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2. Clinical initiatives linking Japanese and Swedish healthcare resources on cancer studies utilizing Biobank Repositories
作者:Toshihide Nishimura (1)
Takeshi Kawamura (2)
Yutaka Sugihara (3)
Yasuhiko Bando (4)
Shigeru Sakamoto (5)
Masaharu Nomura (1)
Norihiko Ikeda (1)
Tatsuo Ohira (1)
Junichiro Fujimoto (6)
Hiromasa Tojo (7)
Takao Hamakubo (2)
Tatsuhiko Kodama (2)
Roland Andersson (8)
Thomas E Fehniger (9)
Harubumi Kato (1)
Gy枚rgy Marko-Varga (1) (3) (9)

1. First Department of Surgery
; Tokyo Medical University ; 6-7-1 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku ; Tokyo ; 160-0023 ; Japan
2. Laboratory for Systems Biology and Medicine
; Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology ; The University of Tokyo ; 4-6-1 ; Komaba ; Meguro-Ku ; Tokyo ; 153-8904 ; Japan
3. Clinical Protein Science & Imaging
; Biomedical Center ; Dept. of Biomedical Engineering ; Lund University ; BMC D13 ; 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
4. Biosys Technology
; Daihyaku Seimei Toritsudai Ekimae Bldg 5聽F 13-18 ; Nakane 2 ; Meguro-ku ; Tokyo ; 152-0031 ; Japan
5. ThermoFisher Scientific
; 3-9 Moriya-cho ; Kanagawa-ku ; Yokohama ; 221-0022 ; Japan
6. National Medical Center for Children and Mothers Research Institute
; 2-10-1 Okura Setagaya-ku ; Tokyo ; 157-8535 ; Japan
7. Dept. of Biophysics and Biochemistry
; Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine ; 2-2 Yamadaoka ; Suita ; 565-0871 ; Japan
8. Department of Surgery
; Clinical Sciences Lund ; Lund University ; and Sk氓ne University Hospital ; Lund ; Sweden 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
9. Center of Excellence in Biological and Medical mass spectrometry (CEBMMS)
; 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
刊名:Clinical and Translational Medicine
4. A Female Patient with Incomplete Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Caused by a Heterozygous XIAP Mutation Associated with Non-Random X-Chromosome Inactivation Skewed Towards the Wild-Type XIAP Al
作者:Xi Yang (1)
Akihiro Hoshino (1)
Takashi Taga (2)
Tomoaki Kunitsu (2)
Yuhachi Ikeda (2)
Takahiro Yasumi (3)
Kenichi Yoshida (4)
Taizo Wada (5)
Kunio Miyake (6)
Takeo Kubota (6)
Yusuke Okuno (7)
Hideki Muramatsu (7)
Yuichi Adachi (1)
Satoru Miyano (8) (9)
Seishi Ogawa (4)
Seiji Kojima (7)
Hirokazu Kanegane (1) (10)

1. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences ; University of Toyama ; Toyama ; Japan
2. Department of Pediatrics
; Shiga University of Medical Science ; Otsu ; Japan
3. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
4. Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
5. Department of Pediatrics
; School of Medicine ; Institute of Medical ; Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences ; Kanazawa University ; Kanazawa ; Japan
6. Department of Epigenetic Medicine
; Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering ; University of Yamanashi ; Yamanashi ; Japan
7. Department of Pediatrics
; Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine ; Nagoya ; Japan
8. Laboratory of DNA Information Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
9. Laboratory of Sequence Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
10. Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Biology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; 1-5-45 Yushima ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8519 ; Japan
刊名:Journal of Clinical Immunology
5. Phase II trial of combination therapy of gemcitabine plus anti-angiogenic vaccination of elpamotide in patients with advanced or recurrent biliary tract cancer
作者:Masato Matsuyama (1)
H. Ishii (1)
J. Furuse (2)
S. Ohkawa (3)
H. Maguchi (4)
N. Mizuno (5)
T. Yamaguchi (6)
T. Ioka (7)
T. Ajiki (8)
M. Ikeda (9)
K. Hakamada (10)
M. Yamamoto (11)
H. Yamaue (12)
K. Eguchi (13)
W. Ichikawa (14)
M. Miyazaki (15)
Y. Ohashi (16)
Y. Sasaki (14)

1. Gastroenterological Medicine
; Cancer Institute Hospital of Japanese Foundation for Cancer Research ; 3-8-31 Ariake ; Koto-ku ; Tokyo ; 135-8550 ; Japan
2. Department of Medical Oncology
; Kyorin University School of Medicine ; Tokyo ; Japan
3. Division of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology
; Kanagawa Cancer Center Hospital ; Kanagawa ; Japan
4. Center for Gastroenterology
; Teine-Keijinkai Hospital ; Hokkaido ; Japan
5. Department of Gastroenterology
; Aichi Cancer Center Hospital ; Aichi ; Japan
6. Department of Gastroenterology
; Chiba Cancer Center ; Chiba ; Japan
7. Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology
; Osaka Medical Center for Cancer and Cardiovascular Diseases ; Osaka ; Japan
8. Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery
; Kobe University Graduate School of Medicine ; Hyogo ; Japan
9. Department of Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Oncology
; National Cancer Center Hospital East ; Chiba ; Japan
10. Department of Surgery
; Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine ; Aomori ; Japan
11. Institute of Gastroenterology
; Tokyo Women鈥檚 Medical University ; Tokyo ; Japan
12. Second Department of Surgery
; Wakayama Medical University ; Wakayama ; Japan
13. Division of Medical Oncology
; Teikyo University School of Medicine ; Tokyo ; Japan
14. Division of Medical Oncology
; Showa University School of Medicine ; Tokyo ; Japan
15. Department of General Surgery
; Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine ; Chiba ; Japan
16. Department of Integrated Science and Engineering for Sustainable Society
; Chuo University ; Tokyo ; Japan
刊名:Investigational New Drugs
6. Biomechanical study on the efficacy of the periacetabular osteotomy using Patient-specific finite element analysis
7. Journal of Artificial Organs 2014: the year in review
作者:Y. Sawa (1)
K. Matsuda (2)
E. Tatsumi (3)
G. Matsumiya (9)
T. Abe (4)
K. Fukunaga (5)
A. Kishida (6)
K. Kokubo (7)
T. Masuzawa (8)
A. Myoui (10)
M. Nishimura (11)
T. Nishimura (12)
T. Nishinaka (13)
E. Okamoto (14)
S. Tokunaga (15)
T. Tomo (16)
T. Tsukiya (3)
Y. Yagi (17)
T. Yamaoka (18)
Journal of Artificial Organs Editorial Committee (19)

1. Division of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Department of Surgery ; Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine ; Osaka ; Japan
2. Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
; University of Yamanashi Hospital ; Yamanashi ; Japan
3. Department of Artificial Organs
; National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute ; Osaka ; Japan
9. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine ; Chiba ; Japan
4. Department of Urology
; Iwate Medical University School of Medicine ; Iwate ; Japan
5. Faculty of Health Sciences
; Kyorin University ; Tokyo ; Japan
6. Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering
; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo ; Japan
7. Department of Medical Engineering and Technology
; Kitasato University School of Allied Health Science ; Kanagawa ; Japan
8. Department of Mechanical Engineering
; Ibaraki University ; Ibaraki ; Japan
10. Medical Center for Translational Research
; Osaka University Hospital ; Osaka ; Japan
11. Division of Organ Regeneration Surgery
; Tottori University Faculty of Medicine ; Tottori ; Japan
12. Department of Therapeutic Strategy for Heart Failure
; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
13. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Tokyo Women鈥檚 Medical University ; Tokyo ; Japan
14. Department of Human Science and Informatics
; School of Bioscience and Engineering ; Tokai University ; Sapporo ; Japan
15. The Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Kanagawa Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center ; Yokohama ; Japan
16. Second Department of Internal Medicine
; Faculty of Medicine ; Oita University ; Oita ; Japan
17. Department of Clinical Engineering
; Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine ; Kyoto ; Japan
18. Department of Biomedical Engineering
; National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute ; Osaka ; Japan
19. Osaka
; Japan
刊名:Journal of Artificial Organs
8. Exon resequencing of H3K9 methyltransferase complex genes, EHMT1, EHTM2 and WIZ, in Japanese autism subjects
作者:Shabeesh Balan (22)
Yoshimi Iwayama (22)
Motoko Maekawa (22)
Tomoko Toyota (22)
Tetsuo Ohnishi (22)
Manabu Toyoshima (22)
Chie Shimamoto (22)
Kayoko Esaki (22)
Kazuo Yamada (22)
Yasuhide Iwata (23)
Katsuaki Suzuki (23)
Masayuki Ide (24)
Motonori Ota (25)
Satoshi Fukuchi (26)
Masatsugu Tsujii (27) (28)
Norio Mori (23) (28)
Yoichi Shinkai (29) (30)
Takeo Yoshikawa (22) (30)

22. Laboratory for Molecular Psychiatry
; RIKEN Brain Science Institute ; 2-1 Hirosawa ; Wako ; Saitama ; 351-0198 ; Japan
23. Department of Psychiatry and Neurology
; Hamamatsu University School of Medicine ; Hamamatsu ; Shizuoka ; Japan
24. Department of Psychiatry
; Division of Clinical Medicine ; University of Tsukuba ; Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; Japan
25. Graduate School of Information Science
; Nagoya University ; Nagoya ; Aichi ; Japan
26. Faculty of Engineering
; Maebashi Institute of Technology ; Maebashi ; Japan
27. Faculty of Sociology
; Chukyo University ; Chukyo ; Aichi ; Japan
28. Research Center for Child Mental Development
; Hamamatsu University School of Medicine ; Hamamatsu ; Shizuoka ; Japan
29. Cellular Memory Laboratory
; RIKEN ; Wako ; Saitama ; Japan
30. CREST (Core Research for Evolutionary Science and Technology)
; Japan Science and Technology Agency ; Kawaguchi ; Saitama ; Japan
刊名:Molecular Autism
9. Classification of Normal and Diseased Liver Shapes based on Spherical Harmonics Coefficients
刊名:Journal of Medical Systems
10. Hypomethylation and overexpression of ITGAL (CD11a) in CD4+ T cells in systemic sclerosis
作者:YaoYao Wang (1) (2)
Ye Shu (3)
YangFan Xiao (1)
Qing Wang (1)
Takuro Kanekura (4)
YaPing Li (1)
JiuCun Wang (5)
Ming Zhao (1) (6)
QianJin Lu (1) (6)
Rong Xiao (1)

1. Department of Dermatology
; Second Xiangya Hospital ; Central South University ; 139 Ren-Min Road ; Changsha ; 410011 ; China
2. Department of Dermatology
; Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital ; Zhejiang University ; 3 East Qingchun Road ; Hangzhou ; 310016 ; China
3. Department of Dermatology
; Hunan Children鈥檚 Hospital ; 86 Zi-Yuan Road ; Changsha ; 410007 ; China
4. Department of Dermatology
; Kagoshima University Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; 8-35-1 Sakuragaoka ; Kagoshima ; 890-8520 ; Japan
5. Ministry of Education (MOE) Key Laboratory of Contemporary Anthropology and State Key Laboratory of Genetic Engineering
; School of Life Sciences ; Fudan University ; 220 Handan Road ; 200433 ; Shanghai ; China
6. Hunan Key Laboratory of Medical Epigenomics
; 139 Ren-Min Road ; Changsha ; 410011 ; China
刊名:Clinical Epigenetics

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