在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:9条,耗时:0.0629975 秒


1. Guidelines from the Japanese Society of Echocardiography: Guidance for the management and maintenance of echocardiography equipment
作者:S. Nakatani (1)
M. Akaishi (2)
T. Asanuma (3)
S. Hashimoto (4)
C. Izumi (5)
S. Iwanaga (6)
H. Kawai (7)
M. Daimon (8)
H. Toide (9)
A. Hayashida (10)
H. Yamada (11)

1. Division of Functional Diagnostics
; Department of Health Sciences ; Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine ; 1-7 Yamada-oka ; Suita ; Osaka ; 565-0871 ; Japan
2. Kitasato Institute Hospital
; Kitasato University ; Minato ; Japan
3. Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine
; Suita ; Japan
4. National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center
; Suita ; Japan
5. Tenri Yorozu Hospital
; Tenri ; Japan
6. International Medical Center
; Saitama Medical University ; Saitama ; Japan
7. Hyogo Brain and Heart Center
; Himeji ; Japan
8. The University of Tokyo Hospital
; Bunkyo ; Japan
9. Gunma Cardiovascular Center
; Maebashi ; Japan
10. The Sakakibara Heart Institute of Okayama
; Okayama ; Japan
11. Tokushima University Hospital
; Tokushima ; Japan
刊名:Journal of Echocardiography
3. Journal of Artificial Organs 2014: the year in review
作者:Y. Sawa (1)
K. Matsuda (2)
E. Tatsumi (3)
G. Matsumiya (9)
T. Abe (4)
K. Fukunaga (5)
A. Kishida (6)
K. Kokubo (7)
T. Masuzawa (8)
A. Myoui (10)
M. Nishimura (11)
T. Nishimura (12)
T. Nishinaka (13)
E. Okamoto (14)
S. Tokunaga (15)
T. Tomo (16)
T. Tsukiya (3)
Y. Yagi (17)
T. Yamaoka (18)
Journal of Artificial Organs Editorial Committee (19)

1. Division of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Department of Surgery ; Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine ; Osaka ; Japan
2. Emergency and Critical Care Medicine
; University of Yamanashi Hospital ; Yamanashi ; Japan
3. Department of Artificial Organs
; National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute ; Osaka ; Japan
9. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Chiba University Graduate School of Medicine ; Chiba ; Japan
4. Department of Urology
; Iwate Medical University School of Medicine ; Iwate ; Japan
5. Faculty of Health Sciences
; Kyorin University ; Tokyo ; Japan
6. Institute of Biomaterials and Bioengineering
; Tokyo Medical and Dental University ; Tokyo ; Japan
7. Department of Medical Engineering and Technology
; Kitasato University School of Allied Health Science ; Kanagawa ; Japan
8. Department of Mechanical Engineering
; Ibaraki University ; Ibaraki ; Japan
10. Medical Center for Translational Research
; Osaka University Hospital ; Osaka ; Japan
11. Division of Organ Regeneration Surgery
; Tottori University Faculty of Medicine ; Tottori ; Japan
12. Department of Therapeutic Strategy for Heart Failure
; The University of Tokyo ; Tokyo ; Japan
13. Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Tokyo Women鈥檚 Medical University ; Tokyo ; Japan
14. Department of Human Science and Informatics
; School of Bioscience and Engineering ; Tokai University ; Sapporo ; Japan
15. The Department of Cardiovascular Surgery
; Kanagawa Cardiovascular and Respiratory Center ; Yokohama ; Japan
16. Second Department of Internal Medicine
; Faculty of Medicine ; Oita University ; Oita ; Japan
17. Department of Clinical Engineering
; Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine ; Kyoto ; Japan
18. Department of Biomedical Engineering
; National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute ; Osaka ; Japan
19. Osaka
; Japan
刊名:Journal of Artificial Organs
5. Evaluation and comparison of the potential of two ferritins as anti-tick vaccines against Haemaphysalis longicornis
作者:Remil Linggatong Galay (1) (2)
Takeshi Miyata (3)
Rika Umemiya-Shirafuji (4)
Hiroki Maeda (1) (2)
Kodai Kusakisako (1) (2)
Naotoshi Tsuji (5)
Masami Mochizuki (1) (2)
Kozo Fujisaki (6)
Tetsuya Tanaka (1) (2)

1. Department of Pathological and Preventive Veterinary Science
; The United Graduate School of Veterinary Science ; Yamaguchi University ; Yoshida ; Yamaguchi ; 753-8515 ; Japan
2. Laboratory of Infectious Diseases
; Joint Faculty of Veterinary Medicine ; Kagoshima University ; 1-21-24 Korimoto ; Kagoshima ; 890-0065 ; Japan
3. Laboratory of Food Chemistry
; Department of Biochemistry and Biotechnology ; Division of Molecular Functions of Food ; Faculty of Agriculture ; Kagoshima University ; 1-21-24 Korimoto ; Kagoshima ; 890-0065 ; Japan
4. National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases
; Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine ; Inada-cho ; Obihiro ; Hokkaido ; 080-8555 ; Japan
5. Department of Parasitology
; Kitasato University School of Medicine ; Kanagawa ; 252-0374 ; Japan
6. National Agricultural and Food Research Organization
; 3-1-5 Kannondai ; Tsukuba ; Ibaraki ; 305-0856 ; Japan
刊名:Parasites & Vectors
6. Prevalence of radiographic findings of femoroacetabular impingement in the Japanese population
刊名:Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research
8. Postsynaptic insertion of AMPA receptor onto cortical pyramidal neurons in the anterior cingulate cortex after peripheral nerve injury
作者:Tao Chen (1) (2) (3)
Wen Wang (2)
Yu-Lin Dong (2)
Ming-Ming Zhang (2)
Jian Wang (2)
Kohei Koga (1) (3)
Yong-Hui Liao (2)
Jin-Lian Li (2)
Timotheus Budisantoso (4)
Ryuichi Shigemoto (4)
Makoto Itakura (5)
Richard L Huganir (6)
Yun-Qing Li (2)
Min Zhuo (1) (3)

1. Center for Neuron and Disease
; Frontier Institute of Science and Technology ; Xi鈥檃n Jiaotong University ; Xi鈥檃n ; China
2. Department of Anatomy
; Histology and Embryology and K.K. Leung Brain Research Center ; the Fourth Military Medical University ; Xi鈥檃n ; 710032 ; China
3. Department of Physiology
; Faculty of Medicine ; Center for the Study of Pain ; University of Toronto ; 1 King鈥檚 College Circle ; Toronto ; Ontario ; M5S 1A8 ; Canada
4. Division of Cerebral Structure
; National Institute for Physiological Sciences ; Myodaiji ; Okazaki ; 444-8787 ; Japan
5. Department of Biochemistry
; Kitasato University School of Medicine ; Sagamihara ; Kanagawa ; Japan
6. Department of Neuroscience and Howard Hughes Medical Institute
; Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
刊名:Molecular Brain

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