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1. Dietary animal and plant protein intakes and their associations with obesity and cardio-metabolic indicators in European adolescents: the HELENA cross-sectional study
作者:Yi Lin (1)
Theodora Mouratidou (2)
Carine Vereecken (1) (18)
Mathilde Kersting (3)
Selin Bolca (4)
Augusto César F de Moraes (19) (2)
Magdalena Cuenca-García (5)
Luis A Moreno (2) (22)
Marcela González-Gross (6)
Jara Valtue?a (6)
Idoia Labayen (7)
Evangelia Grammatikaki (1) (11)
Lena Hallstrom (8)
Catherine Leclercq (9)
Marika Ferrari (9)
Frederic Gottrand (10) (21)
Laurent Beghin (10) (21)
Yannis Manios (11)
Charlene Ottevaere (1)
Herman Van Oyen (12)
Denes Molnar (13)
Anthony Kafatos (14)
Kurt Widhalm (15)
Sonia Gómez-Martinez (16)
Ligia Esperanza Díaz Prieto (16)
Stefaan De Henauw (1) (20)
Inge Huybrechts (1) (17)
On behalf of the HELENA study group

1. Department of Public Health
; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences ; Ghent University ; UZ -4K3 ; De Pintelaan 185 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
2. Growth
; Exercise ; Nutrition and Development (GENUD) Research Group ; Faculty of Health Sciences ; University of Zaragoza ; c/ Perdro Cerbuna 12 ; 50009 ; Zaragoza ; Spain
18. Research Foundation -Flanders (FWO)
; Egmontstraat 5 ; 1000 ; Brussels ; Belgium
3. Forschungsinstitut für Kinderern?hrung
; Research Institute of Child Nutrition ; Dortmund ; Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms ; Universit?t Bonn ; Heinstück 11 ; 44225 ; Dortmund ; Germany
4. Laboratory for Bioinformatics and Computational Genomics (Biobix)
; Faculty of Bioscience Engineering ; Ghent University ; Coupure Links 653 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
19. YCARE (Youth/Child and cArdiovascular Risk and Environmental) Research Group
; Department of Preventive Medicine School of Medicine of the University of Sao Paulo ; 01246-903 ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
5. Department of Medical Physiology
; School of Medicine ; Granada University ; Avenida Madrid 12 ; 18012 ; Granada ; Spain
22. Department of Preventive Medicine
; School of Medicine of the University of S?o Paulo ; S?o Paulo ; Brazil
6. ImFine Research Group
; Department of Health and Human Performance ; Faculty of Physical Activity and Sport Sciences (INEF) ; Universidad Politécnica de Madrid ; Martin Fierro 7 ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
7. Department of Nutrition and Food Science
; University of the Basque Country ; Paseo de la Universidad 7 ; 01006 ; Vitoria-Gasteiz ; Spain
11. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Harokopio University ; 70 ; El Venizelou Ave ; 17671 ; Kallithea ; Athens ; Greece
8. Division of Public Health Sciences and Division of Sociology
; School of Health ; Care and Social Welfare ; M?rlardalens University ; Box 883 ; 72123 ; V?ster?s ; Sweden
9. Agricultural Research Council—Food and Nutrition Research Centre
; Via Ardeatina 546 ; 00178 ; Rome ; Italy
10. Inserm U995
; Faculté de Médecine ; Université de Lille ; Lille ; France
21. Centre d’Investigation Clinique
; CIC-PT-1403-Inserm-CH&U ; 59037 ; Lille ; France
12. Scientific Institute of Public Health
; J. Wytsmanstraat 14 ; 1050 ; Brussels ; Belgium
13. Department of Pediatrics
; University of Pécs ; Pécs ; József A. u. 7 ; 7623 ; Pécs ; Hungary
14. Preventive Medicine and Nutrition Unit
; University of Crete ; School of Medicine ; Heraklion ; Crete ; Greece
15. Department of Pediatrics
; Private Medical University ; Strubergasse 21 ; 5020 ; Salzburg ; Austria
16. Immunonutrition Research Group
; Department of Metabolism and Nutrition ; Institute of Food Science ; Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN) ; Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) ; 10 Antonio Novais street ; 28040 ; Madrid ; Spain
20. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics
; Faculty of Health Care Vesalius ; University College Ghent ; Keramiekstraat 80 ; B-9000 ; Ghent ; Belgium
17. Dietary Exposure Assessment group
; International Agency for Research on Cancer ; 150 Cours Albert Thomas ; 69372 ; Lyon ; CEDEX 08 ; France
刊名:Nutrition Journal
2. Phylogenomic analyses data of the avian phylogenomics project
作者:Erich D Jarvis (1)
Siavash Mirarab (2)
Andre J Aberer (3)
Bo Li (4) (5) (6)
Peter Houde (7)
Cai Li (4) (6)
Simon Y W Ho (8)
Brant C Faircloth (10) (9)
Benoit Nabholz (11)
Jason T Howard (1)
Alexander Suh (12)
Claudia C Weber (12)
Rute R da Fonseca (6)
Alonzo Alfaro-N煤帽ez (6)
Nitish Narula (13) (7)
Liang Liu (14)
Dave Burt (15)
Hans Ellegren (12)
Scott V Edwards (16)
Alexandros Stamatakis (17) (3)
David P Mindell (18)
Joel Cracraft (19)
Edward L Braun (20)
Tandy Warnow (2)
Wang Jun (21) (22) (23) (24) (4)
M Thomas Pius Gilbert (25) (6)
Guojie Zhang (26) (4)
The Avian Phylogenomics Consortium

1. Department of Neurobiology
; Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Duke University Medical Center ; Durham ; NC ; 27710 ; USA
2. Department of Computer Science
; The University of Texas at Austin ; Austin ; TX ; 78712 ; USA
3. Scientific Computing Group
; Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies ; Heidelberg ; Germany
4. China National GeneBank
; BGI-Shenzhen ; Shenzhen ; 518083 ; China
5. College of Medicine and Forensics
; Xi鈥檃n Jiaotong University ; Xi鈥檃n ; 710061 ; China
6. Centre for GeoGenetics
; Natural History Museum of Denmark ; University of Copenhagen ; 脴ster Voldgade 5-7 ; 1350 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
7. Department of Biology
; New Mexico State University ; Las Cruces ; NM ; 88003 ; USA
8. School of Biological Sciences
; University of Sydney ; Sydney ; NSW ; 2006 ; Australia
10. Department of Biological Sciences
; Louisiana State University ; Baton Rouge ; LA ; 70803 ; USA
9. Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
; University of California Los Angeles ; Los Angeles ; CA ; 90095 ; USA
11. CNRS UMR 5554
; Institut des Sciences de l鈥橢volution de Montpellier ; Universit茅 Montpellier II ; Montpellier ; France
12. Department of Evolutionary Biology
; Uppsala University ; SE-752 36 ; Uppsala ; Sweden
13. Biodiversity and Biocomplexity Unit
; Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Onna-son ; Okinawa ; 904-0495 ; Japan
14. Department of Statistics and Institute of Bioinformatics
; University of Georgia ; Athens ; 30602 ; USA
15. Department of Genomics and Genetics
; The Roslin Institute and Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies ; University of Edinburgh ; Easter Bush Campus ; Midlothian ; EH25 9RG ; UK
16. Department of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology and Museum of Comparative Zoology
; Harvard University ; Cambridge ; MA ; USA
17. Institute of Theoretical Informatics
; Department of Informatics ; Karlsruhe Institute of Technology ; D- 76131 ; Karlsruhe ; Germany
18. Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics
; University of California ; San Francisco ; CA ; 94158 ; USA
19. Department of Ornithology
; American Museum of Natural History ; New York ; NY ; 10024 ; USA
20. Department of Biology and Genetics Institute
; University of Florida ; Gainesville ; FL ; 32611 ; USA
21. Department of Biology
; University of Copenhagen ; Ole Maal酶es Vej 5 ; 2200 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
22. Princess Al Jawhara Center of Excellence in the Research of Hereditary Disorders
; King Abdulaziz University ; Jeddah ; 21589 ; Saudi Arabia
23. Macau University of Science and Technology
; Avenida Wai long ; Taipa ; Macau ; 999078 ; China
24. Department of Medicine
; University of Hong Kong ; Hong Kong ; Hong Kong
25. Trace and Environmental DNA Laboratory Department of Environment and Agriculture
; Curtin University ; Perth ; WA ; 6102 ; Australia
26. Centre for Social Evolution
; Department of Biology ; Universitetsparken 15 ; University of Copenhagen ; DK-2100 ; Copenhagen ; Denmark
3. Automation of Workplace Lifting Hazard Assessment for Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention
刊名:Annals of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
4. Evaluation of retinol binding protein 4 and carbamoylated haemoglobin as potential renal toxicity biomarkers in adult mice treated with 177Lu-octreotate
作者:Johanna Dalmo (1) (2)
Emelie Westberg (3)
Lars Barregard (4)
Lisa Svedbom (4)
Martin Johansson (5) (6)
Margareta T枚rnqvist (3)
Eva Forssell-Aronsson (1) (2)

1. Department of Radiation Physics
; Institute of Clinical Sciences ; Sahlgrenska Cancer Centre ; Sahlgrenska Academy ; University of Gothenburg ; Sahlgrenska University Hospital ; Gothenburg ; SE-413 45 ; Sweden
2. Department of Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering
; University of Gothenburg ; Sahlgrenska University Hospital ; Gothenburg ; SE-413 45 ; Sweden
3. Department of Materials and Environmental Chemistry
; Stockholm University ; Stockholm ; SE-106 91 ; Sweden
4. Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
; Institute of Medicine ; Sahlgrenska Academy ; University of Gothenburg ; Gothenburg ; S-405 30 ; Sweden
5. Department of Laboratory Medicine
; Faculty of Medicine ; Lund University ; Lund ; SE-221 00 ; Sweden
6. Clinical Pathology
; Sk氓ne University Hospital ; Malm枚 ; SE-205 02 ; Sweden
刊名:EJNMMI Research
5. Validation of high throughput sequencing and microbial forensics applications
作者:Bruce Budowle (1) (2)
Nancy D Connell (3)
Anna Bielecka-Oder (4)
Rita R Colwell (5) (6) (7) (8)
Cindi R Corbett (10) (9)
Jacqueline Fletcher (11)
Mats Forsman (12)
Dana R Kadavy (13)
Alemka Markotic (14)
Stephen A Morse (15)
Randall S Murch (16)
Antti Sajantila (1) (17)
Sarah E Schmedes (1)
Krista L Ternus (13)
Stephen D Turner (18)
Samuel Minot (13)

1. Department of Molecular and Medical Genetics
; Institute of Applied Genetics ; University of North Texas Health Science Center ; Fort Worth ; Texas ; USA
2. Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research (CEGMR)
; King Abdulaziz University ; Jeddah ; Saudi Arabia
3. Rutgers New Jersey Medical School
; Center for Biodefense ; Rutgers University ; Newark ; New Jersey ; USA
4. Department of Epidemiology
; The General K. Kaczkowski Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology ; Warsaw ; Poland
5. CosmosID庐
; 387 Technology Dr ; College Park ; MD ; USA
6. Maryland Pathogen Research Institute
; University of Maryland ; College Park ; MD ; USA
7. University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies
; University of Maryland ; College Park ; MD ; USA
8. Bloomberg School of Public Health
; Johns Hopkins University ; Baltimore ; MD ; USA
10. Department of Medical Microbiology
; University of Manitoba ; Winnipeg ; Canada
9. Bioforensics Assay Development and DiagnosticsSection
; Science Technology and Core Services Division ; National Microbiology Laboratory ; Winnipeg ; MB ; Canada
11. National Institute for Microbial Forensics & Food and Agricultural Biosecurity
; Oklahoma State University ; Stillwater ; OK ; USA
12. Division of CBRN Defence and Security
; Swedish Defence Research Agency ; Ume氓 ; Sweden
13. Signature Science
; LLC ; Austin ; TX ; USA
14. University Hospital for Infectious Diseases 鈥淔ran Mihaljevic鈥?and Medical School University of Rijeka
; Zagreb ; Croatia
15. Division of Foodborne
; Waterborne ; and Environmental Diseases ; National Center for Emerging and Zoonotic Infectious Diseases ; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ; Atlanta ; Georgia
16. Virginia Tech
; National Capital Region ; Arlington ; VA ; USA
17. Department of Forensic Medicine
; Hjelt Institute ; University of Helsinki ; Helsinki ; Finland
18. Public Health Sciences
; Bioinformatics Core Director ; University of Virginia School of Medicine ; Charlottesville ; VA ; USA
刊名:Investigative Genetics
6. Distinguishing between driver and passenger mutations in individual cancer genomes by network enrichment analysis
刊名:BMC Bioinformatics
7. Improving patient discharge and reducing hospital readmissions by using Intervention Mapping
作者:Gijs Hesselink (1)
Marieke Zegers (1)
Myrra Vernooij-Dassen (1) (2) (3)
Paul Barach (4) (5) (6)
Cor Kalkman (4)
Maria Flink (7) (8)
Gunnar 脰n (10) (9)
Mariann Olsson (7) (8)
Susanne Bergenbrant (11)
Carola Orrego (12)
Rosa Su帽ol (12)
Giulio Toccafondi (13)
Francesco Venneri (13)
Ewa Dudzik-Urbaniak (14)
Basia Kutryba (14)
Lisette Schoonhoven (1)
Hub Wollersheim (1)
on behalf of the European HANDOVER Research Collaborative

1. Radboud University Medical Center
; Scientific Institute for Quality of Healthcare (IQ healthcare) ; 114 IQ healthcare ; P.O. Box 9101 ; 6500 ; HB ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
2. Radboud University Medical Center
; Kalorama Foundation ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
3. Department of Primary Care
; Radboud University Medical Center ; Nijmegen ; The Netherlands
4. Patient Safety Center
; University Medical Center Utrecht ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
5. Department of Health Studies
; University of Stavanger ; Stavanger ; Norway
6. University College Cork
; Cork ; Ireland
7. Department of Neurobiology
; Care Sciences and Society ; Karolinska Institutet ; Stockholm ; Sweden
8. Department of Social Work
; Karolinska University Hospital ; Stockholm ; Sweden
10. Quality and Patient Safety
; Karolinska University Hospital ; Stockholm ; Sweden
9. Department of Clinical Science
; Intervention and Technology ; Karolinska Institutet ; Stockholm ; Sweden
11. Department of Emergency Medicine
; Karolinska University Hospital ; Stockholm ; Sweden
12. Avedis Donabedian Institute
; Universidad Aut贸noma de Barcelona ; Barcelona ; Spain
13. Clinical Risk Management and Patient Safety Centre
; Tuscany region ; Italy
14. National Center for Quality Assessment in Health Care
; Krakow ; Poland
刊名:BMC Health Services Research

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