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2. Cross-border collaboration between China and Myanmar for emergency response to imported vaccine derived poliovirus case
作者:Hai-Bo Wang (1) (2)
Li-Fen Zhang (3)
Wen-Zhou Yu (1)
Ning Wen (1)
Dong-Mei Yan (4)
Jing-Jing Tang (3)
Yong Zhang (4)
Chun-Xiang Fan (1)
Kathleen H Reilly (5)
Wen-Bo Xu (4)
Li Li (1)
Zheng-Rong Ding (3)
Hui-Ming Luo (1)

1. Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention
; 27 Nanwei Road ; Xicheng District ; Beijing ; 100050 ; PR China
2. Peking University Clinical Research Institute
; Xueyuan Road 38# ; Haidian District ; Beijing ; 100191 ; PR China
3. Expanded Programme on Immunization
; Yunnan Center for Disease Control and Prevention ; 158 Dongsi Street ; Kunming City ; Yunnan province ; 650034 ; PR China
4. WHO WPRO Regional Polio Reference Laboratory
; National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention ; Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention ; 155 Changbai Road ; Changping District ; Beijing ; 102206 ; PR China
5. Independent Consultant
; New York City ; NY ; USA
刊名:BMC Infectious Diseases
3. Phylogenetic analysis of canine distemper virus in domestic dogs in Nanjing, China
4. Travel-related MERS-CoV cases: an assessment of exposures and risk factors in a group of Dutch travellers returning from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, May 2014
作者:Ewout B Fanoy (1) (13) (2) (3)
Marianne AB van der Sande (1) (4)
Marleen Kraaij-Dirkzwager (1)
Kees Dirksen (5)
Marcel Jonges (1)
Wim van der Hoek (1)
Marion PG Koopmans (6)
Douwe van der Werf (7)
Gerard Sonder (8)
Charlie van der Weijden (9)
Jet van der Heuvel (10)
Luc Gelinck (11)
Jolande W Bouwhuis (12)
Arianne B van Gageldonk-Lafeber (1)
on behalf of the members of the MERS-CoV outbreak investigation team of The Netherlands

1. National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
; Centre for Infectious Disease Control ; Bilthoven ; The Netherlands
13. Epidemiology and Surveillance Unit
; National Institute for Public Health and the Environment ; Antonie van Leeuwenhoeklaan 9 ; Bilthoven ; MA ; 3721 ; The Netherlands
2. European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET)
; European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control ; (ECDC) ; Stockholm ; Sweden
3. Public Health Service region of Utrecht
; Zeist ; The Netherlands
4. Julius Center
; University Medical Center Utrecht ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
5. Public Health Service Haaglanden
; Den Haag ; The Netherlands
6. Erasmus Medical Center
; Rotterdam ; The Netherlands
7. Public Health Service IJsselland
; Zwolle ; The Netherlands
8. Public Health Service Amsterdam
; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
9. Public Health Service Flevoland
; Lelystad ; The Netherlands
10. Public Health Service Hart voor Brabant鈥檚
; Hertogenbosch ; The Netherlands
11. Medical Centre Haaglanden
; The Hague ; The Netherlands
12. Isalaklinieken
; Zwolle ; The Netherlands
刊名:Emerging Themes in Epidemiology
5. Structural and biochemical insights into the V/I505T mutation found in the EIAV gp45 vaccine strain
7. Uniformity of rotavirus strain nomenclature proposed by the Rotavirus Classification Working Group (RCWG)
作者:1. Laboratory of Clinical & Epidemiological Virology ; Department of Microbiology & Immunology ; Rega Institute for Medical Research ; University of Leuven ; Minderbroedersstraat 10 ; 3000 Leuven ; Belgium2. Clinical Research and Development ; Novartis Vaccines & Diagnostics ; Inc ; Cambridge ; MA 02139 ; USA3. Laboratory of Infectious Diseases ; National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases ; National Institutes of Health ; Bethesda ; MD 20892 ; USA4. Vector-Borne Diseases Program ; Institute for Animal Health ; Ash Road ; Pirbright ; Surrey ; GU24 0NF UK5. Veterinary Medical Research Institute ; Hungarian Academy of Sciences ; Hungária krt. 21 ; Budapest ; 1143 Hungary6. National Center for Biotechnology Information ; National Library of Medicine ; National Institutes of Health ; Bethesda ; MD 20892 ; USA7. Department of Microbiology and Ecology ; School of Medicine ; University of Valencia ; Avda. Blasco Ibá?ez ; 17 ; 46010 Valencia ; Spain8. Division of Viral Diseases ; National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; Atlanta ; GA ; USA9. Department of Molecular Virology and Microbiology and Medicine-GI ; Baylor College of Medicine ; Houston ; USA10. Enteric Virus Unit ; Virus Reference Department ; Centre for Infection ; Health Protection Agency ; Colindale ; London ; UK11. Federal Institute for Risk Assessment ; Berlin ; Germany12. Enteric Virus Research Group ; Murdoch Childrens Research Institute ; Royal Children’s Hospital ; Parkville ; VIC ; Australia13. Department of Veterinary Public Health ; University of Bari ; Bari ; Italy14. Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology ; Nagasaki University ; Nagasaki ; 852-8523 Japan15. Instituto de Virología ; CICVyA ; INTA Castelar ; Buenos Aires ; Argentina16. Laboratory of Virology ; ICDDRB ; Mohakhali ; Dhaka ; 1212 Bangladesh17. Department of Veterinary Public Health & Food Safety ; Istituto Superiore di Sanità ; Rome ; Italy18. Food Animal Health Research Program ; Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center ; The Ohio State University ; Wooster ; OH 44691 ; USA19. Departamento de Virologia ; Instituto de Microbiologia ; Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro ; Rio de Janeiro ; Brazil20. University of Ljubljana ; Faculty of Medicine ; Institute of Microbiology and Immunology ; Zaloska 4 ; 1104 Ljubljana ; Slovenia21. Department of Virology and Parasitology ; Fujita Health University School of Medicine ; Toyoake ; Aichi 470-1192 ; Japan22. Department of Medicine ; Addenbrooke’s Hospital ; University of Cambridge ; Cambridge ; UK
刊名:Archives of Virology
8. Medical virology in Malaysia
刊名:Virologica Sinica

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