在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:13条,耗时:0.1159396 秒


1. Flocking and Turning: a New Model for Self-organized Collective Motion
作者:Andrea Cavagna (1) (2) (3)
Lorenzo Del Castello (1) (2)
Irene Giardina (1) (2) (3)
Tomas Grigera (4) (5)
Asja Jelic (1) (2)
Stefania Melillo (1) (2)
Thierry Mora (6)
Leonardo Parisi (1) (2) (7)
Edmondo Silvestri (1) (2) (8)
Massimiliano Viale (1) (2)
Aleksandra M. Walczak (9)

1. Istituto Sistemi Complessi (ISC-CNR)
; Via dei Taurini 19 ; 00185 ; Rome ; Italy
2. Dipartimento di Fisica
; 鈥淪apienza鈥?Universit谩 di Roma ; P.le Aldo Moro 2 ; 00185 ; Rome ; Italy
3. Initiative for the Theoretical Sciences
; The Graduate Center ; 365 Fifth Avenue ; New York ; NY ; 10016 ; USA
4. Instituto de Investigaciones Fisicoqu铆micas Te贸ricas y Aplicadas (INIFTA) and Departamento de F铆sica
; Facultad de Ciencias Exactas ; Universidad Nacional de La Plata ; c.c. 16 ; suc. 4 ; 1900 ; La Plata ; Argentina
5. CONICET La Plata
; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Cient铆ficas y T茅cnicas ; La Plata ; Argentina
6. Laboratoire de Physique Statistique de l鈥櫭塩ole Normale Sup茅rieure
; CNRS and Universites Paris VI and Paris VII ; 24 rue Lhomond ; 75231 ; Paris Cedex 05 ; France
7. Dipartimento di Informatica
; 鈥淪apienza鈥?Universit谩 di Roma ; 00198 ; Rome ; Italy
8. Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica
; Universit谩 Roma Tre ; Via della Vasca Navale ; 84 ; 00146 ; Rome ; Italy
9. Laboratoire de Physique Th茅orique de l鈥櫭塩ole Normale Sup茅rieure
; CNRS and University Paris VI ; 24 rue Lhomond ; 75231 ; Paris Cedex 05 ; France
刊名:Journal of Statistical Physics
3. Bayesian analysis of three indices for lagoons ecological status evaluation
刊名:Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (SERRA)
4. Polyaspartamide-Doxorubicin Conjugate as Potential Prodrug for Anticancer Therapy
作者:Chiara Di Meo (1)
Felisa Cilurzo (2)
Mariano Licciardi (3)
Cinzia Scialabba (3)
Rocchina Sabia (1)
Donatella Paolino (2)
Donatella Capitani (4)
Massimo Fresta (2)
Gaetano Giammona (3)
Claudio Villani (1)
Pietro Matricardi (1)

1. Department of Drug Chemistry and Technologies
; 鈥淪apienza鈥?University of Rome ; P.le Aldo Moro 5 ; 00185 ; Rome ; Italy
2. Department of Health Sciences
; and IRC FSH - Interregional Research Center for Food Safety & Health ; University of Catanzaro 鈥淢agna Gr忙cia鈥? Campus Universitario 鈥淪. Venuta鈥? Viale S. Venuta ; Germaneto ; 88100 ; Catanzaro ; Italy
3. Department of Biological
; Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies (STEBICEF) ; Sezione di Chimica e Tecnologie Farmaceutiche ; Universit脿 degli Studi di Palermo ; Via Archirafi 32 ; 90123 ; Palermo ; Italy
4. Magnetic Resonance Laboratory Annalaura Segre
; Institute of Chemical Methodologies ; CNR ; Research Area of Rome ; via Salaria Km 29.300 ; Monterotondo Stazione ; 00016 ; Rome ; Italy
刊名:Pharmaceutical Research
6. Simulation of QCD with N f = 2 + 1 flavors of non-perturbatively improved Wilson fermions
作者:Mattia Bruno (1)
Dalibor Djukanovic (2)
Georg P. Engel (3)
Anthony Francis (2)
Gregorio Herdoiza (4)
Hanno Horch (5)
Piotr Korcyl (1)
Tomasz Korzec (6)
Mauro Papinutto (7)
Stefan Schaefer (1)
Enno E. Scholz (8)
Jakob Simeth (8)
Hubert Simma (1)
Wolfgang S枚ldner (8)

1. John von Neumann Institute for Computing (NIC)
; DESY ; Platanenallee 6 ; D-15738 ; Zeuthen ; Germany
2. Helmholtz Institute Mainz
; University of Mainz ; D-55099 ; Mainz ; Germany
3. Dipartimento di Fisica
; Universit脿 di Milano-Bicocca ; and INFN ; Sezione di Milano-Bicocca ; Piazza della Scienza 3 ; I-20126 ; Milano ; Italy
4. Departamento de F铆sica Te贸rica and Instituto de F铆sica Te贸rica UAM/CSIC
; Universidad Aut贸noma de Madrid ; Cantoblanco ; E-28049 ; Madrid ; Spain
5. PRISMA Cluster of Excellence
; Institut f眉r Kernphysik ; Johannes Gutenberg Universit盲t Mainz ; D-55099 ; Mainz ; Germany
6. Institut f眉r Physik
; Humboldt Universit盲t ; Newtonstr. 15 ; D-12489 ; Berlin ; Germany
7. Dipartimento di Fisica
; 鈥淪apienza鈥?Universit脿 di Roma ; and INFN ; Sezione di Roma ; P.le Aldo Moro 2 ; I-00185 ; Roma ; Italy
8. Institut f眉r Theoretische Physik
; Universit盲t Regensburg ; D-93040 ; Regensburg ; Germany
刊名:Journal of High Energy Physics
8. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Ultrasonic piezonuclear reactions in steel and sintered Ferrite bars
9. Hospital mortality of adults admitted to Intensive Care Units in hospitals with and without Intermediate Care Units: a multicentre European cohort study
作者:Maurizia Capuzzo (1)
Carlo Alberto Volta (1)
Tania Tassinati (1)
Rui Paulo Moreno (2)
Andreas Valentin (3)
Bertrand Guidet (4) (5)
Gaetano Iapichino (6)
Claude Martin (7)
Thomas Perneger (8)
Christophe Combescure (8)
Antoine Poncet (8)
Andrew Rhodes (9)
on behalf of the Working Group on Health Economics of the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine

1. Section of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
; Department of Morphology ; Surgery and Experimental Medicine ; S. Anna Hospital ; University of Ferrara ; Via Aldo Moro 8 ; 44124 Cona ; Ferrara ; Italy
2. Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos Neurocr铆ticos
; Hospital de S茫o Jos茅 ; Centro Hospitalar de Lisboa Central ; Rua Jos茅 Ant贸nio Serrano Lisboa ; 1150-199 ; Portugal
3. Rudolfstiftung Hospital and Medical University of Vienna
; General and Medical Intensive Care Unit (Rudolfstiftung Hospital) ; Juchgasse 25 ; 1030 ; Vienna ; Austria
4. Assistance Publique - H么pitaux de Paris
; H么pital Saint-Antoine ; Service de R茅animation M茅dicale ; 184 rue du Faubourg Saint-Antoine ; Paris ; F-75012 ; France
5. UPMC Univ Paris 06
; Inserm ; Unit茅 de Recherche en 脡pid茅miologie Syst猫mes d鈥橧nformation et Mod茅lisation (U707) ; 4 Place Jussieu ; Paris ; F-75012 ; France
6. Dipartimento di Fisiopatologia Medico-Chirurgica e dei Trapianti
; Universit脿 degli Studi di Milano ; Polo Universitario San Paolo ; Via Ovada 26 ; 20142 ; Milan ; Italy
7. Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care
; H么pital Nord ; Chemin des Bourrely ; F-13015 ; Marseille ; France
8. Division of Clinical Epidemiology
; University Hospitals of Geneva and University of Geneva ; 24 Micheli-du-Crest ; CH-1211 ; Geneva ; Switzerland
9. Department of Intensive Care Medicine
; St George鈥檚 Healthcare NHS Trust and University of London ; Blackshaw Road ; London ; SW17 0QT ; UK
刊名:Critical Care

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