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2. Living situations associated with poor dietary intake among healthy japanese elderly: The ohasama study
作者:Megumi Tsubota-Utsugi (1) (2) (9)
M. Kikuya (3)
M. Satoh (4)
R. Inoue (5)
M. Hosaka (6)
H. Metoki (3)
T. Hirose (7)
K. Asayama (6) (8)
Y. Imai (6)
T. Ohkubo (8)

1. Center for International Collaboration and Partnership
; National Institute of Health and Nutrition ; Tokyo ; Japan
2. Department of Nutritional Epidemiology
; National Institute of Health and Nutrition ; Tokyo ; Japan
9. Center for International Collaboration and Partnership/Department of Nutritional Epidemiology
; National Institute of Health and Nutrition ; Toyama 1-23-1 ; Shinjyuku-ku ; Tokyo ; 162-8636 ; Japan
3. Tohoku Medical Megabank organization
; Tohoku University ; Sendai ; Japan
4. Department of Pharmacy
; Tohoku University Hospital ; Tokyo ; Japan
5. Department of Medical Informatics
; Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine ; Sendai ; Japan
6. Department of Planning for Drug Development and Clinical Evaluation
; Tohoku University Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences ; Sendai ; Japan
7. Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology
; College de France ; Paris ; France
8. Department of Hygiene and Public Health
; Teikyo University School of Medicine ; Tokyo ; Japan
刊名:The journal of nutrition, health & aging
3. New zoonotic cases of Onchocerca dewittei japonica (Nematoda: Onchocercidae) in Honshu, Japan
作者:Shigehiko Uni (1) (2)
Masako Fukuda (3)
Yasushi Otsuka (4)
Nobuo Hiramatsu (5)
Kenichi Yokobayashi (6)
Hiroshi Takahashi (6)
Susumu Murata (7)
Kenji Kusatake (7)
Eishin Morita (7)
Haruhiko Maruyama (8)
Hideo Hasegawa (9)
Kuninori Shiwaku (10)
Rosli Ramli (1)
Mohd Sofian Azirun (1)
Hiroyuki Takaoka (1)

1. Institute of Biological Sciences
; Faculty of Science ; University of Malaya ; 50603 ; Kuala Lumpur ; Malaysia
2. Department of Parasitology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Osaka City University ; Osaka ; 545-8585 ; Japan
3. Research Promotion Institute
; Oita University ; Oita ; 879-5593 ; Japan
4. Research Center for the Pacific Islands
; Kagoshima University ; Kagoshima ; 890-8580 ; Japan
5. Hiramatsu Orthopedic Clinic
; Hiroshima ; 730-0016 ; Japan
6. Hiroshima University Hospital
; Hiroshima ; 734-8551 ; Japan
7. Department of Dermatology
; Faculty of Medicine ; Shimane University ; Shimane ; 693-8501 ; Japan
8. Department of Infectious Diseases
; Division of Parasitology ; Faculty of Medicine ; University of Miyazaki ; Miyazaki ; 889-1692 ; Japan
9. Department of Biology
; Faculty of Medicine ; Oita University ; Oita ; 879-5593 ; Japan
10. Department of Environmental and Preventive Medicine
; Faculty of Medicine ; Shimane University ; Shimane ; 693-8501 ; Japan
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
4. Genetic differentiation and phylogeography of partially sympatric species complex Rhizophora mucronata Lam. and R. stylosa Griff. using SSR markers
作者:Alison K S Wee (1) (2)
Koji Takayama (3)
Jasher L Chua (4)
Takeshi Asakawa (1)
Sankararamasubramanian H Meenakshisundaram (5)
Onrizal (6)
Bayu Adjie (7)
Erwin Riyanto Ardli (8)
Sarawood Sungkaew (9)
Norhaslinda Binti Malekal (10)
Nguyen Xuan Tung (11)
Severino G Salmo III (12)
Orlex Baylen Yllano (13)
M Nazre Saleh (14)
Khin Khin Soe (15)
Yoichi Tateishi (16)
Yasuyuki Watano (1)
Shigeyuki Baba (17) (18)
Edward L Webb (4)
Tadashi Kajita (1)

1. Department of Biology
; Graduate School of Science ; Chiba University ; 1-33 Yayoi-cho ; Inage-ku ; Chiba ; 263-8522 ; Japan
2. Present Address
; Center for Integrative Conservation ; Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden ; Chinese Academy of Sciences ; Menglun ; Mengla ; Yunnan ; 666303 ; China
3. The University Museum
; The University of Tokyo ; Hongo 7-3-1 ; Tokyo ; 113-0033 ; Japan
4. Department of Biological Sciences
; National University of Singapore ; Singapore ; 117543 ; Singapore
5. Biotechnology Programme
; M.S. Swaminathan Research Foundation ; Chennai ; India
6. Forestry Sciences Department
; Universitas Sumatera Utara ; Medan ; Indonesia
7. Bali Botanical Garden
; Indonesian Institute of Sciences ; Bali ; Indonesia
8. Faculty of Biology
; Jenderal Soedirman University ; Purwokerto ; Indonesia
9. Forest Biology Department
; Faculty of Forestry ; Kasetsart University ; Bangkok ; Thailand
10. Institute for Tropical Biology and Conservation
; Universiti Malaysia Kota Kinabalu ; Kota Kinabalu ; Malaysia
11. Mangrove Ecosystem Research Centre
; Hanoi National University of Education ; Hanoi ; Vietnam
12. Department of Environmental Science
; School of Science and Engineering ; Ateneo de Manila University ; Quezon City ; Philippines
13. Biology Department
; College of Science and Technology ; Adventist University of the Philippines ; Silang ; 4118 ; Cavite ; Philippines
14. Department of Forest Production
; Faculty of Forestry ; Universiti Putra Malaysia ; Serdang ; Malaysia
15. Department of Botany
; University of Yangon ; Yangon ; Myanmar
16. Faculty of Education
; University of the Ryukyus ; Senbaru ; Okinawa ; Japan
17. Tropical Biosphere Research Center
; University of the Ryukyus ; Iriomote ; Okinawa ; Japan
18. International Society for Mangrove Ecosystems (ISME)
; c/o Faculty of Agriculture ; University of the Ryukyus ; Senbaru ; Okinawa ; 903-0129 ; Japan
刊名:BMC Evolutionary Biology
5. A Female Patient with Incomplete Hemophagocytic Lymphohistiocytosis Caused by a Heterozygous XIAP Mutation Associated with Non-Random X-Chromosome Inactivation Skewed Towards the Wild-Type XIAP Al
作者:Xi Yang (1)
Akihiro Hoshino (1)
Takashi Taga (2)
Tomoaki Kunitsu (2)
Yuhachi Ikeda (2)
Takahiro Yasumi (3)
Kenichi Yoshida (4)
Taizo Wada (5)
Kunio Miyake (6)
Takeo Kubota (6)
Yusuke Okuno (7)
Hideki Muramatsu (7)
Yuichi Adachi (1)
Satoru Miyano (8) (9)
Seishi Ogawa (4)
Seiji Kojima (7)
Hirokazu Kanegane (1) (10)

1. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine and Pharmaceutical Sciences ; University of Toyama ; Toyama ; Japan
2. Department of Pediatrics
; Shiga University of Medical Science ; Otsu ; Japan
3. Department of Pediatrics
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
4. Department of Pathology and Tumor Biology
; Graduate School of Medicine ; Kyoto University ; Kyoto ; Japan
5. Department of Pediatrics
; School of Medicine ; Institute of Medical ; Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences ; Kanazawa University ; Kanazawa ; Japan
6. Department of Epigenetic Medicine
; Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Medicine and Engineering ; University of Yamanashi ; Yamanashi ; Japan
7. Department of Pediatrics
; Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine ; Nagoya ; Japan
8. Laboratory of DNA Information Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
9. Laboratory of Sequence Analysis
; Human Genome Center ; Institute of Medical Science ; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
10. Department of Pediatrics and Developmental Biology
; Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences ; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; 1-5-45 Yushima ; Bunkyo-ku ; Tokyo ; 113-8519 ; Japan
刊名:Journal of Clinical Immunology
6. Phylogenomic analyses data of the avian phylogenomics project
作者:Erich D Jarvis (1)
Siavash Mirarab (2)
Andre J Aberer (3)
Bo Li (4) (5) (6)
Peter Houde (7)
Cai Li (4) (6)
Simon Y W Ho (8)
Brant C Faircloth (10) (9)
Benoit Nabholz (11)
Jason T Howard (1)
Alexander Suh (12)
Claudia C Weber (12)
Rute R da Fonseca (6)
Alonzo Alfaro-N煤帽ez (6)
Nitish Narula (13) (7)
Liang Liu (14)
Dave Burt (15)
Hans Ellegren (12)
Scott V Edwards (16)
Alexandros Stamatakis (17) (3)
David P Mindell (18)
Joel Cracraft (19)
Edward L Braun (20)
Tandy Warnow (2)
Wang Jun (21) (22) (23) (24) (4)
M Thomas Pius Gilbert (25) (6)
Guojie Zhang (26) (4)
The Avian Phylogenomics Consortium

1. Department of Neurobiology
; Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University Medical Center ; Durham ; NC ; 27710 ; USA
2. Department of Computer Science
; The University of Texas at Austin ; Austin ; TX ; 78712 ; USA
3. Scientific Computing Group
; Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies ; Heidelberg ; Germany
4. China National GeneBank
; BGI-Shenzhen ; Shenzhen ; 518083 ; China
5. College of Medicine and Forensics
; Xi鈥檃n Jiaotong University ; Xi鈥檃n ; 710061 ; China
6. Centre for GeoGenetics
; Natural History Museum of Denmark ; University of Copenhagen ; 脴ster Voldgade 5-7 ; 1350 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
7. Department of Biology
; New Mexico State University ; Las Cruces ; NM ; 88003 ; USA
8. School of Biological Sciences
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; NSW ; 2006 ; Australia
10. Department of Biological Sciences
; Louisiana State University ; Baton Rouge ; LA ; 70803 ; USA
9. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
; University of California Los Angeles ; Los Angeles ; CA ; 90095 ; USA
11. CNRS UMR 5554
; Institut des Sciences de l鈥橢volution de Montpellier ; Universit茅 Montpellier II ; Montpellier ; France
12. Department of Evolutionary Biology
; Uppsala University ; SE-752 36 ; Uppsala ; Sweden
13. Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit
; Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Onna-son ; Okinawa ; 904-0495 ; Japan
14. Department of Statistics and Institute of Bioinformatics
; University of Georgia ; Athens ; 30602 ; USA
15. Department of Genomics and Genetics
; The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies ; University of Edinburgh ; Easter Bush Campus ; Midlothian ; EH25 9RG ; UK
16. Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology
; Harvard University ; Cambridge ; MA ; USA
17. Institute of Theoretical Informatics
; Department of Informatics ; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ; D- 76131 ; Karlsruhe ; Germany
18. Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
; University of California ; San Francisco ; CA ; 94158 ; USA
19. Department of Ornithology
; American Museum of Natural History ; New York ; NY ; 10024 ; USA
20. Department of Biology and Genetics Institute
; University of Florida ; Gainesville ; FL ; 32611 ; USA
21. Department of Biology
; University of Copenhagen ; Ole Maal酶es Vej 5 ; 2200 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
22. Princess Al Jawhara Center of Excellence in the Research of Hereditary Disorders
; King Abdulaziz University ; Jeddah ; 21589 ; Saudi Arabia
23. Macau University of Science and Technology
; Avenida Wai long ; Taipa ; Macau ; 999078 ; China
24. Department of Medicine
; University of Hong Kong ; Hong Kong ; Hong Kong
25. Trace and Environmental DNA Laboratory Department of Environment and Agriculture
; Curtin University ; Perth ; WA ; 6102 ; Australia
26. Centre for Social Evolution
; Department of Biology ; Universitetsparken 15 ; University of Copenhagen ; DK-2100 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
8. A role for Ras in inhibiting circular foraging behavior as revealed by a new method for time and cell-specific RNAi
刊名:BMC Biology
9. The MAT1-1:MAT1-2 Ratio of Sporothrix globosa Isolates in Japan
作者:Rui Kano (1)
Clement K.-M. Tsui (2)
Richard C. Hamelin (2)
Kazushi Anzawa (3)
Takashi Mochizuki (3)
Katsutaro Nishimoto (4)
Masataro Hiruma (5)
Hiroshi Kamata (1)
Atsuhiko Hasegawa (6)

1. Department of Pathobiology
; Nihon University School of Veterinary Medicine ; 1866 Kameino ; Fujisawa ; Kanagawa ; 252-8510 ; Japan
2. Department of Forest and Conservation Sciences
; University of British Columbia ; Vancouver ; BC ; V6T 1Z4 ; Canada
3. Department of Dermatology
; Kanazawa Medical University ; Uchinada ; Ishikawa ; 920-0293 ; Japan
4. Division of Dermatology
; Ekisaikai Nagasaki Hospital ; 5-16 Kabashimacho ; Nagasaki-City ; Nagasaki ; 850-0034 ; Japan
5. Ochanomizu Institute for Medical Mycology and Allergology
; Nakamura Bldg. 2F ; 2-12-4 Hongo ; Bunkyoku ; Tokyo ; 113-0033 ; Japan
6. Teikyo University Institute of Medical Mycology
; 359 Otsuka ; Hachioji ; Tokyo ; 192-0395 ; Japan
10. Functional characterization of the diatom cyclin-dependent kinase A2 as a mitotic regulator reveals plant-like properties in a non-green lineage
作者:Marie JJ Huysman (1) (2) (3) (4)
Atsuko Tanaka (4) (5)
Chris Bowler (4)
Wim Vyverman (3)
Lieven De Veylder (1) (2)

1. Department of Plant Systems Biology
; Flanders Institute for Biotechnology (VIB) ; 9052 ; Ghent ; Belgium
2. Department of Plant Systems Biology
; VIB ; and Bioinformatics ; Ghent University ; 9052 ; Ghent ; Belgium
3. Protistology and Aquatic Ecology
; Department of Biology ; Ghent University ; 9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
4. Environmental and Evolutionary Genomics Section
; Institut de Biologie de l鈥橢cole Normale Sup茅rieure ; Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique ; Unit茅 Mixte de Recherche 8186 ; Institut National de la Sant茅 et de la Recherche M茅dicale U1024 ; Ecole Normale Sup茅rieure ; 75230 ; Paris ; Cedex 05 ; France
5. Current address
; Muroran Marine Station ; Field Science Center for Northern Biosphere ; Hokkaido University ; Muroran ; Hokkaido ; 051-0013 ; Japan
刊名:BMC Plant Biology

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