of California at Davis ; One Shields Avenue ; Davis ; CA ; 95616 ; USA
刊名:Agriculture & Food Security
7. The effect of the macrobiotic Ma-Pi 2 diet vs. the recommended diet in the management of type 2 diabetes: the randomized controlled MADIAB trial
作者:Andreea Soare (1)
Yeganeh M Khazrai (1)
Rossella Del Toro (1)
Elena Roncella (1)
Lucia Fontana (2)
Sara Fallucca (1)
Silvia Angeletti (3)
Valeria Formisano (1)
Francesca Capata (1)
Vladimir Ruiz (4)
Carmen Porrata (5)
Edlira Skrami (6)
Rosaria Gesuita (6)
Silvia Manfrini (1)
Francesco Fallucca (7)
Mario Pianesi (8)
Paolo Pozzilli (1)
for the MADIAB Group (1)

1. Department of Endocrinology and Diabetes
; University Campus Bio-Medico ; Via Alvaro del Portillo 21 ; 00128 ; Rome ; Italy
2. Unit of Dietology and Diabetology
; Sandro Pertini Hospital ; Via dei Monti Tiburtini 385 ; 00157 ; Rome ; Italy
3. Department of Laboratory Medicine
; University Campus Bio-Medico ; Rome ; Italy
4. Department of Biochemistry and Physiology
; Institute of Nutrition and Food Hygiene ; Infanta 1158 ; 10300 ; Havana ; Cuba
5. Clinical Assay Direction
; Finlay Institute ; Avenue 27 ; No. 19805 ; La Coronela ; La Lisa ; 11600 ; Havana ; Cuba
6. Center of Epidemiology
; Biostatistics and Medical Information Technology ; Polytechnic Marche University ; Via Tronto 10A ; 60020 ; Ancona ; Italy
7. Department of Clinical Sciences
; La Sapienza University II Faculty ; Via di Grottarossa 1035/1039 ; 00189 ; Rome ; Italy
8. International Study Center for Environment
; Agriculture ; Food ; Health and Economics ; Via San Nicola ; 62029 ; Rome ; Italy
刊名:Nutrition & Metabolism
8. Ultrasonography in lung pathologies: new perspectives
刊名:Multidisciplinary Respiratory Medicine

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