在“SpringerLink电子期刊”中,命中:62条,耗时:0.0829288 秒


1. Isolation of Leptospira interrogans serovar Hardjoprajitno from a calf with clinical leptospirosis in Chile
刊名:BMC Veterinary Research
2. Lisdexamfetamine: A Review in ADHD in Adults
刊名:CNS Drugs
3. Consensus for physiotherapy for shoulder pain
作者:Ingrid Hultenheim Klintberg (1) (7)
Ann M. J. Cools (2)
Theresa M. Holmgren (3)
Ann-Christine Gunnarsson Holzhausen (1)
Kajsa Johansson (3)
Annelies G. Maenhout (2)
Jane S. Moser (4)
Valentina Spunton (5)
Karen Ginn (6)

1. Institution Neuroscience and Physiology/Physiotherapy
; University of Gothenburg and Physiotherapy Department Sahlgrenska University Hospital ; Gothenburg ; Sweden
7. Department of Physiotherapy
; Sahlgrenska University Hospital/M枚lndal ; SE 431 80 ; M枚lndal ; Sweden
2. Department of Rehabilitation Sciences & Physiotherapy
; Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences ; Ghent University ; Gent ; Belgium
3. Division of Physiotherapy
; Department of Medical and Health Sciences ; Link枚ping University ; Link枚ping ; Sweden
4. Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics
; Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences ; Oxford University Hospitals Trust ; Oxford ; UK
5. University of Genoa
; Genoa ; Italy
6. Discipline of Biomedical Science
; School of Medical Sciences ; Sydney Medical School ; The University of Sydney ; Sydney ; Australia
刊名:International Orthopaedics
4. Clinical initiatives linking Japanese and Swedish healthcare resources on cancer studies utilizing Biobank Repositories
作者:Toshihide Nishimura (1)
Takeshi Kawamura (2)
Yutaka Sugihara (3)
Yasuhiko Bando (4)
Shigeru Sakamoto (5)
Masaharu Nomura (1)
Norihiko Ikeda (1)
Tatsuo Ohira (1)
Junichiro Fujimoto (6)
Hiromasa Tojo (7)
Takao Hamakubo (2)
Tatsuhiko Kodama (2)
Roland Andersson (8)
Thomas E Fehniger (9)
Harubumi Kato (1)
Gy枚rgy Marko-Varga (1) (3) (9)

1. First Department of Surgery
; Tokyo Medical University ; 6-7-1 Nishishinjuku Shinjuku-ku ; Tokyo ; 160-0023 ; Japan
2. Laboratory for Systems Biology and Medicine
; Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology ; The University of Tokyo ; 4-6-1 ; Komaba ; Meguro-Ku ; Tokyo ; 153-8904 ; Japan
3. Clinical Protein Science & Imaging
; Biomedical Center ; Dept. of Biomedical Engineering ; Lund University ; BMC D13 ; 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
4. Biosys Technology
; Daihyaku Seimei Toritsudai Ekimae Bldg 5聽F 13-18 ; Nakane 2 ; Meguro-ku ; Tokyo ; 152-0031 ; Japan
5. ThermoFisher Scientific
; 3-9 Moriya-cho ; Kanagawa-ku ; Yokohama ; 221-0022 ; Japan
6. National Medical Center for Children and Mothers Research Institute
; 2-10-1 Okura Setagaya-ku ; Tokyo ; 157-8535 ; Japan
7. Dept. of Biophysics and Biochemistry
; Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine ; 2-2 Yamadaoka ; Suita ; 565-0871 ; Japan
8. Department of Surgery
; Clinical Sciences Lund ; Lund University ; and Sk氓ne University Hospital ; Lund ; Sweden 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
9. Center of Excellence in Biological and Medical mass spectrometry (CEBMMS)
; 221 84 ; Lund ; Sweden
刊名:Clinical and Translational Medicine
5. Volumetric velocity measurements in restricted geometries using spiral sampling: a phantom study
6. Food allergy in the Netherlands: differences in clinical severity, causative foods, sensitization and DBPCFC between community and outpatients
作者:Thuy-My Le (1)
Els van Hoffen (1) (10)
Ischa Kummeling (1) (2)
James Potts (2)
Barbara K Ballmer-Weber (3)
Carla AFM Bruijnzeel-Koomen (1)
Ans FM Lebens (1)
Jonas Lidholm (4)
Titia M Lindner (1)
Alan Mackie (5)
EN Clare Mills (6)
Ronald van Ree (7)
Stefan Vieths (8)
Montserrat Fern谩ndez-Rivas (9)
Peter G Burney (2)
Andr茅 C Knulst (1)

1. Department of Dermatology/Allergology
; University Medical Center Utrecht ; PO Box 85500 ; 3508 GA ; Utrecht ; The Netherlands
10. Current affiliation
; NIZO food research ; Ede ; The Netherlands
2. Department of Respiratory Epidemiology
; Occupational Medicine and Public Health ; National Heart and Lung Institute ; Imperial College London ; London ; UK
3. Allergy Unit
; Department of Dermatology ; University Hospital Z眉rich ; Z眉rich ; Switzerland
4. Thermo Fisher Scientific
; Uppsala ; Sweden
5. Institute of Food Research
; Norwich Research Park ; Colney ; Norwich ; NR4 7UA ; UK
6. Institute of Inflammation and Repair
; Manchester Academic Health Sciences Centre ; Manchester Institute of Biotechnology ; The University of Manchester ; Manchester ; UK
7. Department of Experimental Immunology and Department of Otorhinolaryngology
; Academic Medical Center of the University of Amsterdam ; Amsterdam ; The Netherlands
8. Division of Allergology
; Paul-Ehrlich-Institut ; Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines ; Langen ; Germany
9. Allergy Department
; Hospital Clinico San Carlos ; IdISSC ; Madrid ; Spain
刊名:Clinical and Translational Allergy
7. Ileal neuroendocrine tumors and heart: not only valvular consequences
8. Climate for evidence informed health system policymaking in Cameroon and Uganda before and after the introduction of knowledge translation platforms: a structured review of governmental policy documents
刊名:Health Research Policy and Systems

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